Dealing with azoospermia?

Mbaby yay!!! Congrats!!!

I hope everyone is doing well!!! I feel like there is never enough time in the day to catch up fully!
We just got back from the hospital and no sperm was found during the procedure, Our doctor came to me while hubby was in recovery and explained that the procedure was unsuccessful, he also took a biopsy to be sent to the pathologists for further investigation (histology).

I had to tell hubby that it wasn't a success when he woke up and he kept apologising to me about him been a "dud", as we got home he jumped into his car and off he went to work, even though the doctor said that he must stay home and not drive. I just think he doesn't want to think about it and will rather just plunge himself into business. I don't know what to do with him or what to say.

It took everything in me not to cry infront of him.

What does this mean? Is it the end of the road for us? What does histology mean?
What's the point of the biopsy?

(sorry for all these questions)
Sometimes they don't find sperms during biopsy but they check a small sample to make sure I guess.

I did not have to tell mine. The dr did the telling. Kinda surprised it fell upon u to be the one to tell him. Right now is the time you show your husband you love him regardless of having swimmers or not. You did not marry him for the swimmers, and he needs reminding of that.

As for end of road, for some yes and for some no. Some went straight to adoption from that point, some are still childless, and some succeeded to get their little one through donor sperms (either via IUI or ivf). It is a lot to think about but first grieve for the baby you two won't have together. Reconnect as a couple, counseling if you need it.
We just got back from the hospital and no sperm was found during the procedure, Our doctor came to me while hubby was in recovery and explained that the procedure was unsuccessful, he also took a biopsy to be sent to the pathologists for further investigation (histology).

I had to tell hubby that it wasn't a success when he woke up and he kept apologising to me about him been a "dud", as we got home he jumped into his car and off he went to work, even though the doctor said that he must stay home and not drive. I just think he doesn't want to think about it and will rather just plunge himself into business. I don't know what to do with him or what to say.

It took everything in me not to cry infront of him.

What does this mean? Is it the end of the road for us? What does histology mean?
What's the point of the biopsy?

(sorry for all these questions)

I m sorry for the result :hugs: Give yourself time to recover from the shock and then think about adoption or Donor sperm.
Thanks everyone!!

Babs- I don't want to give you false hope but the urologist that did my hubs procedure told me as he was still in recovery that chances were not great as there was not as much fluid as he would of liked and 'not to get my hopes up'- he then td me he sent a sample to lab to have it analyzed, an hour later he called saying there were some sperm but could not tell if they were living. At that point the whole same went to the doctors who look through the sperm ( I'm assuming what you are talking about- histology) and they called to tell us there were around 20 thousand... So stay positive and keep your head high..either way- you will have a baby!! If might not have hubby's genetics..but you can CAN have a family!
babadespls - Sorry for those results! It truly sucks. I don't think its the end of the road for you! Our urologist came out and told me he found ONE sperm. He sent all the tissue to the IVF clinic for further review in which they found 4-6(can't remember exactly) vials full of sperm that can be used with IVF.
This was the one and only TESE we did, which resulted in my twinkies who are talking away next to me as I type.
Hi Ladies, Can I ask you all a question?

I'm not getting any younger, I have endometriosis, and just found out as you know that hub and I have no sperm to work with... he is against donor and adoption isn't really an option in my country. We have saved money for IVF / ICSI (as we have to pay cash for it here, no medical aid or national health covers it), is it crazy for me to go ahead with the treatment and have my eggs frozen?
babe - I am so sorry that the results weren't good! :hugs2:
At the very beginning, DH was also totally against Donor / Adoption. Just was not what he wanted, either his own genes, or not at all. After each try and what we went through, he saw what it meant and after the 6th try or so asked the doctor whether we would get different results with donor sperm (I was actually quite surprised, as he hadn't mentioned his change of attitude / thoughts to me) ...

Firstly, as Stinas and MBABY have said - see what the histology shows. Just because this TESE doesn't look good, doesn't have to mean the end of the road for you :hugs2:
Secondly - give DH time to come to terms with the diagnosis. His world has probably crashed around his feet right now. I keep getting the feeling that men deal with infertility much worse than women do (they are supposed to be the providers, the protectors, the ones whose lineage gets carried on) and it takes time for them to accept and move on to the next steps, when they are ready.
Being a parent isn't all about one's own genes (as nice as it is and was also definitely our preference and we were lucky that somehow, it worked with DH's sperm!), it is about being a parent and so many parents of children where one or both parents aren't the genetic donors feel just that way about their children ...

Last but not least - I don't think it is crazy at all! If you feel this is what you would like and need to do, then do it. You will always have the knowledge (no matter at what point further down the line it becomes current) that you do have the eggs there ... could also go ahead with fertility treatments later on with a fresh cycle, but would have the frozen ones to fall back on if you need to. We never know what curve-balls life and nature are going to toss our way ...
If you weren't to do it and you feel you really want to, you might regret it / resent the decision later. Definitely not crazy :hugs2: None of us is getting any younger ;)
I am really thankful to all you ladies, it would be very lonely place in my head if I hadn't found this group :flower:
babadespls I am so sorry they didn’t find any swimmers. You both need to take some time to grieve and accept that he doesn’t have any. If you continue to let it build and build and build the sadness/anger will overrun your relationship. Be there for him, support him, love him. I don’t think my DH could have dealt with it if I didn’t make sure he knew I still loved him and didn’t blame him. Every time we get a BFN he hurts just as bad as me and ALWAYS apologizes for having zero swimmers. I have to reassure him each time that I love him and I don’t blame him. Once you two have grieved and are ready to talk about TTC again, he might be ready to discuss donor sperm and/or adoption. Sending love and hugs your way! :hugs:
Hello ladies,

Maybe this is worth sharing...
steps towards stem cell to help men with azoo. I think this is the first trial with Humans. Egyptian doctors are looking for men with azoo for stem cell research. Producing stem cell from human skin and injecting into mice testis was also successful in the USA about a couple months ago.
Just wanted to wish everyone well! I hope to be back in for FET for baby #2 soon, and I thought maybe I would share a few things that might help some of you 'newer' with the diagnosis, that have helped me, or have made this journey something I am thankful for.

The first is that infertility is a COUPLES disease, which you ladies understand SO well. I inform people all the time that it takes two people to have infertility. I always told DH it wasn't 'his' problem or 'my' problem. From day one, its been OUR diagnosis and WE grieved but then WE made the decisions that were best for us. We had success after a few failures, you can read about it in my signature/journal if you feel like it.

We have a beautiful child. Being a parent is something we will never take for granted. He looks like me, at this point, but he initially (and still, at times), looks like his daddy, my DH. Ironically, we used DS. I was worried, at first, about what if he looked different or something, but really that happens to parents/kids all the time without fertility treatment. At this point, the whole DS thing barely even crosses my mind. We are a family. And I would not in a million-billion-trillion (you get the point) years trade my son, or any part of him, for anything else. I am so blessed with him and if that means I am thankful for the route we went through to get him, well, I completely am.

Oh and one more thing. It is amazing how many people find out we used assisted reproduction and ask "what was wrong with you?" The same people that asked me when we were having kids (we kept our infertility private and didn't really tell people until a few months after our baby was born), asked all about my health and what my cycle was like. I have learned to ALWAYS say "oh WE don't really know, we are just grateful for our baby." And I completely ignore any follow up questions. [Yes, completely. Stare at them and walk away. I think it lets them know how rude it actually is, even though it wasn't intended that way.]

I wish the best to you all. I do pop in occasionally to check on things, and see if my twin azoo 'nephews' (getting closer to due date!) and their momma are doing okay ;) - as well as see how everyone else is. Unfortunately I don't often have time to write/reply. I hope next time I write there are even more azoo babies on the way! :)
Sunup - I just wanted to say, you explained it perfectly! I would not in a million years trade my daughter for anything either. I even understand now why we had this diagnosis. Had hubby not had azoo then we wouldn't have our daughter (from donor) and I cannot imagine my life without her.

Good luck to all you ladies. This journey is so tough and it is ongoing. Even trying for number 2 I thought would be easier since we knew what to expect but it is just as tough. So glad we have each other to get through it all.
It's been a while since I stopped by- I just wanted to say I'm so sorry, Miki & Gem. I'll have my fingers tightly crossed for your next steps.

babadespls, I'm so sorry you got that devastating news, AND that you had to be the one to tell DH! WTH!

Mbaby, yaayyyyyy for a boy!!!

Thanks, SunUp, for your lovely post about DS.

I feel like this is a pretty lame post I am writing! :) and it really doesn't convey that I am thinking of everyone and wishing everyone the best.
Hello, how is everyone doing? Just thought of stopping by.

I dont know if I have previously posted this, if I am repeating, please ignore. but I thought it is important to share this. We were successful in finding sperms via mTese, and what we think helped is the tamoxifen and also the proxeed which my husband had for about 6 months or more. Initially he was supposed to have it for 3 months but as we took time to get few other things sorted out, it extended to 6 months. and we think the extended period also helped to move things in our favour.
After not hearing anything from the clinic, I eventually resorted to writing a snotty email about the lack of communication regarding the biopsy results, only to get a reply from one of the doctors explaining that he called my husband and explained his results LAST WEEK TUESDAY!

He never told me!

When I called him just now to ask what this is all about he said it slipped his mind.

I cant even explain the anger and disappointment I am feeling.

The result is bad, he doesn't have the cells present that produce sperm.

I know its hard for him but I need us to communicate and he is building a brick wall, I have a right to know these things.

I just can't pull myself together today.
Oh, Babe, I am so sorry!! Both for the results and also for the fact that DH blocked it all out and didn't tell you! :( Sending you huge hugs :hugs2:

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