COPIED FROM MY JOURNAL - Ok here goes, so bear with me because this may be long

lol but hopefully some of what we have been told may help someone else and it's a good record for me to keep of all the info too
So Dr Ramsay was such a lovely man. Very humble and says what he does is easy - he's not clever and just needs to know how to use a microscope! Well I guess a lot of people know how to do that, but I don't think Terry would let them cut his bits open!
He immeidately put us at our ease and although he was nearly 20 minutes late seeing us, he reassured us that we had plenty of time to discuss everything we needed to and our 30 minute appt ended up being nearly 50 minutes.
So here's what he told us
- testosterone level measured in a blood test will not be the same as testosterone level in testes. There will be about 20 times as much in testes and therefore even with Terry's low blood testosterone level, there should still be enough in testes for normal sperm production
- clomid doesn't raise testosterone, but will increase FSH in order to drive sperm production
- normal FSH is 10-12. Terry's is 15 so not excessively high, but body has already tried to boost itself and probably needs a helping hand
- in a few men he has treated with clomid where FSH has been normal before treatment, they have gone on to produce some sperm in the ejaculate
- however, with the small number of NOA cases in the UK, there are not enough cases to do random studies to give conclusive results on this kind of treatment
- serum oestradiol levels / ratios with other hormones will tell him which drug to use to condition Terry before the op (Clomid / Arimadex etc)
- as Terry has put on a lot of weight becuase of his thyroid problem, it is possible that his body is metabolising some of his testosterone in the fat (?)
- going to the gym, getting fitter and losing weight will increase his testosterone and will help the situation
- the op he will perform is mTESE where he will open the testicle and study it with a powerful microscope and look for the fuller tubules to remove for embryologist. Now I thought waiting 15 mins for the TESE procedure was hell, but this will be an hour and a half with a general anasthetic
- ICSI will cost about £7000 and Terry's side of things will be £3000 - £500
- he would advise a donor back up, but doesn't insist on it
- he will want a SA doing and they will freeze anything they find - even if they only find one in SA, he definitely wouldn't feel any need for a donor back up
- could be NHS funded at Hammersmith, but it couldn't be a fresh, co-ordinated cycle there
- only place we can do a fresh co-ordinated cycle with him is at The Lister and would have to be privately funded
- Terry's prolactin levels are normal (so no hyperprolactinaemia)
- no need to do kidney tests as he's happy the cause has been identified so not looking for another cause
- not worried about lowering testosterone levels for Terry's future health by doing op as he will only do one side - the 3 sperm were all previously found in the one side, so he says he knows there are in there. He says it's highly likely there are some in the other side too, but will go for the definite side
So there you go lol and when asked "We know you can never be 100% with something like this, but how sure do you feel that you will find some?" His reply .... "Can't you tell by my reactions to your questions that I'm very happy about where we're at?"
"So you think you will find some?"
"Oh yes!"
So the plan now ...
Blood tests from GP - FSH, LH, Testosterone, SHBG (?), LFT, Thyroid Function Tests, Prolactin, Oestadiol
And then when we have those results, it's back down to Windsor for a follow up appt and plan of action
If you made it to the end of this ... I'm impressed! xx