you really do give me hope. i ave pcos which no doubt will complicate the process even further?
my hubby had a bad case of mumps about 8 yrs ago and i think that must be the reason?? do you know if this is likely to b noa or obstructive?
i have read lots of postive storied about mumps and the SSr?
have you used NHS or had to go private?
we do do everything possible to get what we want, i just want it now!!! I feel so selfish. Im trying not to let it take over my life.... just yet
14 month doesnt seen to bad esp since this isnt a first try? xxxx
It's interesting that you mention mumps, as that's the only thing our consultant can think is the cause. Although DH has no recollection of having mumps, nothing else jumps out from all the tests.
We went down the NHS route first. We didn't really know what else to do, our GP wasn't really clued-up on Azoo, but from what I've heard on here, that's not that unusual!
So, we went to see a consultant in obs & gyn at the hospital. DH had to do another SA (zero again) and they sent him off for blood tests, including genetic ones. Some consultants will order ultrasounds for the bits, but our consultant was happy with a 'fumble' (DH joked "he didn't even buy me dinner first!"). I also had some tests, too. As Raelynn says, once you go down the assisted conception route, it tends to bypass issues that might cause problems if you're TTC naturally - if only..
From the test results they knew it was NOA, so the only thing they could do was perform the TESE to see if there were any. If they find some they will freeze them and you move onto IVF/ICSI at a later stage. Depending on where you live in the UK, you can have a/some cycle/s funded by the NHS.
We were incredibly lucky, as they found one, wiggly sperm on the second incision. I will point out that we were told by the embryologist that they basically remove tissue from the area and run off to the lab then analyze a very small amount. If they find something, they stop - in our case, anyhow. We found out on a later date that they had frozen four vials. Two they suspected had nothing, one had some immotile sperm and the other, the only wiggler. Well, this is from what they had analyzed, so no sure figure until defrost.
To cut a long story short (too late!), we had our one and only NHS cycle, but no fertilization sadly, which they suspect was down to the sperm quality. We've now moved onto private healthcare as we've no other option. The question of using a donor is one we've discussed many times, but it's just not sitting right with my DH. If this doesn't work, it's one that we will probably go over again, as I'm not sure we'll be able to afford another round of IVF and at my age, we don't have the time to save-up, but right now I have to respect his decision.
It's a heck of a lot to handle, but you will find a way to deal with this. We have all felt exactly as you do right now. You want to scream "why us?!" and no, it really doesn't make any sense why something that is so simple (for what feels like almost everyone else), should be so hard for us. Do cry, the journey ahead will be tough at times, but you will get there. The appointment with the Dr will be here before you know it and the next thing you know you will have a plan of action towards getting your baby and one-day you will tell your child what you went through to have them and they will know how much they were wanted.
Take care, hun
C xx