SB-Your tank is full now!
Did you lay down with your hips elevated on the way home? And did they use a softcup afterwards for possible leakage? I am going to buy some just in case they don't have any to take w/ me.... We have a 4 hour ride home afterwards so I plan on laying in the backseat with a pillow under me for the trip! LOL! I keep thinking that $600 "liquid money" can't go to waste! Imagine ppl passing us thinking "what the hell is she doing?!"
Praying this is it for you and hopefully I will only be a week behind you!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! =) You are my encouragement!
No, they literally do the procedure and then tell you to get up and changed and leave. Then I was in a car travelling for 20 minutes and then in a pub for a meal and then in a car travelling for another good 2 hours or so. So definitely no hip elevation and no softcups. There's no need for softcups, as they place the fluid directly into your uterus and then the cervix keeps it all in. You are warned about a slight bit of discharge, but this is only from irritation of the cervix due to the catheter. So there's no need, but if you want to then of course there's nothing to stop you.
I didn't bother elevating as, again, I don't think there's any need. The sperm is exactly where it is supposed to be and I'm reassured after I see it going down those tubes too. Again though, if you'd feel better then go for it!
I'm so excited for you - I am keeping everything crossed that it's your good side that's going to be the one ovulating.
SB-Your tank is full now!
Did you lay down with your hips elevated on the way home? And did they use a softcup afterwards for possible leakage? I am going to buy some just in case they don't have any to take w/ me.... We have a 4 hour ride home afterwards so I plan on laying in the backseat with a pillow under me for the trip! LOL! I keep thinking that $600 "liquid money" can't go to waste! Imagine ppl passing us thinking "what the hell is she doing?!"
Praying this is it for you and hopefully I will only be a week behind you!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! =) You are my encouragement!
No, they literally do the procedure and then tell you to get up and changed and leave. Then I was in a car travelling for 20 minutes and then in a pub for a meal and then in a car travelling for another good 2 hours or so. So definitely no hip elevation and no softcups. There's no need for softcups, as they place the fluid directly into your uterus and then the cervix keeps it all in. You are warned about a slight bit of discharge, but this is only from irritation of the cervix due to the catheter. So there's no need, but if you want to then of course there's nothing to stop you.
I didn't bother elevating as, again, I don't think there's any need. The sperm is exactly where it is supposed to be and I'm reassured after I see it going down those tubes too. Again though, if you'd feel better then go for it!
I'm so excited for you - I am keeping everything crossed that it's your good side that's going to be the one ovulating.
SND - I can back up what SB is saying! I had my iui and stayed lying down for about 15 mins, then I got dressed, walked to the car and then sat in the car for the hour and a half drive home (seat reclined only slightly for comfort)....and as you know I got my bfp!
Try not to worry about it falling out, like SB says they put it right up where it needs to do and the swimmers are gone as soon as they're put in there! One word of warning though...sorry if tmi....After both of my iuis, when they pulled the catheter out, I felt a small amount of fluid leak out with it. I was told it was just the lube and increased cm - it isn't the swimmers. I was worried but again my bfp proves it was fine! xx
As for me....I have a little over a week until our May 8th apt. Hopefully this waiting limbo goes quick. DH and I have a lot of change happening with work right now, so thats been keeping us mentally busy for the last 2 days. Its all positive, so thats at least one good thing going on.
Sorry, I am copying this from my journal - but with my schedule and having about 0 free minutes the past few weeks, this is where I am at:
I will try to catch up soon, ladies!
I started my cycle. Naturally, on CD 30.
Which means, sono/blood work Monday, then 5 days of clomid -
IUI could be in 10 days!
Seriously thought I had more time!!! But I am not complaining!
I just PRAY this works!
wibble wobble - Sorry if I sound stupid, but what is Jaffa? It sucks having to tell anyone let alone a boss. Glad it worked out ok.
snd - Thank you!!!! No sexy time for me! AF decided to show up. It sucks!... but I got presents, so it was not that bad lol
Sorry about your car....i swear...they are the WORST investment! DH & I lease now. My father was against leasing, so once I got married DH put in over 7k within 2 months into the car I bought(before we got married)....then hes like f this....and he put me into the car I have been dying for with a lease. You bring it into the dealership and they fix it all for free. Totally worth it. I swear once you pay for a car and get the title, EVERYTHING goes wrong. Makes me super mad!
Im sure your luck will turn around. We already got a pretty shitty stick of luck, so it must go up from here. Monday will be a great day!