Dealing with azoospermia?

Arimas - what is a fresh MESA?

Hey Stinas,

So sorry to hear about ur BFN :hugs:

The MESA=Microsurgical Epididymis Sperm Aspiration is when they extract the sperm from the epididymis gland (where mature sperm are) compared to the TESA=Testicular Sperm Extraction, taking the sperm out of the testicles which would be sperm tissue (immature sperm)-which is what we used for IVF#1 and will be using for IVF#2

I have read (on google) that many people are successful with either type of sperm but i got the feeling from my RE that she would like DH to do a MESA so that the sperm is mature compared to the ones we have in the vial.

I think we are just gonna do this cycle using what we have and if it is a BFN then I think we are gonna have DH do the MESA and change our RE
Deb- if you can, please update the front of the page for me.

My tests all came back clear but not as lucky for DH- 0 count in SA 3 times so far by urologist. DH tried Clomiphene Citrate along with Anastrozole. DH's Biopsy results revealed no blockage but not good quality sperms in testes July 23, 2012. Now moving on to next step of the process- first initial appt scheduled for Sept. 13 with a fertility clinic to see how they can help us get pregnant with donor sperm.
Arimas - Thanks for the info! I didnt know about that! I will be looking into it. We still have some sperm left, so if that vial does not work I will be interested in doing a MESA instead of another TESE.
deafgal01- sorry to hear about dh sperm quality, but i am happy that you are looking into donor sperm. That appointment is just around the corner, take some time to relax with dh before ya'll get on another emotional roller coaster.:hugs:

stinas-glad that the info is helpful, there is so much to take in sometimes it can be overwhelming but do some research and ask the urologist to look into that procedure for your dh also. Look into both options and see where they can get the best sperm from for you to use.
Tiger - Thank you! How are you doing?

Thanks for asking, darling. I've been in a bit of a funk after last week. I was over the moon after the retrieval, but I'm just so deflated after they failed to fertilise. Not sure what we're going to do next, I think we'll have a good talk after we see the Consultant. Husband still not on board with using a donor, so this could be the end of the road if they don't think any sperm retrieved will be viable.

Gosh, it's really not long till your FET cycle, I will be keeping everything crossed for you!


C xx
Hey! I'm starting round 3 now... Follicle count today = 23! I'm hoping this new protocol helps them grow nicely and we get 20-25 mature follicles :) start microdose lupron tomorrow am and gonal f Friday and menopur Monday!! Yay! Clinic says they have enough back up frozen sperm we didn't have to use last cycle for icsi! But hoping he produces just enough fresh sperm.. If we can get 100 swimmers I will be happy!!
Tigerlily1975- sorry to hear about none fertalizing, i hope you have a good session with your consultant. Maybe DH will consider using donor after your talk. good luck *HUG*

MoBaby-23 is a great follicle count! Glad you have enough frozen sperm to use and hope DH can produce the fresh as well.

take care everyone
Hi everyone. :)

DeafGal- That appointment will be here before you know it! They do more infectious disease screening on you when you use a donor, more than with IVF. I was shocked at their long list of diseases they look for.

Arimas- I hope it works and you don't have to start all over again.

Tigerlilly- I'm so sorry to hear what's going on. It's so sad and scary to think you've hit the end of the road or are close. I've been there twice, once when DH refused donor sperm and then when the clinic thought we DH had Hep C. I really hope there is more sperm found.

MoBaby- I have my fingers crossed for you. It sounds promising for you!

AFM- DH and I are still relishing in the good news about the negative Hep C test. I still can't believe it. DH is going for one last SA since he found out his testosterone test in June was within normal limits. He got a 12. He had a 4.2 in January. The range is 10-50 so it's still low but normal. I don't expect anything to show up on the SA, but it was something we wanted to get looked at. AF is still missing from when I stopped the pill 2 1/2 weeks ago.
Tigerlily1975, sorry to hear about your sperm issues, talk about a rollercoaster ride, hope you are dealing as well as you can!

MoBaby and Arimas, best of luck!

Becky and Deafgal, appts and tests! Hope all turns out well!

AFM, 30 days till DH's surgery! Woo hoo! We are vacationing in Hawaii the week before his surgery, so that's really going to help us relax and the time fly by! (We leave for vacation in only 18 days!)

Then the emotional rollercoaster of SA's and TTC start again...this should be a crazy winter, that's for sure...
CanadianMaple-Thats great news about the negative Hep C. All these tests can be so overwhelming. You never know what they are gonna test and what results might pop up. Glad you are done with that hurdle. Having another SA is great, just to see the results, there is no harm in that. AF can be annoying not showing up. Do some light exercise and get some blood flowing so that things can move along. Take care

rdleela- I would love to join you in Hawaii LoL That is the best plan ever. Good luck with the surgery. I hope everything works out.

take care everyone
Tiger - Would he do another TESE? Maybe be put on clomid for a few months first? Maybe that can help the quality? We have decided if the FET does not work, we will go do another fresh with whatever sperm we have left, then if that does not work, we will do the clomid and another TESE. Then if all fails, we will probably go the donor route. Hopefully it does not go that far, but if it does, it is what it is.
I understand how upsetting it is. I know my FET is right around the corner. AF is still lingering, only had a heavy flow for two days and have been spotting ever since...weird. Once the next AF comes I will be ready for the FET....hoping it survives the thaw.

MoBaby - I hope this is it for you!!!

Canadian - Thats such good news! I would do another SA too, just for a piece of mind.

rdleela - Yay!!
Not that I've been very active, but I just wanted to update... finally got the results from the Fertility clinic, and basically other than high LH and FSH (16 and 39, although, can't remember which is which), DH is fine... no high or low testosterone, scrotal ultrasound looks "normal" and all genetic and disease testing came back clear, he's just not producing no sperm. So off to the Urologist/endocrinologist next and see what they say. The doctor was really pushing donor sperm, and I'm not sure if there is something she sees that she didn't say that there is really no hope, or if she just doesn't deal with it much. She suggested he start on some folic acid and CoQ10, so we went and bought some at the drug store (goodness, that was expensive!!), but it's worth a try... anything is better than zero sperm!

The funny part about this whole thing is that other than having a TSH level of 2.52 (and they like it to be 2.5 or lower), I seem fine. I was totally confident that it was me that had the problems and that my hubby was fine - it's funny how things work out.

The one part that is hard is that when I'm upset, it makes my hubby feel bad. It's not that I'm mad at him or upset with him at all, just upset with the situation, so it's hard to deal with when I know when I'm upset, it upsets him... kinda a circular thing I guess, but hopefully he gets it.
I wish I knew of what to say or do to help you but I haven't been in that situation. Since there's sperms, you're still in luck so don't give up. .

good luck. my husband has very low sperms count that we recently found out about. after TTC for over 2 years now :nope: good luck with your situation. we are going to have a donor :spermy: go in me so we can start our family :dust:
Not that I've been very active, but I just wanted to update... finally got the results from the Fertility clinic, and basically other than high LH and FSH (16 and 39, although, can't remember which is which), DH is fine... no high or low testosterone, scrotal ultrasound looks "normal" and all genetic and disease testing came back clear, he's just not producing no sperm. So off to the Urologist/endocrinologist next and see what they say. The doctor was really pushing donor sperm, and I'm not sure if there is something she sees that she didn't say that there is really no hope, or if she just doesn't deal with it much. She suggested he start on some folic acid and CoQ10, so we went and bought some at the drug store (goodness, that was expensive!!), but it's worth a try... anything is better than zero sperm!

The funny part about this whole thing is that other than having a TSH level of 2.52 (and they like it to be 2.5 or lower), I seem fine. I was totally confident that it was me that had the problems and that my hubby was fine - it's funny how things work out.

The one part that is hard is that when I'm upset, it makes my hubby feel bad. It's not that I'm mad at him or upset with him at all, just upset with the situation, so it's hard to deal with when I know when I'm upset, it upsets him... kinda a circular thing I guess, but hopefully he gets it.

Glad to hear that all his tests came back fine. :thumbup: Are they going to do a testicular biopsy to find sperm there? Did they test his urine to see if he has retrograde ejaculation? take care:hugs:
BrandyRelax - It is funny how things work out. I always thought it was me too....turns out im fine and its him also. All his tests came back completely normal...nothing is high or low. We expected to find tons of sperm during the TESE but ended up finding just a couple. Doc thinks its a production problem.
Are you going to do a Biopsy/TESE?
Hey guys! Just wanted to update! I am currently cycle day 8 on microdose lupron flare.... I have just done my 6th injection of stimms. I had an ultrasound today after taking 5 injections of Gonal F and 2 injections of Menopur (I'm on 225 gonal f and 150 menopur; had 3 days of gonal f 300 alone)... I have 23 follicles (13L/10R), same as baseline. All of them measure about 8.9mm with one measuring around 11mmx8.9mm or something. Lining of 7.2mm. Everything looks on track. My E2 level was low on monday but the clinic said it was a nice increase (it was more than 4x baseline). They didnt adjust my meds so I assume everything is progresesing well. I do have another scan/labs on Friday so I am hoping my follicles are 12mm or larger by then. I think I will trigger Monday based on my last 2 cycles and the current growth of the follicles.

Does this sound okay for where I am at in my cycle?? I feel like I've never done this before!!!

Brandy: glad all DH test came back normal. That sounds like the same situation with my DH. He usually has very few sperm in his sample with sometimes a count of 500,000. The urologist was pushing for a biopsy but we didnt like him all that much and decided to do icsi with the few in his sample and have some frozen for backup. It has worked this far. My dr only talked about DS once and that was after 2 rounds of IVF and it was just a brief blurb of DS would be a cheaper option and you could do IUI. And that was that. No mention of it ever again. I hope the urologist has a solution for you guys. I totally understand about what you are saying about when you are in a bad mood, DH feels bad. Thats how it is here to! Good luck with your next steps!!

whlisa19: Sounds like you guys are decided on using donor sperm. You guys could try IVF with ICSI before moving to donor since he does have some sperm. Have you considered that? I'm sure you have :)

Stinas: How are you?
Mo - I hope this is your cycle!!! It sounds good to me, but I have only done one IVF cycle, so im not a pro lol I only did Gonal F and Menopur too. I dont remember my lining numbers or any for that matter.
I am doing good. Hoping AF comes soon so I can do this FET and praying it survives the thaw. Besides that, been a bit moody....nothing else really.
Are you getting excited for this cycle?
Yes I am excited but for some reason every number, ultrasound, etc is making me anxious. I should just trust they know what they are doing! I just expected this cycle to be faster and be on stimms less days. But, if I have to be on stimms for the rest of the month I would do it! So hopefully by Monday I am ready to trigger. Who knows. LOL. But I am excited to be getting close and cant wait to get to ER!! I hope all my follies stay around :) I found last cycle what every I had at this stage is what I ended up with so I am hoping!!!

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