Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! Stinas, I was shocked to see you on here, but yes, nice to see a familiar name! I hope you start getting some answers soon!
I have been dealing with this since the very end of January, while also grieving for my grandfather, and all I can tell you is that in this process, I do believe we are also going through the grieving process. I am currently on the ANGER stage, unfortunately. To get through it, I've been immersing myself in research. My DH is the opposite, he just wants to go along and figure stuff out after the dr's tell us stuff! I would rather know exactly what the dr is going to tell us before he tells us! lol
As for the blockage bypass surgery I was talking about, it's called Vasoepididymostomy. In extremely simple terms, it would be like doing a reverse vasectomy, but to bypass a blockage instead. It's a much more complicated procedure than a reverse v though.
Are there any ladies on this thread who are dealing with a blockage? Or are most of you dealing with hormonal issues? I mean, if they are finding sperm on your hubbies, are they not even offering the above surgery or just moving you right along to IVF/ICSI?
From what I've ready, a successful surgery has very good results in natural pregnancy, actually better rates than IVF, depending on the health of the female. (But a successful surgery REALLY depends on a skilled surgeon.)
I am thinking if you go to a fertility clinic, of course they want you to move along to IVF/ICSI. If you see an actual urologist, not at a fertility clinic, I bet you'd be offered the surgery if they thought they could bypass the blockage (and female no issues).
So yeah, just wondering how you made your decisions to go to IVF/ICSI if you HAVE sperm? Were you even offered surgery on DH?
Oh, and as for why I didn't get results that day, I'm dealing with a urologist, and the biopsy was strictly to go in and pull a sample, he doesn't even look at it, he just sends it away to a pathologist. Maybe if we did this at a fertility clinic, they would have looked at it immediately?