Dealing with azoospermia?

I hadn't heard that WW - I'm off to bed now but will be googling tomorrow :thumbup: I'm inclined to think it might be a boy after it being so awkward this afternoon! :winkwink: xx
raelynn - I can only imagine how much it sucks with the sucks normally, let alone with something you cant help. You are super close! Im excited for you!!!
Im good...just in the waiting limbo...but May 8th is right around the corner. DH has been sharing more of his feelings and he knows I want to have the experience of having a baby, so I think he is putting all our options in his head...but its still early for us since we dont know if there is sperm in there. Let just hope there is. Thats what im praying for daily for now. I have hope it will happen.

wibble wobble - Thats great news!!! Yay!! I wouldnt want to wait the year either. You have been through enough, why wait anymore.

snd80 - Ohhh thats wonderful that your aunt was soo understanding!!! Thats nice...many people just dont get it. Thats great that you & DH feel it was a perfect match...and your aunt pretty much confirmed it! How exciting! I bet in a way that lifted a bunch of weight off your shoulders. It makes me feel really nice to hear wonderful stories like this. No matter what that baby will be you and DH's at the end of the day...who cares about biological or not. It will be a spoiled little cutie pie! hehe

nightdaze - Im sorry its so hard for you to get an apt! That was my fear, but knock on wood, so far apts have not been a problem, but then again, im still early on in knowing as well. 3 weeks today actually. The insurance thing pisses me off beyond belief!!! My insurance covers some, but im still not sure as to how much. Its awful that they dont always pay for everything. It really sucks that we have to pay for something that people do get for free. Its bad enough to be in this situation, let alone have to shell out thousands....but at the end of the day, its a small price to pay for a bundle of joy.
Is there any family you can go to for financial help?

Deb111 - I cant wait to find out what you are having!!! Very exciting!!!

DH & I were watching Juliana & Bill last night and they had a special about surrogates and the differences between them...gestational and all that stuff....very interesting actually...never knew these things. Its wonderful what some people do for others. God bless made me cry how amazing these women were.
Today is DH & I 2yr wedding Anniversary...he turned to me this am and told me he promised me we WILL have a made me tear up. Its the only thing on our minds at all times. I cant wait to just find out whats going on. I think no matter what, our men dont feel manly anymore after finding out. DH sex drive went down a bit...which drives me nuts because we had a very active sex life and now its like here and there....i dont appreciate that. Did the same thing happen to you ladies?
raelynn - I can only imagine how much it sucks with the sucks normally, let alone with something you cant help. You are super close! Im excited for you!!!
Im good...just in the waiting limbo...but May 8th is right around the corner. DH has been sharing more of his feelings and he knows I want to have the experience of having a baby, so I think he is putting all our options in his head...but its still early for us since we dont know if there is sperm in there. Let just hope there is. Thats what im praying for daily for now. I have hope it will happen.

May 8th will be here before you know it! I know how tough it is to go through the not knowing phase. We over-analyzed everything so much that hubby and I were convinced going into his TESE that they were going to find nothing. We were all signed up for the donor websites. It was a happy surprise when the urologist came out to tell me they found some. So, there is always a chance! Regardless of how your baby comes to you, it will be loved beyond imagine!!
Deb - You have a little squirmy monkey! How precious!

snd - PCOS really sucks sometimes doesn't it? Glad your hunger cravings are starting to go away. I just started noticing that mine are lessening. Hopefully they go away for good soon! I've been trying a bunch of new healthy recipes to get me through :)
rdleela - you are in Alberta as well?! How did you get a biopsy done so quickly? We weren't able to get an appointment with a urologist until November! Crazy.

Yes, I'm in Alberta! Are you talking about the Calgary or Edmonton fertility clinic? I'm in rural, northeast Alberta, and if we have to do IVF/ICSI, Edmonton will be closer, but other girls I know have all gone to Calgary; my doctor is referring us to Edm, but if I'm paying for it, I should get to choose, right?

I have no idea how we got in so quickly! We found out no sperm from SA end of January, Dr sent DH for u/s super-quick, then we somehow got snuck into to see Dr. Bochinski from Edmonton. Our appt was originally booked for July 13th, but I guess there was a cancellation! After that appt, we had to wait about 8 weeks to find out when the biopsy would be, which I think was 2 weeks before the biopsy. Still waiting on results from biopsy, which is HORRIBLE. omg I just want to know, already! Sperm or no sperm? Driving me slightly

PM me and we can talk in more detail! I have to admit I am foggy on your deets, so fill me in! I also found a dr in Prince George BC I want to go see as soon as we get the biopsy results back (if sperm), so I can fill you in on that if you'd like!
raelynn - Thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement! Being in limbo sucks, but like you said, its pretty close. I am preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. Deep down inside i know that sperm is there! They better be! lol
Did it take long from your first urologist apt to find that out? I dont know whats in store for us when we go to this guy. The regular urologist sent us to him because he specialized in azoo, or I guess works with azoo patients more(dh tried to explain, but you know how men explain things.). I am hoping we dont have to do another SA...i find them pointless at this point. After two 0 SA's, a third wont change.
rdleela - Hiii!! How are you?! Still in waiting limbo I see! When do you get your results?
rdleela - Hiii!! How are you?! Still in waiting limbo I see! When do you get your results?

ANY day now! I will let you ladies know our biopsy results as soon as I get them! FX'd for some spermies!!!
raelynn - Thank you so much for the wonderful encouragement! Being in limbo sucks, but like you said, its pretty close. I am preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. Deep down inside i know that sperm is there! They better be! lol
Did it take long from your first urologist apt to find that out? I dont know whats in store for us when we go to this guy. The regular urologist sent us to him because he specialized in azoo, or I guess works with azoo patients more(dh tried to explain, but you know how men explain things.). I am hoping we dont have to do another SA...i find them pointless at this point. After two 0 SA's, a third wont change.

I went with hubby to all his appointments because he knew he wouldn't be able to relay the details back to me :laugh2: It was maybe a month between our initial visit and the TESE. Our original plans were to line up the TESE with my IVF cycle with a donor backup in case they found nothing but we had to change those plans since our insurance wouldn't cover us if we used a donor backup. We decided to go with the TESE ahead of time and freeze anything they found. So, the timelines can vary depending on your plan of action.
raelynn - Oh thats good news then. Im hoping it wont be long for us either! One month is not that bad to wait.

rdleela - FX!!!!!!!
Yeah, it went by really quickly especially since we were still trying to figure out our plan of action with the FS during that time.
snd - that's great about them thinking the baby photo was of Marty as a baby. That must make you feel much more reassured about your decision. It's so close for you now and I'm praying your body is playing ball and the clear side is going to be the dominant side. Massive congrats on the weight loss! It'll all help with fertility, or so we're told. Great stuff!

wibble wobble - so exciting! It's all coming together for you now.

nightdaze - so sorry it's all coming down to money. It just upsets me so much when you sit and think how many people just want what everybody else takes for granted and what we were made to do - just to reproduce - and yet some of us don't get lucky and end up having to pay silly amounts just to get this most simple of things. I really hope you get a great big pile of luck come your way and things work out for you both :hugs:

Hi to everybody else.

IUI yesterday went very well and I'm fully loaded :haha: Even better numbers than the last time and I'm now in that dreaded 2ww. Just really hope this is it this time.
Happy late Anniv. Stinas! Hopefully you "got some"! :haha: I can feel you on the low sex drive all too well! Since my hubby started dialysis and then found out about his azoo, sex is almost zero now. Sucks! :nope:

RDL- Good luck!!! Everything including eyes crossed for ya!

SB- :happydance: Your tank is full now! :haha: Did you lay down with your hips elevated on the way home? And did they use a softcup afterwards for possible leakage? I am going to buy some just in case they don't have any to take w/ me.... We have a 4 hour ride home afterwards so I plan on laying in the backseat with a pillow under me for the trip! LOL! I keep thinking that $600 "liquid money" can't go to waste! Imagine ppl passing us thinking "what the hell is she doing?!" :wacko: Praying this is it for you and hopefully I will only be a week behind you!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! =) You are my encouragement!

Deb- I'm with SB- sounds like you have an active little boy in the oven! :winkwink:

:hugs: to everyone else!
Stinas - with hubby's low testosterone, his sex drive has been pretty non existent for a good 2 or 3 years and since the azoo diagnosis 2 years ago, it has been totally gone :nope:

I joke that he managed to get me pregnant without ever having to come near me! I say it to try and lighten things, but it does hurt
Hello, ladies! Good news - WE'VE GOT SPERM!!!

omg, we're over the moon right now, this has been so stressful!

Here are the results: "Section of the seminiferous tubules show germ cells with maturation up to spermatozoa. The interstitial stromal space show occasional pigmented cells representing Leydig cells. (Good) Negative for inflammation, vasculitis, granuloma or atrophy. In summary, spermatogenesis is noted and an outside opinion is consulted for further assessment and characterization. Given that there is absence of spermatozoa on semen analysis sample, it would be of interest to assess genitourinary tract for obstruction."

I have contacted a specialist in B.C. who specializes in micro-surgery for these types of obstructions, so hoping to hear back from him soon for a consultation!

We could NOT be any happier! :happydance:
Congrats Rdleela hope you don't have to wait long for more info....

I had to tell my boss today that I'll be starting Ivf next month (well didn't have to I just prefer that he knows so he wont give me too much of a hard time) He said 'you know what I'd be happy to help you out with that only I'm Jaffa' He's married with 3 kids so he's jaffa by choice (so I got a bit annoyed that he was taking the mickey out of those less fortunate)... he didn't have a clue where to put himself when I said my hubby was born jaffa (I probably shouldn't have said it, but it's not like he's ever going to meet my hubby I like to keep my home/work life completely separate)... He did go on to say 'you 2 must have a real true love going on, to survive finding out something like that' he kinda redeemed himself with that comment.
I told my region leader what I was going through, only because it really has been affecting my performance. He was really understanding. I'm glad you "came out" to your boss!

The surgeon/specialist I contacted today got back to me so quickly! Phone consultation on Monday! I have been really lucky with how fast things are moving along; but then again, I researched the crap out of this, so I knew exactly who to call when we got the results.

I hope we can a chance to "make my family" like in my avatar. ;)
Hi girls:flower: Thanks so much for all your lovely support...I'm having a better time today, I think PMS on top of everything made things alot tougher to deal with this week, now AF has arrived, I'm feeling much better...

Tigerlilly & Rdleela; so happy for both of you that they found :spermy: what a relief to have made it to this stage!

Silverbell; so glad the IUI went as planned; sending lots of :dust: your way hun.

SND; wow things are really moving along for you! So impressed with the weight loss, you're a real inspiration:bodyb:. I'm hoping your good side plays ball this month for your IUI & how lovely that your Aunt thought the donor's baby pic was DH, just confirmation that you've made the right decision.

Hope I haven't left anyone out. :hugs: Hugs to all xx
Deb; such lovely pics on your journal hun:cloud9:

Wibble Wobble; things are really moving along for you too; so glad you've found a match that you like so much, hoping you can get everything sorted before day1. My specialist said that if we used donor then he would still recommend that we do ICSI anyway because of my age.

Raelynn; well done on losing weight & are getting fit, not long till you start your IVF journey.

Nightdaze; hang in there hun:hugs: I think that the azoo diagnosis is one of the toughest things we've gone through. I think we all still have good & bad days. I was talking to a girl the other day who went through 4 ICSI cycles to get their bub & she said that the pain of infertility never leaves her; it has changed her forever...

Stinas; when they diagnose your DH with azoo, it feeels like they might as well say 'welcome to a sexless marriage!':cry: at least that's the way it's been for us. DH doesn't feel like a man anymore, doesn't see the use of having sex now he can't get me pregnant, or is in too much pain. I know this sounds heartless, but sometimes I feel like saying 'can we just stop the pity party & get our groove on!'... Like Deb said, it really does hurt. I find that I feel very rejected & unattractive too. My DH was just getting back his libido when the cancer prognosis has thrown a real spanner in the works. Now he doesn't feel like a man all over again...
SB- :happydance: Your tank is full now! :haha: Did you lay down with your hips elevated on the way home? And did they use a softcup afterwards for possible leakage? I am going to buy some just in case they don't have any to take w/ me.... We have a 4 hour ride home afterwards so I plan on laying in the backseat with a pillow under me for the trip! LOL! I keep thinking that $600 "liquid money" can't go to waste! Imagine ppl passing us thinking "what the hell is she doing?!" :wacko: Praying this is it for you and hopefully I will only be a week behind you!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! =) You are my encouragement!

No, they literally do the procedure and then tell you to get up and changed and leave. Then I was in a car travelling for 20 minutes and then in a pub for a meal and then in a car travelling for another good 2 hours or so. So definitely no hip elevation and no softcups. There's no need for softcups, as they place the fluid directly into your uterus and then the cervix keeps it all in. You are warned about a slight bit of discharge, but this is only from irritation of the cervix due to the catheter. So there's no need, but if you want to then of course there's nothing to stop you.

I didn't bother elevating as, again, I don't think there's any need. The sperm is exactly where it is supposed to be and I'm reassured after I see it going down those tubes too. Again though, if you'd feel better then go for it!

I'm so excited for you - I am keeping everything crossed that it's your good side that's going to be the one ovulating.

Hello, ladies! Good news - WE'VE GOT SPERM!!!

rdleela - massive, massive congratulations :happydance: I couldn't be more pleased for you and your husband. This is exactly what each and every one of us here hopes for, but so few manage to experience. Excellent news indeed.

I had to tell my boss today that I'll be starting Ivf next month (well didn't have to I just prefer that he knows so he wont give me too much of a hard time) He said 'you know what I'd be happy to help you out with that only I'm Jaffa' He's married with 3 kids so he's jaffa by choice (so I got a bit annoyed that he was taking the mickey out of those less fortunate)... he didn't have a clue where to put himself when I said my hubby was born jaffa (I probably shouldn't have said it, but it's not like he's ever going to meet my hubby I like to keep my home/work life completely separate)... He did go on to say 'you 2 must have a real true love going on, to survive finding out something like that' he kinda redeemed himself with that comment.

Shocking reaction, wibble. I'm glad you put him in his place and told him (I would have done the same). Hopefully it'll make him think twice in the future!
Rdleela - so thrilled for you! :happydance:

MJ - big hugs hun :hugs:

WW - I agree with SB about your boss. Plus I know I don't know the guy, but how arrogant to suggest he could solve your problem! Glad you put him right!

AFM - we chose to have a private scan for the Down's screening etc today as baby was not co-operating at the NHS scan - best money we've spent for a while! Amazing expereince and many, many different indicators of problems checked for and nothing showing up. All 'prefect' so she says. Got to wait for full report once blood test is back, but feel so reassured

Hope everyone else is hanging on in there xx

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