Dealing with azoospermia?

Hi girls

I dare not mention these thoughts to DH since he shuts like a door when I try to talk about our options.

I have been thinking a lot about the donor option lately, since with DH's REALLY, REALLY high FSH (41.2) I am suspecting that there really isn't going to be any sperm found...Can't find any info online about the relation between the FSH numbers and whether sperm was found?? Does anyone here know more about that?

I might be jumping the gun (that's what my DH says about my concerns and worries regarding the journey we are embarking on) but I have an A type personality too and just CAN'T stop obsessing!!

To those of you who did successful DIUI: What was your DH's reaction when you got your BFP? Was it like you always imagined he would react when you told him you were expecting? I keep thinking that, if it comes to that, I will always resent the fact that the baby isn't his and that he will resent it too. I have nightmares about it :(

Oh why did this have to happen to us?!?!
BettiS - We did diui and hubby was actually asking me throughout the tww how I was feeling, if I felt pregnant, so he seemed to be just as involved. In the beginning I was very careful not to say things like 'baby takes after you' because I thought it might just be a painful reminder but now we pretty much just treat it like any other pregnancy. I can't speak for hubby but half the time I completely forget about the donor. The reality of finally having a baby pretty much just overshadows everything else.
We did DIUI as well. Hubby was very excited about the bfp. He was overseas for the IUI and testing but it went over very well. He is so excited about the girls coming. Try just giving your DH time and if the testing comes back to where DIUI needs to be an option he might come around to it. For us it was actually hubby's idea and hard on me because I never thought we would be in that position. IVF just wasn't possible for us. The girls will ALWAYS be hubby's daughters no matter what. Just because they aren't blood doesn't mean anything. :hugs:
Totally agree MrsC! Baby is hubby's 100% we even joke about how we hope it doesn't take after him for certain things :)
Hi Ladies,

Could I please join ur thread??

A lil about me. I am 35 and Dp is 44. We have been trying to concieve for 2 1/2 years. We both have a child each from previous relationships. He has a 18 year old child and i have a 5 year old.

Received devasting news last week that ss had no swimmers nothing at all. Hoped that we could have the biopsy to at least find a single spermie. Second lot of bad news arrived two days ago. DP is completely infertile and no point spending more money on tests that are going to tell us the same thing.

I am hoping that dp will be willing to use donor sperm so we can still have ivf etc. Would be really grateful if any one would share their experience of using donor and how DH's felt about this. Will be devastated if he refuses.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post xx
Tamarah - First of all, so sorry you are having to go through this. This diagnosis is completely unfair and so tough to deal with. It took us a while to get to the donor sperm decision. We discussed it as one of our options but wanted to try everything else first. Hubby said the hardest part for him was having more than one option and not knowing which was the best to choose (since we did have a successful TESE) so in a way maybe it will be easier for your hubby having no other options. Hubby has several times said he wished he was either completely fine or had absolutely no sperm so that the decision was easier. Once we got to the decision though, it really helped to talk things over a lot and ensure hubby that no matter what, this child is his 100%. It is also really helpful to have support - whether that is family, friends, or counseling. Just someone outside the 2 of you that is supportive as well. Hopefully it'll all work out for you even though it won't be easy. I can say things are a bit easier now that I'm pregnant and we're just so excited to finally be having a baby.
Hi everyone

I found this great music video on YouTube and just thought I'd share it with all of you since it's really relevant to our situation (caution if you are wearing mascara and it's not waterproof):
Hey ladies!! I am officially pupo with a singleton.. It was a fet and the blast was hatching!!! Hopefully in a week or so I will be another azo success! This road is long and hard ladies but we have to keep our heads above the water!
tamarah - Im sorry you are going through this! Its hard, but all these ladies are amazing!!!

Mo - YAYYYYYYYYY FX this is it!!!
Tamarah - welcome. So sorry you find yourself here

Mobaby - thats exactly what Aimee was - a hatching fet so i am keeping everything crossed for your miracle too

Sorry i dont have much time to visit these days but am thinking of you all x x
Hey ladies!! I am officially pupo with a singleton.. It was a fet and the blast was hatching!!! Hopefully in a week or so I will be another azo success! This road is long and hard ladies but we have to keep out heads above the water!

Congrats MoBaby!!! Praying for a sticky bean :hugs:
Well here's my disappointing update: DH went for testicular biopsy Tuesday. We received the results yesterday, Sertoli Cell Only. This was the one thing I had prayed it wasn't. I feel horrible for DH. We bawled and squalled together last night, talked about options. Adoption, donor sperm, or be bitter old people. After supper DH abruptly stated he wants to use donor sperm. I'm worried this decision is rash and he hasn't fully thought about the possibility of feeling differently. He states there's nothing else. We're not going to tell anyone that we're using donor sperm, it will be easier that way. This is such a scary journey we are all on. Prayers for everyone.
Wannabe: soo sorry! I dont think I could tell anyone about the ds either. I'm glad dh is on board with it. If you feel it's rash give it a few days for you both to think about it and then Readdress it. Glad he is already saying to go ahead with it though. Your dh sounds like a strong man!
Hello ladies :hi:

I hope you're all having a good weekend.

WannabemomRN, I'm so sorry :hugs: You take all the time you need to come to terms with this before moving on to the next step :hugs:

Mo that's fantastic! Keeping everything crossed for you!

Tamarah welcome! It's such a hard diagnosis to deal with. You will not find better advice or support than from the ladies in this thread :hugs:

Silverbell, how's your IVF cycle going? I'm soooo hopeful for you!

Deb, I hope you and your little bundle of loveliness, Aimee, are doing well :hugs:

BettiS, you've been given some terrific advice from ladies who have had BFPs using donor, I hope you're able to talk about it and come up with a plan that you're both comfortable with :hugs:

To everyone else, big, BIG :hugs: it's such a tough time of year we're heading into, but I'm quietly optimistic that 2013 will be a grand year for everyone here.

AFM, we've our appointment Monday evening with Mr Ramsay (as recommended by the lovely Deb!), so I'm trying to think up my list of questions and hope that he agrees that we're good to go next year.. eeeek!!

Ciao, lovelies!

C xx
Mo! Fingers crossed!!

RN- Sorry, I have been there. Glad he is open to other options... We had to see a counselor before our RE would allow us (or any of his patients) to use DS and it was nice to talk about different things with someone who specializes in that. We have decided to keep it between us, which most people disagree with - but that is our choice, we are happy with it, and we are now 10 weeks along with our miracle and I cannot WAIT to watch my LO with his or her Dad, my DH will be an AMAZING Dad no matter what, and that is what is most important to me :). Will keep you in my prayers.
Deb: That is amazing. Gives me hope. RE said the blast should implant today since it was hatching. A few hours ago I began having left sided pelvic pain.. My uterus is only located in my left pelvis (unicornuate uterus tilted all the way to the left)... I am hoping this is a good sign because its not letting up. Its dull and not extremely painful but there. I remember with my BFP/mc cycle I began having this same pain at some point but I think it was 3-4 days after the transfer. I really hope this is it! :)

Tiger: Mr Ramsay sounds amazing. I wish I lived in london :) Such a lovely place. Good luck Monday. Let us know how it goes!! I'm sure he will have amazing answers for you.
Well here's my disappointing update: DH went for testicular biopsy Tuesday. We received the results yesterday, Sertoli Cell Only. This was the one thing I had prayed it wasn't. I feel horrible for DH. We bawled and squalled together last night, talked about options. Adoption, donor sperm, or be bitter old people. After supper DH abruptly stated he wants to use donor sperm. I'm worried this decision is rash and he hasn't fully thought about the possibility of feeling differently. He states there's nothing else. We're not going to tell anyone that we're using donor sperm, it will be easier that way. This is such a scary journey we are all on. Prayers for everyone.

After taking over our options we also decided on donor sperm as well. Honestly if your hubby is ok with it and you are as well I say go for it. Of course you both have to make sure first. We also haven't told anyone that we conceived using a donor but that isn't something we have to share. It is our choice and none of their business. If you guys feel comfortable leaving it that way that is your choice. It doesn't matter what others agree with and don't agree with. Good luck and if you would like to talk feel free to PM me. :hugs:
Azo girls!!! Guess what finally is happening (well you can see my siggy)!!

dont lose hope!! This has been a hard long journey and we have to make it to beta first before anything (then u/s) but I feel like this is a great sign!! This came up in like 30 seconds (less than a minute for sure) and I am only 9-10 dpo... OMG!! Please stick azo baby!! Beta is not until Nov 30th but I am going to try to get it done next monday instead :happydance:
Huge congrats mobaby - at the risk of sounding smug - i told you it was all looking good :smug:
I really hope this is a sticky baby!! I dont think I can take another loss/negative!!! :)

you dont sound smug at all!!

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