Dealing with azoospermia?

So initially after we received the lab results with zero sperm cells found I told husband he wouldn't have to do anything but quit smoking and caffeine, reduce alcohol, and take vitamins with folic acid for three months to see if that had any affect.

I am regretting it the more I learn about azoo because now I want him to go to a doctor for further testing.

We are living in Abu Dhabi for only 5 more months and medical care, while not always the best, is dirt cheap compared to what we get in America.

I want to take care of what we can while we can kinda afford it and all he says to me is that I gave him 3 months and when he gave his sample, it was "weird".
:hi: lovely ladies,

I somehow managed to unsubscribe from the thread and missed all the news! :dohh:

MJ: CONGRATULATIONS darling!! :happydance: Mitchell is gooooorgeous! I hope you are reading this at home, with your little man in your arms. Such wonderful news, lovely, so, soooo happy for all of you! :wohoo:

AuCa: welcome! It's always sad to see someone else here, but it's good that you've found us :hugs:

MrsG: hello to you, too! The early days after the diagnosis are really, REALLY hard (understatement of the year). It feels very bleak right now, but once you start seeing doctors and come up with a plan, it gets a little easier :hugs:

keziah: that's fantastic news! :happydance: I hope hubby is recovering well.

Stinas: I'm so sorry sweetie :hugs: This journey feels like one hit after another sometimes. I hoping really hard that the next IVF cycle is the one.

awifey: hello! Would your DH consider seeing a Dr for further testing? Good for you for changing diet/lifestyle! :hugs:

Big hello and :hugs: to Debs, SilverBell, SND, SunUp, Canadian, PinkLolly, DG, MoBaby, Raelynn, Arimas, HopefulCat, Bettis, loobylou, chickensoup and everyone else!

Just a quick update for us (still in LimboLand!).. Mr Ramsay (thanks again Deb and SilverBell!) is happy with DH's levels from taking the Clomid. DH has to provide a sample for SA the week after next and then we have an appointment for the results on the 22nd. He's hoping we'll find something which will give us a good idea before going for the fresh mTESE IVF/ICSI cycle hopefully in March. Not sure how the fresh cycle is going to work, but it's what we want to do rather than another frozen one. At this stage, as many of you know, it's such a gamble... a VERY expensive one, but you do what ya gotta do, right?!

Have a grand weekend, lovelies!

More :hugs:

C xx
total melt down from me twice now today- hopefully i will feel more positive after 1st appointment? xxx
total melt down from me twice now today- hopefully i will feel more positive after 1st appointment? xxx

It's completely normal, honestly it is. I remember when we got the diagnosis, we both ended up taking the day off work and just went home and cried. For days, weeks you feel quite empty and every baby/pregnant woman I saw was like a stab in the heart. It's like losing someone you love, you don't ever really get over it, you just find a way to cope with it - most of the time.

BUT, please don't feel it's over. Just reading through this thread you will find so many success stories. So many lovely ladies here now have little bundles of joy one way or another. Being in 'limbo' is the hardest part, once you start seeing doctors and come up with a plan, it's something to focus on and it really helps.

Please don't be hard on yourself, you both need to take the time to come to terms with the news.

Sending you very big :hugs: :hugs:

C xx
total melt down from me twice now today- hopefully i will feel more positive after 1st appointment? xxx

It's completely normal, honestly it is. I remember when we got the diagnosis, we both ended up taking the day off work and just went home and cried. For days, weeks you feel quite empty and every baby/pregnant woman I saw was like a stab in the heart. It's like losing someone you love, you don't ever really get over it, you just find a way to cope with it - most of the time.

BUT, please don't feel it's over. Just reading through this thread you will find so many success stories. So many lovely ladies here now have little bundles of joy one way or another. Being in 'limbo' is the hardest part, once you start seeing doctors and come up with a plan, it's something to focus on and it really helps.

Please don't be hard on yourself, you both need to take the time to come to terms with the news.

Sending you very big :hugs: :hugs:

C xx

ah thanks hun.
i feel like a pull myself together for a while- today we ordered some new furniture and i realized i had totally forgot about it. then i got so sad!
my app is a week on Thursday so its not too long.
i know all of you feel or have felt exactly like i do.
i just cant believe its happening.
what stage are you at? xxxx:hugs:
MrsG - When we were first going down the donor route, we briefly considered hubby's brother too. We decided it wouldn't work for us though since his brother and sister-in-law are trying to have a baby too (with female infertility) and it might just be weird if we had a baby using his brother's sperm before they did. Completely a personal choice though. I can see how having a blood relative would be nice to 'keep it in the family' so to speak but I like having an anonymous donor since I feel we can completely separate ourselves from the donor and this is 100% our baby. I feel like we might always be reminded of the baby not being biologically ours if the donor was a family member. But again, I see the positives and negatives of both sides and it is a completely personal decision.

ah ladies thanks for this. to be honest its my hubby who has suggested the idea as he has this whole "it wont even look like me" thing going on!!!
it something to think about as im sure it will bee a while before it comes to that.
does either of you know what the process is at our 1st appointment?

and raelynn- how long has it taken since azoo confirmed to getting where you are now?

:hugs::hugs: too you both xxx

total melt down from me twice now today- hopefully i will feel more positive after 1st appointment? xxx

At our first appointment we just went over all our history with the fertility specialist. We went over the plan based on our previous testing and history and hubby got a referral to a urologist. We were also referred for blood work.

Since our initial azoospermia diagnosis to today it has been about 14 months. Hubby was confirmed with non obstructive azoospermia so he had a TESE operation. They found enough sperm for us to do IVF/ICSI with. We got two embryos out of it and I got pregnant but had a very early miscarriage. We still had one vial of sperm left but since we used two for the first round we didn't know if it was enough for another IVF round and hubby didn't really want to do another TESE with the risk that we could have another miscarriage since the sperm we were using wasn't mature so we moved to donor sperm with me on clomid because of PCOS. We got lucky on the first round of donor IUI and now we're expecting our little girl in June.

It is totally normal to feel down right now. I remember how devastating our initial diagnosis was. We were completely blindsided since we thought the issues were with me because of my PCOS. It also took hubby a long time to come to terms with it but open communication has helped us A LOT. We can even joke about it sometimes now. It'll be tough but you can get through it and this group is really a huge help with all the support and success stories. There are so many different ways to build your family too (IVF, donor, adoption) so don't give up hope!
MrsG - When we were first going down the donor route, we briefly considered hubby's brother too. We decided it wouldn't work for us though since his brother and sister-in-law are trying to have a baby too (with female infertility) and it might just be weird if we had a baby using his brother's sperm before they did. Completely a personal choice though. I can see how having a blood relative would be nice to 'keep it in the family' so to speak but I like having an anonymous donor since I feel we can completely separate ourselves from the donor and this is 100% our baby. I feel like we might always be reminded of the baby not being biologically ours if the donor was a family member. But again, I see the positives and negatives of both sides and it is a completely personal decision.

ah ladies thanks for this. to be honest its my hubby who has suggested the idea as he has this whole "it wont even look like me" thing going on!!!
it something to think about as im sure it will bee a while before it comes to that.
does either of you know what the process is at our 1st appointment?

and raelynn- how long has it taken since azoo confirmed to getting where you are now?

:hugs::hugs: too you both xxx

total melt down from me twice now today- hopefully i will feel more positive after 1st appointment? xxx

At our first appointment we just went over all our history with the fertility specialist. We went over the plan based on our previous testing and history and hubby got a referral to a urologist. We were also referred for blood work.

Since our initial azoospermia diagnosis to today it has been about 14 months. Hubby was confirmed with non obstructive azoospermia so he had a TESE operation. They found enough sperm for us to do IVF/ICSI with. We got two embryos out of it and I got pregnant but had a very early miscarriage. We still had one vial of sperm left but since we used two for the first round we didn't know if it was enough for another IVF round and hubby didn't really want to do another TESE with the risk that we could have another miscarriage since the sperm we were using wasn't mature so we moved to donor sperm with me on clomid because of PCOS. We got lucky on the first round of donor IUI and now we're expecting our little girl in June.

It is totally normal to feel down right now. I remember how devastating our initial diagnosis was. We were completely blindsided since we thought the issues were with me because of my PCOS. It also took hubby a long time to come to terms with it but open communication has helped us A LOT. We can even joke about it sometimes now. It'll be tough but you can get through it and this group is really a huge help with all the support and success stories. There are so many different ways to build your family too (IVF, donor, adoption) so don't give up hope!

you really do give me hope. i ave pcos which no doubt will complicate the process even further?
my hubby had a bad case of mumps about 8 yrs ago and i think that must be the reason?? do you know if this is likely to b noa or obstructive?
i have read lots of postive storied about mumps and the SSr?
have you used NHS or had to go private?

we do do everything possible to get what we want, i just want it now!!! I feel so selfish. Im trying not to let it take over my life.... just yet

14 month doesnt seen to bad esp since this isnt a first try? xxxx:hugs:
you really do give me hope. i ave pcos which no doubt will complicate the process even further?
my hubby had a bad case of mumps about 8 yrs ago and i think that must be the reason?? do you know if this is likely to b noa or obstructive?
i have read lots of postive storied about mumps and the SSr?
have you used NHS or had to go private?

we do do everything possible to get what we want, i just want it now!!! I feel so selfish. Im trying not to let it take over my life.... just yet

14 month doesnt seen to bad esp since this isnt a first try? xxxx:hugs:

PCOS complicates things a little bit but with azoospermia you normally need to use some type of artificial reproductive method and you are normally on medication or being monitored for ovulation on that so then PCOS becomes less of an issue. It wasn't an issue at all for IVF since you're on injections and for IUI I just took the medication clomid to help me ovulate faster.

I think mumps would probably be noa but the urologist would have to check out your hubby to diagnose for sure. Just from my hubby's blood work and SA results, our fertility specialist was able to tell us it was most likely noa.

Can't answer the NHS or private question since I'm in the US

14 months wasn't terrible but of course it felt like forever to us while it was going on. Overall it took us 22 months to get to this pregnancy since when we first started trying. I can relate to wanting things to happen now. All the waiting is probably one of the hardest part of all this.
you really do give me hope. i ave pcos which no doubt will complicate the process even further?
my hubby had a bad case of mumps about 8 yrs ago and i think that must be the reason?? do you know if this is likely to b noa or obstructive?
i have read lots of postive storied about mumps and the SSr?
have you used NHS or had to go private?

we do do everything possible to get what we want, i just want it now!!! I feel so selfish. Im trying not to let it take over my life.... just yet

14 month doesnt seen to bad esp since this isnt a first try? xxxx:hugs:

It's interesting that you mention mumps, as that's the only thing our consultant can think is the cause. Although DH has no recollection of having mumps, nothing else jumps out from all the tests.

We went down the NHS route first. We didn't really know what else to do, our GP wasn't really clued-up on Azoo, but from what I've heard on here, that's not that unusual!

So, we went to see a consultant in obs & gyn at the hospital. DH had to do another SA (zero again) and they sent him off for blood tests, including genetic ones. Some consultants will order ultrasounds for the bits, but our consultant was happy with a 'fumble' (DH joked "he didn't even buy me dinner first!"). I also had some tests, too. As Raelynn says, once you go down the assisted conception route, it tends to bypass issues that might cause problems if you're TTC naturally - if only..

From the test results they knew it was NOA, so the only thing they could do was perform the TESE to see if there were any. If they find some they will freeze them and you move onto IVF/ICSI at a later stage. Depending on where you live in the UK, you can have a/some cycle/s funded by the NHS.

We were incredibly lucky, as they found one, wiggly sperm on the second incision. I will point out that we were told by the embryologist that they basically remove tissue from the area and run off to the lab then analyze a very small amount. If they find something, they stop - in our case, anyhow. We found out on a later date that they had frozen four vials. Two they suspected had nothing, one had some immotile sperm and the other, the only wiggler. Well, this is from what they had analyzed, so no sure figure until defrost.

To cut a long story short (too late!), we had our one and only NHS cycle, but no fertilization sadly, which they suspect was down to the sperm quality. We've now moved onto private healthcare as we've no other option. The question of using a donor is one we've discussed many times, but it's just not sitting right with my DH. If this doesn't work, it's one that we will probably go over again, as I'm not sure we'll be able to afford another round of IVF and at my age, we don't have the time to save-up, but right now I have to respect his decision.

It's a heck of a lot to handle, but you will find a way to deal with this. We have all felt exactly as you do right now. You want to scream "why us?!" and no, it really doesn't make any sense why something that is so simple (for what feels like almost everyone else), should be so hard for us. Do cry, the journey ahead will be tough at times, but you will get there. The appointment with the Dr will be here before you know it and the next thing you know you will have a plan of action towards getting your baby and one-day you will tell your child what you went through to have them and they will know how much they were wanted.

Take care, hun :hugs:

C xx
you really do give me hope. i ave pcos which no doubt will complicate the process even further?
my hubby had a bad case of mumps about 8 yrs ago and i think that must be the reason?? do you know if this is likely to b noa or obstructive?
i have read lots of postive storied about mumps and the SSr?
have you used NHS or had to go private?

we do do everything possible to get what we want, i just want it now!!! I feel so selfish. Im trying not to let it take over my life.... just yet

14 month doesnt seen to bad esp since this isnt a first try? xxxx:hugs:

It's interesting that you mention mumps, as that's the only thing our consultant can think is the cause. Although DH has no recollection of having mumps, nothing else jumps out from all the tests.

We went down the NHS route first. We didn't really know what else to do, our GP wasn't really clued-up on Azoo, but from what I've heard on here, that's not that unusual!

So, we went to see a consultant in obs & gyn at the hospital. DH had to do another SA (zero again) and they sent him off for blood tests, including genetic ones. Some consultants will order ultrasounds for the bits, but our consultant was happy with a 'fumble' (DH joked "he didn't even buy me dinner first!"). I also had some tests, too. As Raelynn says, once you go down the assisted conception route, it tends to bypass issues that might cause problems if you're TTC naturally - if only..

From the test results they knew it was NOA, so the only thing they could do was perform the TESE to see if there were any. If they find some they will freeze them and you move onto IVF/ICSI at a later stage. Depending on where you live in the UK, you can have a/some cycle/s funded by the NHS.

We were incredibly lucky, as they found one, wiggly sperm on the second incision. I will point out that we were told by the embryologist that they basically remove tissue from the area and run off to the lab then analyze a very small amount. If they find something, they stop - in our case, anyhow. We found out on a later date that they had frozen four vials. Two they suspected had nothing, one had some immotile sperm and the other, the only wiggler. Well, this is from what they had analyzed, so no sure figure until defrost.

To cut a long story short (too late!), we had our one and only NHS cycle, but no fertilization sadly, which they suspect was down to the sperm quality. We've now moved onto private healthcare as we've no other option. The question of using a donor is one we've discussed many times, but it's just not sitting right with my DH. If this doesn't work, it's one that we will probably go over again, as I'm not sure we'll be able to afford another round of IVF and at my age, we don't have the time to save-up, but right now I have to respect his decision.

It's a heck of a lot to handle, but you will find a way to deal with this. We have all felt exactly as you do right now. You want to scream "why us?!" and no, it really doesn't make any sense why something that is so simple (for what feels like almost everyone else), should be so hard for us. Do cry, the journey ahead will be tough at times, but you will get there. The appointment with the Dr will be here before you know it and the next thing you know you will have a plan of action towards getting your baby and one-day you will tell your child what you went through to have them and they will know how much they were wanted.

Take care, hun :hugs:

C xx

Hi hun, thanks for taking the time to write that- it really helps me. I keep trying to stray strong as dont want my hubby to think hes to blame for making me sad as i wouldn't change him , love the bones of him.
he had mumps at 20 and was in hospital over a week so were for-guessing this is the problem, im still hoping if it results in a TESE he has some swimmers- i would that for him more than anything???

we have discussed what happens if he has none! we know it has to be a donor? do you have any idea if we can use our own donor? my hubby has mentioned his brother- we haven't discussed it further as im not sure how i feel about that??

im in the north east and get 3 nhs ivf cycles as far as im aware but not sure on the waiting times?
can i ask the price s if you go private? PM me if you prefer- i dont want to be nosey.

how old are you both hun? is awful that were dealing with this but im pleased to have someone to talk too
thanks so much xxx:hugs:
you really do give me hope. i ave pcos which no doubt will complicate the process even further?
my hubby had a bad case of mumps about 8 yrs ago and i think that must be the reason?? do you know if this is likely to b noa or obstructive?
i have read lots of postive storied about mumps and the SSr?
have you used NHS or had to go private?

we do do everything possible to get what we want, i just want it now!!! I feel so selfish. Im trying not to let it take over my life.... just yet

14 month doesnt seen to bad esp since this isnt a first try? xxxx:hugs:

PCOS complicates things a little bit but with azoospermia you normally need to use some type of artificial reproductive method and you are normally on medication or being monitored for ovulation on that so then PCOS becomes less of an issue. It wasn't an issue at all for IVF since you're on injections and for IUI I just took the medication clomid to help me ovulate faster.

I think mumps would probably be noa but the urologist would have to check out your hubby to diagnose for sure. Just from my hubby's blood work and SA results, our fertility specialist was able to tell us it was most likely noa.

Can't answer the NHS or private question since I'm in the US

14 months wasn't terrible but of course it felt like forever to us while it was going on. Overall it took us 22 months to get to this pregnancy since when we first started trying. I can relate to wanting things to happen now. All the waiting is probably one of the hardest part of all this.

roll on the 21st!! hoping it makes us feel more postive!
hopefully my pcos will just be controlled for whatever treatent we need.

hope one day we end with the same result as you :):hugs: xxx
Hi girls! I start my stims tomorrow morning. We're officially on our way! The past 12 days of Suprefact went by without a hitch! I'm using gonal-f and Luveris and go back on Feb 14 for a check. DH is getting nervous for his TESA and I am really nervous about the ER. We have donor backup and are really looking forward to saying that we did our best. I really, really hope this works for us. It's been such a long road.
Good luck CM! Hoping you get good results from the TESA. My ER was really easy. The worst part was the IV. But I woke up from anesthesia like I had been napping, the hospital staff was super nice and attentive, and I just had slight cramping that day. Hopefully yours goes just as smoothly!
Great news Canadian Maple! I hope IVF will work for you guys!

MrsG30 - how are you doing? Hopefully you guys had a great weekend :hugs:

We had our consult today, finally some progress...on to more testing - 2nd SA, genetic testing (chr analysis and Y chr deletion analysis), blood tests for SA, and a hell of a lot blood tests for me.
I think the genetic testing will take the longest, but we'll see.
The doc was super nice, def felt we were in good hands.
Great news Canadian Maple! I hope IVF will work for you guys!

MrsG30 - how are you doing? Hopefully you guys had a great weekend :hugs:

We had our consult today, finally some progress...on to more testing - 2nd SA, genetic testing (chr analysis and Y chr deletion analysis), blood tests for SA, and a hell of a lot blood tests for me.
I think the genetic testing will take the longest, but we'll see.
The doc was super nice, def felt we were in good hands.

Hi hin
Back at work today and hubby away to work away for a week- not sure how I feel to be honest but no meltdown yet- woohoo ha
Our app is 21st so hoping I will get on like you and start to feel more human- I feel massively impatient! I just wish the ball was rolling but not long to wait!
Pleased its all go for you- u feeling more positive? Xxx
Fab news Hun- bet ur feeling v positive xx
That was for you CM ha x
US do these costs seem? Higher, lower?

IVF-ICSI: AED 28,000 (US$ 7,670). This includes the initial consultation on Day 2 of the period, ultrasound tests, hormone injections, blood tests until the first pregnancy test. The following are not included in the package: Blood tests (CBC, Blood Group for wife; HIV, HBS, HCV for both partners) at AED 1,800 ($493) which can be covered by your insurance, and an extra blood test to confirm the pregnancy at AED 150 ($41). There are also medication you need to buy at the pharmacy for maintaining the pregnancy, which would amount to around AED 280 ($77). If the cycle fails, then the next cycle will be discounted at AED 24,000 all inclusive.
Extra procedures or tests may be required: semen analysis (AED 250 or $68), vaginal swab (AED 250), freezing sperm or eggs (AED 2500/yr or $685), removing a cyst if found during the procedure (AED 4,000 or $1,095).
Mini-IVF: AED 18,000 ($4,930) excluding blood tests
Natural Cycle IVF: AED 14,000 ($3,835) all inclusive
Gender Selection: An additional AED 10,000 ($2,740). Testing for Down Syndrome is included while checking the gender, as well as 2 other chromosomes responsible for over 70% of miscarriages.
TESA: AED 7,000 ($1,917) excluding blood tests (CBC, Blood Group, PT, PTT) which would amount to AED 600 ($164).
IUI: AED 3,100 ($850) excluding consultations, blood tests and ultrasound tests
We are happy to inform you that starting February, if you are a UAE resident, you can pay in 12 monthly installments at 6.9% interest, provided you and your partner have a total income of at least AED 10,000/month.

If you live outside the UAE, we can help you! Just like many of our patients, you can start treatment for IVF locally (around 10 days of medication) and then come to the UAE for 10-14 days to do the egg collection, fertilization using ICSI, PGD to select the gender (if required), and embryo transfer. If you start treatment locally, you will have to keep us updated with the results of your ultrasound and blood tests by email, starting Day 2 of your period, so we can give you the right dosage of medication to take. Cost for IVF-ICSI in this case is AED 18,000 (US$ 4,930). This does not include the cost of any extra hormonal injections and blood tests you may need the first few days when you arrive, nor the consultation with the anesthesiologist ($82) nor does it include the treatment done in your country before coming to the United Arab Emirates. Please compare prices of the hormone injections so you can decide whether or not to bring some with you if you can buy them at a cheaper rate from your country.
Awifey that seems pretty close to what I see for the iui total cost here. No idea about Ivf. Your insurance must be good, I doubt mine will even cover the blood screening for pre-iui.
Awifey - Those costs are similar to what we had for both IUI and IVF

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