Dealing with azoospermia?

Tiger - I'm telling you, all men are the same. Big baby's lol. I wish you best of luck Tom!! We will all be thinking of you!!!

Raelynn - just noticed we have been ttc same amount of time!! I'm a few months behind you in finding out about azoo.

Af should be here any minute....nice in my face reminder of azoo. Sometimes, very briefly, extremely briefly, I forget about it....Like we are normal....but then reality sets in pretty quickly.
Raelynn - just noticed we have been ttc same amount of time!! I'm a few months behind you in finding out about azoo.

It feels like forever doesn't it? Unfortunately, I think I've gotten used to all the waiting because I just recently thought about how much time has actually gone by and it kind of shocked me. Its funny to think how my initial plans of when we'd have a baby by have flown out the window. But at least we're moving forward!

Tiger - Best of luck!!

As for me, still trying to be patient and wait for AF to get here. While I know I need to be patient because it would be too early if AF showed now, I'm still finding it hard to wait around knowing that we're about to actually start IVF soon.
Hi Girls,
I'll pop on & do personals later, but I just want to update you all, I have been following along & cheering everyone on from the sidelines:wohoo:. I hope you dont mind if I C&P from my journal.

Sorry I haven't been on for a while, I've been a bit down to be honest & sometimes I feel like I'm being so negative. Last Tuesday's appointment didn't go as well as we'd hoped. The specialist was lovely. But we walked in & he said that "We have quite a serious problem here, don't we...?" He spent about 40 minutes with us & explained that it could very well be cancer & that the tumour marker tests only apply to certain cancers & that there are a couple of cancers that don't show up positive for tumour markers. He has put Simon on a really strong antibiotic on the "off chance" that it may be an infection showing up (he doesn't think it is). He wants Simon to have a CT to find the undescended testicle as it is "at a greatly increased risk of cancer". And another ultrasound after 2 weeks on this antibiotic to see if the dark mass still shows up on ultrasound. I've been trying not to borrow trouble & take one day at a time but it is just so hard. We talked to him about our fertility issues & he said that if he had any thoughts at all that it is cancer then all fertility treatments using Simon's sperm would be at an end. It is too dangerous to do TESE or biopsy as they risk spreading cancer cells to the surrounding skin. If the testicle needs to be removed they go in through another way apparently...

Anyway, :hugs:to all. Will pop in later & do personals.
MJ73 - Im sorry for the bad news!! We are here for you to vent! I hope things turn around somehow!
Hello lovely ladies :hi:

Thank you so much for all the support and good luck messages, it was and is always really appreciated :hugs:

Well, it seems it went well yesterday and we were told that they found some on the second incision - meaning DH's right testicle avoided the scalpel. They had an embryologist on hand, his job was to run up to the lab and take a look at the tissue samples and if they found sperm they would stop. We don't know if they are usable, but we're assuming they would have continued it they weren't. So, we've got over one hurdle, but are remaining calm until we know more.

We've the IVF planning appointment next Tuesday, but we're not sure if they'll have the full results then, but things are starting to move now... after all this time! It's just good to have DH home and well, that's the main thing.

MJ: :hugs: I'm so very sorry to hear your news, hun. I will keep everything crossed that's it's nothing sinister and that it's a infection that the antibiotics can kill off. We're here if you need support or just to vent. :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks again, lovelies.


C xx
tigerlily - so glad all went well yesterday and it does sound very promising. I hope they can tell you something next Tuesday, even if it's not the full results.

Cosita - that sounds more promising than it first sounded. I really do hope that fertilisation happens easily when the time comes.

Stinas - I'm sorry the second SA came back zero. It was no shock to us either, despite us kind of hoping they'd made a mistake at the lab :blush: May 8 is really close (even if it doesn't feel like it). It's May next week :dance:

MJ - I'm so sorry. You guys must be all over the place. I do hope that you get to the bottom of what's going on really soon and hoping and praying it's nothing serious. :hugs:

It's my second IUI tomorrow :dance: This cycle has been a million times better than the first. Follies growing normally (looks like I may get 2 released, in fact). 2ww here I come!
Tiger-Sounds great! Hope everything starts rolling along soon!!!

MJ- I am sooo sorry doll! As if you haven't been through enough as it is! My heart is with you and your dh! I swear it is always something!!! Hugs!!!!!!!!

SB! I am so excited for you! Hopefully this one will be the lucky one!!! Eeek!

To everyone else I missed, great big hugs to you all!

Sorry I haven't been on in a minute, but I have been watching everyone from the side lines. Nothing has changed on my end. Just patiently waiting on the 30th to come. Hopefully my scan will show my good side is producing and we can go for our 1st try that week! TBH, I am excited and scared to death at the same time! I seems like it took forever to get to this point, and now I almost feel unprepared (even though I really am)! I set myself into a panic the other night just thinking about it all... thinking that the donor we chose turned in his contact eye color instead of his natural eye color and we would wind up with a brown eyed child with no explaination; crap like that! But that is just me over-analizing everything as usual. On a good note though, I have now lost 11.5 lbs since Valentines day, and drum roll.... dropped 3 pants sizes! I was floored! Hey, at least I will have clothes if/when I do get pg, right?! LOL!

Hope everyone else is having a great day!
Tiger - great news so far - hope the news continues to be good! Glad it sounds like dh is doing ok :thumbup:

SB - so excited for you :happydance:

Snd - fab news on the weight loss :happydance:

MJ - thinking of you and dh xx
Hey all

Mj23 thinking of you hope the antibiotics is all your DH needs

Snd your doing great on the weight loss, I kind of stagnated it got to easter and the chocolate got a fix on me!! started on my exercise bike again.... my ass hurts but I feel great for it!!

Silverbell hope all goes well with the iui fc for twins

Tiger good luck for tuesday

afm today I found out that the clinic have 2 possible matches for me :) I'm waiting for a letter with a pen picture of them to choose from (all I know so far is they both weigh the same,are the same height, one has brown eyes the other blue,one has dark brown hair the other light brown. I know blood groups but that doesn't interest me.

then I just need to make my choice ring the co ordinator and she'll do the necessary forms for allocation, then I just ring on day 1 of my next AF so they can order drugs ready for cd23. I'm just hoping now it can all be sorted before cd1 which is due anytime from sunday

It's happened so much quicker than I thought :)
tigerlily1975 - thats good news so far!! Things are running smoothly so far!!!

silverbell - Yay for second IUI!!!! Glad to hear this cycle feels better than the rest!! Thats a good sign! I think we all thought this could be a mistake diagnosis when we all found out...heck....we all prayed for a mistake!!! Im glad I prepared myself for the same it was not a shock at all. I cant believe its May in a few days...its crazy! I am just hoping for good things to more let downs.

snd80 - go girl!!!! Losing weight is hard enough, but under the stress of all this azoo stuff makes its good for you!!! I know its hard, but dont panic about your choice in will all be ok. I truly believe the baby ends up morphing into its parents/the people who raise it. Everything will be ok...and you know what...even if the baby looks nothing like either of you(which even with a biological baby it sometimes does not) dont need to explain to anyone! Just as long as you love and care for the baby thats all that matters in the world.

wibble wobble - Thats great news!!!
Tiger - That is great news! I guess you'll be joining those of us just waiting to get started on IVF very soon!

SB - Good luck! Hope everything goes perfectly this round!

Snd - Congrats on the weight loss! That is incredible! Don't worry yourself to death over things getting closer! Its weird after all the waiting to finally be about to start something but that is really exciting!

Deb - How are things going? Hoping everything is great with your little bean!

MJ - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH. Hopefully everything turns for the better very soon!

wibble wobble - That is so exciting that things are starting to move forward! Hopefully they can get everything together before AF comes. I know how hard having to wait even more would be!

As for me - I'm still in the waiting game for AF so we can get things moving along for IVF. I picked up the birth control prescription and now it is just more waiting for this cycle to end. I'm ready to go! I've been using the waiting time to get on a healthy diet and exercise plan. I'm really low carb and low sugar right now to help with my PCOS but I'll gradually up the carbs the closer we get to baby making time. I started a running program too and discovered I really love running! Well not while I'm actually doing it but one I'm done I feel great! I've lost 5lbs so far which is awesome because it has been near impossible to lose weight with PCOS.
raelynn - Thats great!!! 5lbs!!! Yay!! I feel like its hard for any woman to lose weight...and if its not...I want to know their secret! lol I hope AF shows up for you soon!...but your really close already!
raelynn - Thats great!!! 5lbs!!! Yay!! I feel like its hard for any woman to lose weight...and if its not...I want to know their secret! lol I hope AF shows up for you soon!...but your really close already!

Thanks stinas! I know that I ideally need AF to continue holding off for a little while so timing is right for when they can do another TESE on hubby if they need to but the waiting is so hard. Especially when we're so close to finally moving forward!

It is really hard to lose weight in general and PCOS is known for helping you keep the weight on so I am super excited for those 5 lbs! I worked my butt off for them :)

How are things going for you??
So I've got my letter with my 2 matches :happydance: , one sounds so much like my hubby that I'm tempted to ring now and say he's the one he's my babies daddy!!! But I'll have to at least let hubby feel like he's involved in the decision :huh:

It'll be icsi we're having, if we want ivf then it's another year to wait for sperm and I really can't do that to myself :nope: We would of been having icsi if the tese had been a success so it doesn't really make a difference... the nurse said that even if we said ivf only it could get to the day and the sample we get may only be good enough for icsi anyway so why wait longer I think I've waited long enough.

Silverbell hope today went well :hugs:
:happydance: You go rae!!!! I know how it is w/ PCOS and losing weight, not easy! My whole life consists of work and the gym. That's it! But I have found that my hunger is slowly going away too, so it is soooo worth it!

OMG WW! How exciting!!!!! I know you must be on :cloud9:! Soooo happy for you chick!!! Maybe your hubby will pick the one you want as well. A little persuasion won't hurt either if you point out all the similarities to him to boost his confidence! :winkwink:

Wishing SB loads of good luck today!!!!!! :baby:

Stinas- I totally agree with everything you said! I don't owe anyone sh*t! It's my decision and what we want, so that is that! All in all, I still feel like we made the right choice. Sat. I was visiting my mother and my two aunts, and was showing them a pict on my cell phone of the new puppies we have, and my one aunt, who didn't know about the donor situation, was going through my picts on my phone and came up on one of our donor's baby pict I had taken (to show my mom), and asked me "Nikki, who is this baby? Is that Marty when he was a baby? It looks just like him!!!" and right then I knew we chose the right one, brown eyes or not! My mom and my other aunt both looked at me and smiled, so then I had to fill her in... but she is the head labor and delivery RN at the hospital we will be using when the time comes, and will be in the delivery room with us too, so I felt it was only right to tell her. And she was so excited for us! She hugged me and just grinned and promised she would never tell a soul.

Deb- When do we find out if we have a "niece or nephew"?! :shrug:

Hope everyone else is having a great day!
Hi Everyone!
It has been awhile, DH and I were in London for a bit visiting his family and now we are back and getting back to normal life. My brother and his pregnant girlfriend have moved out of our house (thank god...I really couldn't handle being around them) and now we have the house to ourselves for the first time since we bought it and moved in almost 2 years ago!

It has been 7 weeks since out azoo diagnosis. We still don't have an appointment with the fertility clinic so I have been calling to try to get that sorted out. Apparently the fertility clinic here looks through their referrals and decides who they want to take on and who they think can wait. I'm hoping that our situation is a bit unique and they will take us on but who knows...the system here is incredibly frustrating.

rdleela - you are in Alberta as well?! How did you get a biopsy done so quickly? We weren't able to get an appointment with a urologist until November! Crazy.

I was so pleased to read about all of the progress on here. We are all just ticking along. Thank you to everyone for being so strong, it is really an inspiration to come on here and read all of your stories.

While were were on holiday things were actually ok. I was feeling alright but as soon as I got back home and went back to work everything came crashing down. I felt like I had got the bad news all over again. I think I have been avoiding the reality of this situation and I sort of feel like I don't know how to move forward. I want us to go down to San Francisco to get the mapping done - at least then we will know if there is any chance of us having out bio babies. If not than we can move on. It is just the not knowing that is killing me. I am not a patient person at all.

But money money money. It all comes down to money. Fertility treatments are not covered at all in my province which makes it pretty difficult. I also get so angry that I am going to have to pay to have a baby when almost everyone else can do it for free. So frustrating. Does this bother anyone else?

Sorry for the rant. Sending lots of love and light to you all.

Things are good thanks Raelynn - had scan today and the little monkey was bnouncing around all over the place, waving and doing headstands - so much so that they couldn't do the NT downs test :dohh:

Wont know for a few weeks yet Snd - but you girls will be among the first few to know :winkwink: xx
Deb have you heard that most icsi babies are boys? Someone said this to me earlier and wondered if there was any truth in it

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