Dealing with azoospermia?

Rainbow - I'm afraid I can't help you there! After I had implantation, my OHSS flared up really badly, so my ovaries were painful, I was very swollen and in quite a bit of discomfort with the rising HCG....

Miki - luteal phases most of the time will vary. Not all women and not every month will have a 14 day luteal phase - so no - it is not always 14 days after you ovulate that your period starts. Some women have shorter luteal phases and others will have longer luteal phases ... I do agree that your progesterone levels (and certainly for no "help") were high and to me would indicate that you ovulated and / got pregnant..
Was this the only test done to indicate whether or not you were ovulating and the IUI was just done "blind"?
For the following try, I certainly would recommend more monitoring to make sure that you ovulate! With ovulation tests + perhaps even blood tests... :hugs:
Bubumaci, Yes the progesterone was the only test. I have been using OPK's but aren't getting positives. BUT I was basing my dates on an ovulation calculator based on my Clomid start date. I now think that the Clomid O calculator is based on a 28 day cycle and mine are 30-36. Basically I should have continued OPK's for another week to see if I O'd later. I am going to re-schedule my IUI for later in the cycle and then tell my doctor if I get a positive before hand. But at least the IUI will be done later and hopefully closer to ovulation.

A chemical pregnancy makes sense, because my progesterone test is usually between 20-28 so it being so high was a shock to me. I assumed that it meant I ovulated a lot. lol.

This month I am doing the OPK's longer and will have the progesterone and HCG blood draws to verify ovulation, and whether or not I get pregnant. I am talking to my doctor about ultrasound monitoring and HCG trigger for the 3rd IUI. Hopefully I won't need it, but if I do, I want to be fully monitored and get the trigger.
I agree that you need to be monitored more closely. I went in on Day 9 to check how my follicles were developing with an ultrasound, then back in on Day 13. This gave my FS the information she needed, along with an ovulation kit I'd done that morning which said I wasn't surging, to book me in for IUI on Day 15. She gave me Pregnyl (which I injected that night) which made sure I would ovulate on Day 15. It really gave me peace of mind when I could see my follicles on the screen, so I definitely recommend it.
Good luck with getting things sorted Miki.
How's everything going with you Bubumaci? I see your baby is now the size of an avocado! Cute!
Miki - that's great that you will be monitored more closely :) :kiss:

Rainbow, I am doing very well, thank you! Just spent a few days away with close family (visiting from the US) so that was really nice. And Pünktchen seems to be swimming around happily... today, I was outside for a few minutes enjoying the sunshine while on a break from work and felt the flutters and could only think, how very surreal it all is... after going through so much and fighting so hard ... I still can't believe that I have a little being growing inside of me! <3
The fruit tickers are so funny - some apps say avocado / orange / other fruit - but I still think it is a nice idea :) :hugs2:
Updates from me

DH went for his SA yesterday morning and then stopped by the records department last night to get the results. We didn't want to wait forever for his busy Seattle doctor to call us. It was, as expected, zero. He is officially not making spermies. After 3 months of HCG injections and 6 months of HCG&FSH injections he is done. He is going to start his testosterone again so that he can at least be "normal". We are officially using DS for all of our babies. I knew this was going to happen, but still, it was a blow.

A happier note, my DIUI is scheduled for May 30. I pushed it back a few days hoping to catch O time better. I just hope that I actually get a positive OPK this month. Man that's irritating.

Sorry for another long post. :wacko: :flower:
Miki, I'm sorry to hear about your DH's analysis. No matter how prepared you were, it still must be a shock. And sorry to hear #1 didn't work. I think your plan for more testing/waiting longer for next cycle sounds excellent. I know my ovulation wasn't 14 days before period- it was consistently 10 or 11. I'm not sure if Clomid affects that at all? I will keep my fingers crossed for next cycle! And I read somewhere that chemical pregnancies can actually improve your chances for success the next cycle- as if your body is now primed for pregnancy.

Rainbow, good luck in your TWW! I didn't feel anything before my positive- sorry to not be of much help! The only thing I felt was some lightheadedness right before/when my period was due... but that was maybe due to the stress of thinking AF would arrive at any moment! PS, that was our protocol, too- 3 unmedicated, then move on to 3 medicated.

Hugs to everyone else! Bubu, I *think* I've started feeling movement, too- it's hard to tell! We should (hopefully) find out next week if it's a boy or a girl!
sharon I have heard of Clomid causing early ovulation and late ovulation. It's hard to tell unless I get blood or ultrasound monitoring- which I will if this IUI doesn't work. Hopefully.

Ladies I finally create a TTC journal. If you could click and see if the link actually takes you there I would appreciate it. Not sure if I am doing it right. :wacko:

My LTTTC Journal
Miki - I'm sorry love! :hugs2: ... no matter how well you prepare for some things, they still hit you really hard! (If it is any consolation, my last three tries were : chemical, chemical, BFP ...) :kiss:

Sharon - how exciting!! How far along are you now? At our u/s on May 5th (14w), my doctor was pretty sure we are having a little girl - but because the umbilical cord was in the way, didn't want to give a definite answer ... so next Tuesday (17+1) I am hoping that Pünktchen co-operates and we will know for sure. Do you have any gut feelings as to gender? :)

p.s. Miki - yep, working, I am already there on your journal :kiss:
Hi Hun

no he didnt we decided we would go straight to donor, for many reasons, main ones being the severity of the op and my hubbys job, the long term effects it could cause, ie- impact on sex drive and he already feels like "hes not a man", the worry of what any further disappointment would do to him and that we had long ago always said we would adopt or use donor sperm so with that and advise fro a urologist and fertility specialist we decide to concentre on me. my hubby thinks "removing the problem/hi gives us a better chance as im fine and so is our donor. Time will tell i guess.

Were also using a known donor whcih is a diff story lol xxx

Ea love, how are you? any testing yet whens OTD?thats good about 6 then 1 xxxx

love to all xxx
Hi Mrs G30,

Do you mind me asking, did your hubby go for mTESE and was it successful?


My hubby fsh is 35.1, or it was when last checked, the DR said the chance of finding sperm was no different to a guy with a slightly elevated one, and they can never tell until there in there. Hope thats useful. he said he gives all of his patients a 40%.

ladies from the UK, are our IVF meds covered under the nhs, like a normal prescriptions?

Hope everyone is doing ok xxxxx

Hi any successful stories of high fsh? My husband FSH is 13.2 today we had appointment they said we will look for sperms but there is no guarantee because fsh level is high :(

Hi Tulip11,

I think your husbands levels are only slightly elevated.

See below:

Normal FSH level will differ depending on a person's age and gender.
&#9702;Before puberty: 0 - 5.0 mIU/ml
&#9702;During puberty: 0.3 - 10.0 mIU/ml
&#9702;Adult: 1.5 - 12.4 mIU/ml

yes thats what i think that there is slight difference than why they call it as its very high :( thanks

How exciting that it's nearly time for your first try Danielle! I know what you mean about feeling so strange that it is finally here! I can't quite get my head round that we are in the midst of our first try either!
I think the success rates are about 15% per cycle, so definitely not as good as IVF or ICSI. We get 6 IUIs - that's 3 non-medicated, then 3 where I will have medication to make more eggs mature - then 1 IVF.
It's all feeling a bit surreal. I've been really nervous one minute, excited another, then not very optimistic the next, but it's just great that we can even say we're trying. The FS was optimistic that we wouldn't take very long, so it's all down to chance really!
Bubumaci, our story is rather similar- at our last scan (14.5 weeks), the doctor said if he *had* to guess, he thought boy... so that is what I am thinking! But according to Dr. Google that was still a little early, as both boys & girls both have something sticking out then. Our scan is on Tuesday too, & I'm hoping we'll have a clearer answer!
We'll probably be testing next Saturday, Danielle. :-)
Starting to wonder about whether AF would show when she usually does, as I was given Pregnyl to inject, which controlled the time of ovulation… so she may come slightly later… or she may come at usual time… going to have to do a bit of research, I think!
Oooh, exciting Rainbow! ... by injecting to stimulate ovulation, you shouldn't be affecting the luteal phase - that ought to be the same length that you usually have (unless you are taking progesterone, which can delay AF coming). Basically, the corpus luteum (left behind where the ovum bursts out) starts producing progesterone, which thickens the uterine lining and - if pregnancy ensues - continues to support the pregnancy together with the yolk sac (until the placenta is developed and can take over). If the body starts producing HCG (because of pregnancy), it indicates to the corpus luteum to continue producing. But if there is no HCG, then the progesterone levels will sink (which is why BT goes down right before period comes) and the uterine lining breaks down. For this reason, the second half of our cycles (first phase = ovulatory, second phase = luteal), the luteal phase, is usually around the same length and if we have a longer cycle one cycle and a shorter one the next, it is usually because of variations in the ovulatory phase (i.e. ovulating earlier / later) and not in the luteal phase.
Does that help a bit? :) :)

Yay Sharon - we both get to see our little miracles on Tuesday! That's exciting :) Can't wait to hear your news :) :) (btw. don't you want to bring your status up to date *grin*). xx
Sharon - They are usually right!! My tech "guessed"....and she was like "i am never wrong".....she was right and that was at 13w.
:hugs: Thank you so much for your explanation Bubumaci! You are an absolute star! I find a lot of comfort in knowing the science behind things. :-) :hugs:
You're most welcome :) Glad I could help! :kiss: ... so just a few more days 'till testing :) :wohoo:

in our first stage of testing etc just one ultrasound is left which is transrectal prostate we got our appointment letter for this ultrasound but starnge thing it that its not one ultrasound they mentioned ultrasound of testes as well which was already done before and results shown testes are of normal size. so then why are they doing testes ultrasound again any rough guesses ? thanks
Hmmmm, tulip, maybe they are just being thorough? Is it the exact same doc who is ordering it again?
Hello girls,
I m here because I need an advice. We had to cancel our mTese with Dr Schlegel because of my husbands business. We rescheduled for September 2014.
I have been researching about FNA Mapping for a while now. We had phone consultation with Dr. Turek yesterday. He is the best on this field.
Dr Schlegel gave us 50% chances for finding sperms. The cost for a mTESE and IVF are abou $40.000.
Dr Turek gave us 40% and the cost for mapping are around $5000 -$7000. If he finds something then we can go ahead and have a mTESE with IVF. But if he doesnt find anything, we would save the money for mTese and IVF.
Can somebody help me out with more information? Or maybe an advice from somebody?
Hi Miraclbaby - I'm sorry, I have never heard about FNA mapping ... how does that work?

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