Hello all.
I thought it was time I posted on here to update my situation. I've missed a lot, I'm sure. I do hope there has been some happy news in amongst the sadness and hopelessness this thread inevitably contains.
After December's DIVF failure we had what was supposed to be our second and last try, starting in June. We had used up all our free NHS tries, so this was privately funded by us and we had decided if this didn't work then we would be giving up.
After a smooth start to the cycle and finding at least 7 follicles on the scans, I went for my egg collection ... only to be told when I'd come around from the sedation a bit that they'd found just 1 single egg. The rest of the follicles were empty.

They injected the egg via ICSI with donor sperm ... but it didn't fertilise. I cried my heart out the next morning after the embryologist phoned to tell me.
So we spent over £5000 not to mention huge amounts of travelling (we live on an island) back and forth to appointments and time off work and all the emotional aspects of IVF ... for absolutely nothing. All our savings were gone.
I understand they think this all points to problems with my eggs and 'maturation issues'. I've got a low AMH for my age anyway, but first time around I had 10 eggs, though only 4 fertilised and only 2 made it. So perhaps that was a clue.
DH and I have said we need to have 1 last try because we never got our last chance. However, as difficult as it has been to decide ... we won't be using my eggs. We wouldn't feel confident with them any more and we'd rather have an excellent chance from eggs we know are top quality rather than pure guesswork and most probably more heartache by using my own.
So we are now looking into donor embryo donation/adoption abroad (UK lists are very long and expensive and the clinics that offer it few and far between).
Although it was nerve-wracking to begin with and a bit scary, I've done quite a bit of research in the past week since EC and have learned a lot and we really do feel it's our best option. Due to the costs abroad we may even get to have 2 chances, which would be fab. We shall be getting into debt to do this, but we feel we have to do it and can soon pay it all back.
We feel like we're starting from scratch again, which is good in a way because some of the old excitement and hope has started to return (I completely lost this after last December's failure and didn't have any hope or excitement at all this 2nd IVF try). I'm really hoping this will be the answer for us. We're hoping to go for it in October, all being well. Just got to narrow our choices down and do a bit more research.
If this doesn't work then we'll start the long road towards adoption, but we feel like we have to give donor embryo a chance first.
I think of you all often - not just those I've met along the way on this thread, but even those of you I've not 'spoken' to on here. Because I think of ladies and men out there dealing with azoospermia most days and it makes me so sad. I do so hope that medical advances will one day soon mean that this sort of infertility just isn't an issue.