Oh yes, you are going to hear a lot of crap from people about "just" adopting or "just" using a donor. It still drives me crazy.
If I could do things differently, I would have not told as many people about the azoo. Everyone who knows about it also knows we are doing IVF and DH is having his biopsy and I hope they just assume we find sperm in him. I know everyone is supportive, but there is so much to work through about donor sperm. I kept that as a back burner thought while we worked out what was wrong with DH and decided what we wanted.
How are your husbands coping? Mine was always 2 steps behind me with coping. He was in denial for awhile while I think I read every single google hit for azoospermia I could find...
CM- when i see what you write its like i have just wrote it! ts awful isnt it