Whew I think I just made it through over 50 pages of posts in order to catch up.
Sorry I haven't been on to update lately but with trying to get the house ready for this baby, getting my gardens ready and planted to hopefully help make some extra money this year and everything else we have going on, I haven't been finding the time to sit down at the computer a whole lot.
I'd like to welcome all the new ladies, even though this isn't a place anyone really wants to be it is a great group with tons of great information!
Deb-So glad to hear things are going well for you. Those first flutters are just so amazing! You will be amazed at how fast they turn into big kicks!
LuckDragon-Congrats on the BFP! So happy for you!
rdleela- I know that many many pages back you were asking about others with blockages. My DH actually has a blockage that was caused by 2 separate hernia surgeries one at 5 months and one at 4 years old. We were told that in his case because the scar tissue would be located so high up on the vas deferens that corrective/bypass surgery would have less than 5% chance of working to allow enough sperm to pass through for a natural conception, I think it was a little over 15% chance of it working to allow some sperm but not enough for natural conception. We were told that most likely even if the surgery worked to allow some sperm we would still have to do IVF/ICSI we would just be bypassing the TESE surgery. However with the TESE surgery we were given an 85% chance of retrieving usable sperm. We decided financially and statistically we would be better off to forget the corrective/bypass surgery and go straight to the TESE. They were able to find sperm and used 1 vial for that fresh IVF/ICSI cycle(failure) and froze another 6. We used one of the frozen vials for our 2nd IVF/ICSI cycle(success) so now have 5 left.
Those of you ladies doing IUI or IVF with failed cycles, I'm so sorry and praying for good news for you soon! Failed cycles are tough and no matter what you question yourself but know that there is nothing you are doing wrong!
So glad to hear so many ladies moving along in the process and making some good progress!
AFM-I'm almost 29 weeks along now and things are still going really well. My biggest issue right now is heartburn no matter what I eat, and tums have become my best friend. I'm also having issues with sleeping well but experimenting with pillows seems to be doing the trick. I passed my gestational diabetes test and bloodwork came back normal except for slightly low iron levels. They put me on an iron supplement and told me it was nothing to worry about. We chose not to find out the sex, but Baby M is extremely active and pretty much any time I'm not moving it is. DH loves watching my belly move as the baby wiggles and kicks.
We actually have an appointment tomorrow to be screened for a possible home birth with a Certified Nurse Midwife, so may be transferring providers. The nursery is coming along and we have actually started putting stuff in there. A close friend, my cousin and my future SIL are also planning a shower for me next weekend on the 23rd so I am looking forward to that.
Sorry to those of you that I missed, hoping that things are going well!