Wow babadespls, that's really quick for the sperm extraction! I'm glad you don't have to wait too long.
We found out about DH's azoo in January 2013, and DH was VERY against DS for a considerable amount of time. I think it was in about the October-ish that I started seeing signs of him coming to terms with the idea, by January 2014 he was very matter-of-fact that if we didn't find sperm we would use DS, then after we had the mTESE (no sperm found) in April 2014, he still needed a couple more weeks to get his head round it. I think a lot of our husbands just need time to come to terms with the reality of the situation. I was just talking to DH about your situation and he said that it's a bit like trying to get through a door that's the size of a pin head, but rather than focusing on the door it should be at what's behind it. He's now realised that the conception part is a really small part of fatherhood, and that it's all the stuff that starts when the baby's born, that is the most important part of being a dad. He said that he does have to keep reminding himself of that, because sometimes it still hurts, but I suppose he is still waiting for that part to come - when our baby is born.
I hope you are able to find some spermies babadespis, but it you don't I'm sure your DH will come round to the idea, he may just need time to accept it. When we found out there were no sperms, after the mTESE, it was a grieving process that both DH and I went through, because it felt like our future had been stolen away from us. Now I don't even think about it, and when I do it just makes me so happy to know that we had this option, and that right now our teeny tiny baby is growing inside of me and that we will both love and cherish it so so much.
Good luck and let us know how it goes. If you ever need anyone to talk to, please feel free to PM me.
Lots of love