Hi girls,
sorry I haven't been on for ages, to be honest I've had alot of anxiety & have found steering clear of forums has helped me with it (there are so many horor stories!)... But I've missed all my azoo girls & Tang has missed all his Azoo Aunties too! Not long now till we meet him face-to-face! Exciting! Just wanted to let you all know that in no way have I forgotten any of you & that I still am hoping & praying for you all each day.
Also to let you know that getting pregnant doesn't (for me at least) magically wash away the pain of azoo & infertility & I think it is something we will always carry with us. Something that has made us stronger, but has changed us forever. I also think that paying $30k to get pregnant increases your anxiety lol...
Canadian, with regards to sperm quality, it may be that each clinic has a different protocol. But for our clinic they will only ICSI the eggs with sperm that 'appears' mature & in a good form etc. It's a bit different to standard IVF because using ICSI, they inject the sperm into the eggs, rather than just hoping it will do as it is supposed to etc. In my husband's case they found more sertoli cell only sperm (immature) & fewer developed sperm. But the scientist will only use the mature sperm for ICSI. So, I think it is good to have DS on stand by in case it is needed, because going through egg retrieval & then having no sperm to work with is no fun, Freezing eggs is such new technology & has limited success as opposed to freezing embryos. Just a note that we had 3 straws (vials) of sperm from DH's first TESE & none of these survived defrost. Our scientist told us that they have alot more problems defrosting testicular sperm. Her explanation was the small numbers they are dealing with. For us, I think we had 19 sperm frozen in those 3 straws. In a normal sample (of millions) the scientist said that over half would not survive defrost, so when they're dealing with such small numbers, it's just a game of luck wether any survive or not. Having said that I'm pretty sure that there are girls on here who've had luck with testicular sperm defrosting. (Just not sure if you're doing TESE timed with your retrieval or not?) Other than that, the scientist didn't mention good, mature testicular sperm having a worse fert rate than fresh or frozen 'normal' sperm when using ICSI. It's so exciting you're up to this point now!
Anyway, we see the urologist again for DH at the beginning of March & hopefully will get the all clear for testicular cancer (or at least, hopefully will find out something more concrete at least). It's not very good timing for us as it's just after bub is due & bad news is the last thing we want, but we've had this hanging over our heads for a year now....
Like I said, I miss you girls. I'm hoping to get on more once bub is here.
Massive hugs all round! xxxxx