Dealing with azoospermia?

Gem- good luck! That makes a lot of sense. I've not had to do a MRI for mine yet. I've only had HSG, and the 3d ultrasound so far. Still waiting to see if my dr is satisfied with the amount of info from me or if he wants me to do more tests.

I'll hope for a septum that is easily fixed for you so that you can just proceed with two embryos.

I hope everyone else is hanging in there regardless of where you are in your journey- whether it's the start of azoospermia journey or near the end of finally getting pregnant or even adopting.
Hello again,
Mind if I join again? I haven't been here for a while because this has been so hard and I tend to shut down when things get hard. I don't know if I still belong because my husband has been taking hcg and gonal-f for a while and it seems to have worked. We have sperm now and have a consult to see what we need to do next.
I still could use some buddies while going through this but I don't want to rub salt in anyone's wounds.
Of course you can still be a part. I am happy to hear they managed to find something that works for your husband!
MrsG, I'm so sorry. If I had opened post like that I have to say I think I would have had to put it in a new envelope or something and pretend I'd never seen it - for both your sakes. I would have been mortified. I'm so sorry this happened.

Regarding using DS.It is very difficult to explain but I am very conservative and J is only partner I ever had, and even the whole thought of having to bear another person's baby almost feels like I am being violated. Not sure why I am sharing this but just thought of expressing the dilemma or mental block that I am having.

I know the decision to use donor sperm is hard, but the way I saw it was that it was the only chance DH and I had at getting pregnant and having a baby together and I have to be honest the thought that I would be bearing somebody else's baby entered my head only fleetingly before I dismissed it and perhaps that's why we made our decision fairly easily. That donor sperm is going to be fertilising your egg because of the incredible amount of love, determination and courage the 2 of you have together. It will be 100% your baby together. Fair enough, it won't be genetically related to your DH, but in my personal opinion genetics are overrated. That baby will grow up with the love and attention from you both and will inherit so many things you wouldn't have thought you could pass on. I have read so many stories of couples laughing at how many times they've been told a donor-conceived child looks just like their Dad or has the same mannerisms and habits.

I do think you need to get to a certain point though where you can fully accept using donor sperm to create your family. It's a difficult choice to make - one of the hardest, I'm sure - but once you've made it and you're at peace with it, it really won't matter to either of you. I promise.

DH and I have now gone a step further and will be using donor embryo as it appears we've been dealt a very poor hand and I have rubbish eggs. So we're using both donor sperm and donor eggs. We just want to have a baby now and create our family. We could adopt, but it's a very lengthy process and to be honest we both really would like to experience pregnancy and birth and a newborn. We're looking at this as a sort of adoption, but right from conception. Although any potential child will share neither of our DNA, it'll be 100% our child because it will exist due to us and will have had my blood and my body helping it to grow and then our love and care once it's born.

Totally understand that using donor gametes is not for everybody though and you need to decide between yourselves as a couple if it's right for you. :hugs:
Hello again,
Mind if I join again? I haven't been here for a while because this has been so hard and I tend to shut down when things get hard. I don't know if I still belong because my husband has been taking hcg and gonal-f for a while and it seems to have worked. We have sperm now and have a consult to see what we need to do next.
I still could use some buddies while going through this but I don't want to rub salt in anyone's wounds.

Of course! We'd still love to have you!

Firstly, I am so happy for you that it did work! It's not a common cure, and it gives all of us hope that maybe something would work for our hubbies as well. Mine's on HCG (no gonal f though), and he's not shown any change, but we still have a couple of weeks before the second surgery! Fingers Crossed!

Hi Deb,

Completely new to this site, but we are azoospermic too. Iv just posted a new thread, azoospermia and us.... TTC a miracle baby. Any information or support would be much appreciated!

H xx
Silverbell, I know, my poor friend who it went too is heart broken. Feel bad or here never mind myself. I love your attitude to DS xxx
MrsG, I'm so sorry. If I had opened post like that I have to say I think I would have had to put it in a new envelope or something and pretend I'd never seen it - for both your sakes. I would have been mortified. I'm so sorry this happened.

Regarding using DS.It is very difficult to explain but I am very conservative and J is only partner I ever had, and even the whole thought of having to bear another person's baby almost feels like I am being violated. Not sure why I am sharing this but just thought of expressing the dilemma or mental block that I am having.

I know the decision to use donor sperm is hard, but the way I saw it was that it was the only chance DH and I had at getting pregnant and having a baby together and I have to be honest the thought that I would be bearing somebody else's baby entered my head only fleetingly before I dismissed it and perhaps that's why we made our decision fairly easily. That donor sperm is going to be fertilising your egg because of the incredible amount of love, determination and courage the 2 of you have together. It will be 100% your baby together. Fair enough, it won't be genetically related to your DH, but in my personal opinion genetics are overrated. That baby will grow up with the love and attention from you both and will inherit so many things you wouldn't have thought you could pass on. I have read so many stories of couples laughing at how many times they've been told a donor-conceived child looks just like their Dad or has the same mannerisms and habits.

I do think you need to get to a certain point though where you can fully accept using donor sperm to create your family. It's a difficult choice to make - one of the hardest, I'm sure - but once you've made it and you're at peace with it, it really won't matter to either of you. I promise.

DH and I have now gone a step further and will be using donor embryo as it appears we've been dealt a very poor hand and I have rubbish eggs. So we're using both donor sperm and donor eggs. We just want to have a baby now and create our family. We could adopt, but it's a very lengthy process and to be honest we both really would like to experience pregnancy and birth and a newborn. We're looking at this as a sort of adoption, but right from conception. Although any potential child will share neither of our DNA, it'll be 100% our child because it will exist due to us and will have had my blood and my body helping it to grow and then our love and care once it's born.

Totally understand that using donor gametes is not for everybody though and you need to decide between yourselves as a couple if it's right for you. :hugs:

Hi Deb,

Completely new to this site, but we are azoospermic too. Iv just posted a new thread, azoospermia and us.... TTC a miracle baby. Any information or support would be much appreciated!

H xx
Hi H
Welcome, were here to help, where is your new thread? x
Hi Ladies
Hope your all well?

Update from me? I was called to the clinic this week beacause of the data protection issue with the letter going to the wrong address.
I must admit it was the most informative clinic app ive had yet, I cant hep but feeling there bending backwards for me so We dont kick up a stir. I sill have the option to mae a formal complaint if we wish too however..............

DS wil be ready September, as its a known donor the clinic are wiling to waver the freeze/thaw system and also some of the tests. I'm over joyed with this, apparently they have froze some of a test sample and there happy with it so when my BIL gives us donation in September, that is ours to use. I still expected that to be quarantined but apparently not.
I do feel there just trying to keep us happy as they know i can seek legal advice over the letter. I'm trying hoping something useful is going to come out of this nightmare?

I feel positive having a time frame, we just need legal papers and Counseling session out the way now and hopefully were ready to go?
am i being to positive?
MrsG im glad uve got a timeframe now :happydance: we dont get many chances to be positive and happy through our infertility journeys so I say enjoy the positivity!

HI and welcome'll find lot of information and support here xx
Hey all,

So the MRI showed a bicornuate uterus, not a septum. :( So we will proceed as planned and I will have a hysteroscopy in August. I'm very nervous about this because they said something about putting a balloon in my uterus for a week after surgery, which sounds painful. They also said they want to refer me to a high risk doctor before implanting the one embryo (no twins in our future), which also makes me nervous because I'm at high risk for preterm labor or late miscarriage.

So all of this, on top of DH sperm issues. I am beginning to feel that if we have a baby it will truly be a miracle. Still looking for DS. I'm still not 100% about it, but I keep thinking if I go through all of this, and we have no sperm to fertilize my eggs we will regret it. I just wish we could find someone we are comfortable with. It helps to hear how others feel. I think you get to a point where you just want a baby for you and your husband to raise. No matter what, you'll be the parents. It's tough, but in the end, you'll still be parents. Which is a blessing.

Anyway, I start my shots tomorrow for IVF. Given my fear of needles, this should be interesting!

Welcome to the newbies, and hope everyone is doing well on their journey.
Thanks for the welcome.
Hcg did nothing for my husband's count. He was on it a year and it was always zero. That's when they decided to add the gonal-f. It still did nothing, so they doubled the dose and that's when we started seeing a change. So if the hcg doesn't work maybe try the gonal-f too? All through the treatment our doctor seemed hopefully even when my husband and I both felt pretty defeated. This has been so hard. We are running tests on me now. Hopefully things check out. I'll have to catch up on things before I can really jump into the thread. I'm sure a lot has gone on while I was gone.
Morning ladies

Hope your all having a fab weekend, I'm after a bit of advice.
as you all know, we are using my BIL for our DS.

He has had his letter back from her test sample and it states IUI is a no go as the sample after freeing isn't strong enough? the letter states My treatment with be ICSI.

Should I be worried about his sperm quality?
i wasn't overjoyed with 6 rounds of IUI anyway as the success rating to so low, so i happy to go straight to iv/icsi, but i'm worried now the sperm isnt going to be good enough?

Any ideas? xxx
mrsG did your DH have the TESE? I cant remember? If they are recommending ICSI anyways it may be worth doing the TESE and seeing if they get anything and having the BIL on hand for backup. I can't remember if you already talked about that or not? Dont worry about the quality or anything; with ICSI they pick which ones to inject. My DH had very bad sperm and we have done 3 fresh rounds of ICSI.
Mobaby- thanks for reply.

That's the plan, what i don't understand is why they have recommended my BIL and i has ICSI and not normal IVF?
Nor sure if this is just normal for my clinic of if BIL count isn't great? His letter said his sample was as normal as expected on when producedbut not viable for IUI, but can be used in ICSI?

maybe i'm reading to much into it?

congrats to your hun, hope your babies stick xxxx
Do you have the numbers? Maybe it was due to motility or morphology? Can you call and ask why?
Nope there was no figures in the letter it just saying "sample was normal when produced but not viable for IUI after the thawing process"?

Yeah im going to call them tomorrow, Im not sure if our clinic always does ICSI or if they is any issue. x
Do you have the numbers? Maybe it was due to motility or morphology? Can you call and ask why?
Hi all,

I have been ofline for a little while as have been away from home.

rdleela- thank you for the response. I would be interested to read your blog, but couldn't see the link as you'd said. Could you send it again? I noticed you and Sinas mentioned it takes a while for sperm to come back, which I didn't know. How long did you have to wait?
We are waiting to see another urologist at the end of August. It still feels like forever away and I was wondering what our first appointment will be like. I guess they'll discuss options and then send us away again for a few months?

MrsG30, I'm glad you are feeling better after your bad week. I'm really pleased that they now seem to be bending over backwards to help. I hope a real positive comes from your experience. A timeframe is a massive plus, you should be positive.
I don't know anything about Iv/Icsi so sorry I can't advise at all.
I feel your pain with pregnancy anoucements. My 18 year old brother has just told me tonight that his girlfriend is expecting. They didn't plan this and he is in shock. I cried as I feel he is too young and I still feel responsible for him. Selfishly i'm sad for us too as we so want one and it will be hard having this so close.

Mobaby and arzoo I also feel that pregant people are everywhere. Its weird, when your aware of wanting a child, suddenly you can't escape seeing children and pregnant people. My OH also doesn't understand my jealously, i'm sure he thinks i'm wanting to be hurt sometimes.

Gem10 i'm sorry to hear you have to have surgery. Its good that they are planning to freeze the embryos for when you are recovered and ready so their isn't such a delay.

Does anyone talk to close friends about this? I keep wondering whther its a good idea or not.

Thanks X
rdleela- thank you for the response. I would be interested to read your blog, but couldn't see the link as you'd said. Could you send it again? I noticed you and Sinas mentioned it takes a while for sperm to come back, which I didn't know. How long did you have to wait?
We are waiting to see another urologist at the end of August. It still feels like forever away and I was wondering what our first appointment will be like. I guess they'll discuss options and then send us away again for a few months?

Does anyone talk to close friends about this? I keep wondering whther its a good idea or not.

Hi, Chimera, so the link to my journal is in my signature below, titled "My Infertility Journal". If you read along, it starts JUST before we got our azoos diagnosis, and then it's every test we've had, plus our surgery and results, etc, etc. It took 5 months until we had sperm return, and that first SA was only 600,000 count. But now we average 1.2 million - 4.0 million each test. They say you can have it increase up to one year post surgery, then what it is, is what it is. Our one-year anniversary of our surgery is Sept.28th.

I think your next apointment needs to be to order a ton of tests on DH.

As for talking to close friends about it, we are very open people, and we tell everyone. I just can't handle sitting there and not saying anything when people talk about kids. But we didn't start out this way, it took awhile for DH to feel really comfortable. Started out with just a few close friends (with DH's permisson) and then it grew to no holding back. Now, as for our first IUI, I've only told a very small group of people, as I don't want to answer "how are you feeling?" or "did it work?" all the time. Same will go for IVF.

Feel free to PM me or write in my journal anytime!
MrsG30 - at my implictions meeting last week, we were told ICSI is used with nearly all frozen sperm so it may not be a reflection on the quality.
MrsG30- my fertility clinic does ICSI for all IVF patients. I was surprised to learn this, as I thought we were only having it because we were having TESE, but apparently they do it for everyone because it increases the success rate.

So I have been on shots for a week. I had my first appointment yesterday to see how I am responding. The good news is I am responding very well. I had many follicles and apparently my lining was perfect. But the nurse practitioner said something that confused me. She said that my lining is so perfect they could do a single embryo transfer. So I asked, does that mean I won't need surgery? (Since, we were already planning a single embryo transfer after surgery for my heart shaped uterus) She said the plan is not changing bc the doctor has to get in there and see, but my lining was absolutely perfect. So, I'm not too sure what that means, but was happy to finally get some good news. It really made me feel better. I have spent the past month on the couch in a state of depression, but that visit boosted my spirits quite a bit. If nothing else, at least my ovaries work!

We also decided on a back up donor. I have never spent sooo much money on something hoping not to need it! It was a very difficult process. I just feel no one is ever going to compare to my husband. He's so handsome and has so many good qualities. No one will ever be him. So we chose someone with very similar features and whose health background was clear. In the end, all any of us want is a healthy baby. So that's what helped us make our decision. Hubby's procedure is on Tuesday. We are both getting very anxious. I can't believe in just a few days we will know if he has sperm. I'm praying they find something. Like everyone says, all you need is one! I'm asking you all to send thoughts and prayers our way in the next few days, and I will keep you all in my prayers as well.

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