Dealing with azoospermia?

Thank you ladies! Its nice to have people that get it around me.

tigerlily - I havent gone to the doc for a follow-up apt. I know the sperm they found was all in the tissue, so its not fully grown sperm or whatever you call them. I was hoping they would work, but guess not. The urologist did tell me after the TESE to have dh take pills and do another TESE before starting IVF, but since we found the 2 vials, I figured it was good enough. Trial and error I guess. I am hoping the pills will wake his system up. Doc seemed to think that would do the trick, since nothing else is wrong, all levels are normal, no surgeries, and balls are normal size. We will see I guess. I just dont think its smart to use the same sperm....might as well try the pill way, and if we dont find anymore sperm this time, we can still use whats frozen from before. Its worth a try. I refuse to give up on having his biological child.
Hi I don't know if I am in the right spot. My husbands sperm analysis came up no sperm twice. Apparently he stopped making sperm at a young age. He has slightly low testosterone and high fsh. We are so heartbroken and don't know what to do. I don't know anyone who has been through this. Please help.
So sorry stinas :hugs:

Trusting god - i am sorry you find yourself here but you are definitely in the right place. How do they know he stopped making sperm at a young age? Do you know what his hormone levels were?

I've been poking around here for a little while but only just plucked up the courage to post.

After 4 SA they finally manged to get a result (all samples too small to test) and found 0 sperm. At his first urology appointment they found his testes were smaller than they should be and he has been sent for a blood test for chromosome analysis, an MRI and another SA. We have another urology appointment in 3 weeks where we should find out more.

I have a copy of his hormone results which all came back normal but with the help of doctor google I think his FSH is on the low side (3). Am I right in thinking that's low and that typical azoospermia is high??

Is anyone in a similar position? Can't wait for appointment; what do these results mean?? Lol (laugh or cry).

Thanks for reading.
The urologist said that but I have never heard it. He said there is even a very slim chance that Ivf would work and he could possibly do testosterone supplements but they are very expensive with lots of side effects and probably wouldn't work. I'm so confused.
Welcome chickensoup

Just a very quick one - TrustingGod - DO NOT LET them put dh on testosterone supplements / testosterone replacement meds! It will stop any sperm production that may be happening. He may have meant meds that will help boost things by driving the FSH which are fine
What mess are the ones that are good and which ones are the bad ones? Do you know what causes the no sperm?
Something like tamoxifen, anastrazole or clomid are good but it depends on your dhs results as to whether they would be suitable or not
I was researching those meds and they seem like they are for females. I'm not even sure if that is a good next step or not. Maybe we should go see another urologist? I'm looking into the support group and wanting to attend that. This is just all way too overwhelming for me. I guess I will have to get a copy of my husbands bloodwork to see how it compare to others.
All I can say is research research research! I looked up everything. All possible scenarios before going to any of the appts. That way I knew what things to expect and the types of questions I wanted/needed to ask. The more you know the faster this process will be. Doctors like to drag their feet, if you're well informed they can't drag it out too long. ;) best of luck dear.
They are primarily for women - tamoxifen is a breast cancer drug. I cant remember how it works but if you google something like 'tamoxifen and male infertility or azoospermia' you should find some info
Hi ladies!! FET nov 16th!!! Anxious as we are only putting back one embryo b/c of my unicornuate uterus as a precautionary measure.... But re strongly recommends so we want to do what he thinks is best :)
Hi everyone,

Haven't been around much. Been trying to adjust and accept this new way of life. As for my post title, I am so sad to see so many new members on here. No one deserves to go through this kind of pain. Yes, worse things could happen- but this is a tragedy- and it is very real and profound.

I have an A type personality, and am having a very hard time letting go of my dream to have my husband's child. I wish I could just move on like some- but I am stubborn as hell. Unfortunately, so is my husband. :(

I can say that it HAS gotten easier, and I can actually wake up without thinking about the situation and be happy. It stinks when it all comes rushing back though.

My advice for those that are new to this process is to just keep your heads up, don't tell a lot of people around you unless you are very close with them, and stick by your guy. Mine stays pretty quiet about everything, but I'm sure he is hurting just as much if not more than me about it.

Good luck, and God bless.

Good luck MoBaby! You must be so exited!

My referral arrived for my first gynocholosist appointment this week. It's for 10th Decmber but I have no idea what to expect. Google is no help. What happened at our first appointment? Should I make sure my legs are shaved? Haha.
Well our urologist appointment happened on Friday, and basically he said there isn't anything other than a few more SA's and then mTESE.

Because our doctor used a different fertility clinic, he wanted us to go back to our FS to get a referral for mTESE Avoidance Program SA's, so that if they find even one sperm, they freeze it. So called our FS, and found out our clinic has changed owners, and our doctor (and the other lead doctor) is gone. The only FS there is some young doctor from Montreal, who based on the description on the website, is from Montreal, and will be going back, so no continuity there. So I'm grumpy.

I was in a rush to get all of this set up, and now I'm not sure whether to follow our doctor to her new clinic, or since we need another referral anyways, if we should just go with the fertility clinic that our urologist uses.

Does anyone know how to get any success rates or reviews of fertility specialists in Ontario Canada?

Hey ladies. Sorry I've been so AWOL. It's very, very difficult to just be 'in limbo' at any point when TTC, but when you're so close to the end result and you're just not getting anywhere fast it gets even harder. I was fine as I was going through my IUI treatments, but as soon as they finished and we were just waiting for IVF news I felt like I was WTT all over again and it was incredibly difficult. At least other couples can TTC with the very small chance of pregnancy whilst waiting for more invasive treatments, but of course us ladies don't have that possibility and it's incredibly difficult to cope with. I was beginning to resent everybody, no matter what their situation, and I didn't like feeling that way. Being on BnB was not helping my state of mind and so I disappeared for a bit.

Anyway, back now with absolutely wonderful news, which we found out last Monday ... the NHS have approved us for 1 free cycle of IVF :dance: We found out at the end of our IVF set-up appointment, which we'd organised just to be ready for when the time came. Talk about chuffed! Even better was that I was day 19 so I was nearly ready for my next cycle.

Tomorrow I'm having a fairly new procedure called an 'endometrial scratch', which is literally a scratch made in the womb lining the cycle before an IVF cycle. It seems to be increasing the chances of success and at just £70 we feel it is worth a shot. We'd like to know we tried everything we could. Then later in the week I should get AF and will be starting injections from day 3. I'm on the antagonist cycle, which is a short cycle. I have a lowish AMH for my age (5.76) but am really hoping that I produce lots of nice eggs. I can't believe I could potentially (and hopefully) be in the 2ww in 3 weeks' time. :happydance:


Sorry about the difficult situation, Brandy. Us couples all seem to have some stumbling blocks along the way, don't we? I do hope somebody can help to answer your question.

Chicken - not sure how far you've gotten already, but for me DH had already had all his tests, so it was all about me. I did have an internal exam, so just make sure you're prepared in case. They did an ultrasound just to see if they could see any abnormalities on the screen. They then referred me for an HSG and some blood tests to be done on certain days of my period. Then I had to go back a couple of months later for the results. The HSG is very important because they need to check that your tubes are OK for IUI. Obviously if your tubes are blocked or damaged then IVF would be the way to go and IUI would be wasted. Hope this helps. I'm sure there will be others to help soon.

cbergs - so sorry to hear you're finding it so tough. I think all of us feel this way and even those that appear to have 'moved on' are still very deeply hurt and affected by this absolutely horrific diagnosis. Don't forget the emotions for those being diagnosed with a severe infertility have been likened to those feelings experienced by being diagnosed with cancer or with losing a loved one - the grief, anger and sadness is very profound and certainly not something others can understand unless they're going through it. It can feel a very lonely place and although I wish there was nobody else going through it, it still comforts me to know that you ladies are all here going through the same things and completely 'getting it'. Sending lots of :hugs: to you. You look after yourself x x x

MoBaby - amazing news! Keeping everything crossed that this is it for you :dust:

Trusting - I definitely agree with Wannabemom - research as much as you possibly can. Because I'm afraid to say that so many professionals are really not very clued up about azoospermia, mTESEs or anything like that. In fact our GP had no idea at all that you could even do a biopsy of a man's testicles to extract sperm. I think we have this idea that doctors know everything and they really don't. Our GP said we were the first case of azoospermia he'd ever come across in over 30 years of being a GP.

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