Dealing with azoospermia?

Wow! Two more new members.... it saddens me! :nope:

But welcome to Hopeful and Chick! Hope you get the answers you seek soon! And we are all here for you!

How is everyone else today? :flower:
hopefulgirl1 - I think all the azoo men go through the same thoughts/feelings. They all think they have let us down, but in reality they have not. As time goes by it will be easier to discuss his feelings and he will soon realize it was nothing he could have prevented.

Chickadeedee - Im sorry to see you here, but welcome to a wonderful thread!!! I would see a GOOD urologist ASAP. They can tell you the most about that area. We found a great urologist by calling the fertility center and seeing who they highly suggest for our azoo situation. We originally went to which ever urologist had the earliest apt available, who ended up sending us to this urologist as well. I hope you get some answers soon!

Deb - YAY!!!!! Awwww....that must be such an amazing feeling, especially after all you went through to get to this point. How exciting!
Rae- Where are you at with IVF... did you have a time frame? Sorry if I missed it, I tried to read back but I didn't see it.

We got our earlier dates approved so I'm in the beginning stages right now.

Felt my first proper flutters today! :cloud9:
Deb, how wonderful! I'm sure that is just amazing!

I had my mock transfer today and my doctor said everything was 'not just good but great' he said it will be a very easy transfer. It was very quick, I had some slight cramping, nothing worse than AF, and then it was done. He gave me a print out of my uterus for being a good patient LOL! Hopefully nothing crazy pops up on the baseline blood work and ultrasound on Wednesday so I can start stims on Saturday. I got a confirmation from the insurance today that they'll be delivering my meds on Wednesday too.
Chickadeedee- I'm so sorry you're finding yourself in here. I remember so clearly how lost I felt and how many questions I had. We're here to help you sort out your questions.

raelynn- So glad things are looking so great!

Deb- I'm so excited for you. Such a neat experience.

For those of you who did dIUI, how long did it take to get started? What kind of testing do they do other than the blood tests they did on me at the very beginning? We see the RE on June 27 and will probably decide then if we are going straight to donor or will try a TESA just so we can say we tried something.
Welcome hopeful :hi: Sorry I'm a little late on the welcome.

WANBMUM~ So sorry to hear you had to miss IUI again. I'm sure having a clinic that is closed on the weekends makes things very difficult. Is there anything you can do next month?

Canadian~ I know we have talked but I'm so glad that things seem to be moving forward for you. Even if it is just one step at a time, that one step is progress.

Step Mummy~ Sorry to hear that your IUI was canceled. I hope they can finger out what to do next so that this doesn't happen to you again.

deafgal~ I'm sure it feels great to be able to tell people. You need all the support you can get!

Welcome Chickadeedee :hi: I think it would be helpful to at least ask a urologist what they think. It couldn't hurt.

Deb~ That is so exciting! Don't you find out what you are having this week?

raelynn~ I'm glad the mock transfer went great today. Yay for getting meds soon!

Canadian~ Just saw your new post while writing this. I believe that if you have had all your testing done there isn't much else to do. Have you had an HSG? I know that not everyone has to have one before treatment but I think they like to do it anyways. Since we were going for IVF and then switched to DIUI I can get started right away. There may need to be some consent forms to sign as well. Also I know at the clinic I go to they want all the tests within a year. I had to redo all my blood work after switching clinics.

Sorry I've been MIA in here lately. I hope you all are doing well! :hugs:
MrsC- I only told my sister. I haven't found the nerve to tell any more family members. :haha: I guess that will come in due time- probably over the course of this summer or the holidays. Unless the dr manages to find what it takes to get us pregnant. :shrug:

:dust: to all the girls in their 2ww now.

:hugs: to all the others waiting (or just now joining the boat we're all in). :hugs:
:hi: Chick! Nice to 'meet' you, even though its unfortunate circumstances!

Rae- Yay! Glad it went well!:happydance:

Canadian - It was super fast. I had one more blood test to tell if I was CMV positive or negative. We met for an hour or so with the FS's counselor... and then had to pick (and purchase) our DS. Then we started with clomid my next cycle. It was nice to be able to be DOING something!

AFM, IUI was today (and again tomorrow). I'll update a lot more in my journal if you're interested.:coolio:

AFM, IUI was today (and again tomorrow). I'll update a lot more in my journal if you're interested.:coolio:

yeah! fx for you!
Deb: flutters! how awesome!
afm im copying my post from the other thread im on because its to long to retype. Lap went well. Some unusual findings. Im a bit more sore today but i can handle it.
Now about the surgery. Was planned to be 2 hours and ended up being 3.5. fibroid very large, removed abnormal uterine tissue. But what threw my re (and me) is i have a unicornuate uterus . i never had an hsg and since we found out right away that we had severe male factor i never had an extensive workup nor needed it. all other tests were fine. i have always had a slight curve to my endometrium; now we know why. So re ended up removing the part of my uterus that was malformed (there ar more details but i wont go into them). Bad news: i only have 1 tube only a right tube. ive always had 2 good looking ovaries. and the half of uterus that is formed right looks good now after the hysteroscopy. so heres what i learned today:
our male factor infertility would have ended up being female factor if dh had normal sperm we were doomed as i was being formed in my moms womb!
vaginal delivery is not an option at all anymore. i would probably need c-section scheduled early.
i will now need close monitorning during pregnancy- idk if this means i need to go high risk or not?
i am fibroid free!
i see re i 2-4 weeks. i will probably go in 2.5 bc im not able to exercise for at least 2 and with the extrastuff today i want to wait to be cleared in person. and i can walk but thats boring
He said ivf in september!
he gave me pretty pics :-)

imhoping these4 battle wounds dont get nuch morepainful right now its the left lower one that hurts some.i think im going t do just fine though :-) thanks for your girls support! <3
Good to hear from you Mo!
Sorry there ended up being more going on, but glad the doctor could take care of it and YAY for IVF SOON!
Mrs C - we find out what flavour Bubble is in ... 18 hours time!! :thumbup:

SunUp - good luck with the IUI hun :hugs:

Gosh MoBaby - what a lot going on! You probably would be classed as high risk (as I am) and although that feels scary at first, what it actually means is that they keep a much closer eye on you and you get extra scans so it's quite reassuring really

Hope everyone else is doing ok xx
deb why are you high risk? i dont mind being high risk. i know an awesome high risk ob which makes me feel better about it and i work with his wife which is always a plus :-)
I'm high risk because of my BMI being over 30, past history of slight asthma, being on treatment for high BP and the fact that it's an ICSI / IVF pregnancy. They fill in this list and you get points for each thing and if your total is over a certain number; you're put down as high risk
oh okay...darn, im starting to rack in the points then! myomectomy, uricornuate uterus, ivf/icsi, history of miscarriage. hmm what else can i thrown in lol. all of ths discovered/happened whilist doing ivf!
Mo- at least you can count on them keeping a very close eye on your pregnancy/baby. :thumbup: That's a good thing.
Hi girls, Hope you are all good. I haven't been on much lately, wanted to take a bit of a break. Not been too good really to be honest...have been reading Helping the Stork and really required some deep thought. I really don't know if its for me. So coming to this realisation breaks my heart all over again because I really thought we had all our options open. Now I'm not so sure. We still haven't ruled out ICSI but we cant do it right now, hopefully in the autumn.
Before I go on, I really apprecitate everyone on here and sometimes I feel very selfish as I only come on when i need some help. I see how you all do personals and remember all the details and I feel very rude!!:dohh:
We got my husbands cariotype tests back and all is ok, but they also requested prolactin, testosterone, FSH and LH. He had these done back in November and they all came back normal but this time prolactin is almost 18ng/mL (max 18) and Testosterone is under 3 (min 2.7). Could this be significant do you think? Or have any of you similar results?
Thanks girls.: Flor:
Lovely to see you Cosita and don't ever feel bad about needing a break or not doing personals - it's hard to keep track of everyone - there are a few members who do great long lists of personals and they put me to shame too :nope:

With regards to the blood test results, I'm sure it was prolactin that Mr Ramsay said fluctuated a lot during the day and it was important to get it done in the morning. Terry's testosterone was low at 4ish and his prolactin was supposed to be around 200 - 300 I think, but he had one test where it was 900 ish I think, which is why they sent him for an MRI scan just to check there wasn't anything pressing on the pituitary gland - but it was fine and his next one came back as normal.

It might be worth getting the bloods repeated again and do some research into the time of day they should be done.

The results could be significant. Have you ever spoken to Dr Turek? He will give you some good, sound, free advice that may at least tell you what these results really mean in terms of fertility and possible treatment. You can then tackle your urologist with the info.

I'm sorry you feel your options have been reduced. Maybe you just need to exhaust all the other avenues first and then take it from there if necessary xx

EDIT - just checked back in my LTTTC journal "Prolactin - 975 mu/L - redone with endocrinologist @ 200 ish (normal <401)"

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