Hi Vegas, I'm sorry you've had this devastating news
My DH had a PESE/TESE and they found some sperm but also discovered that his sperm died before it matured so donor was the only option for us. I had my first DIUI when I was 29, i have always had medicated cycles, although this is purely to maximise chances with timings etc as I don't have any fertility issues. When TTC our first baby, they were cautious with the drugs and I only had 1 follicle both times. Second cycle worked and we got our bfp that gave us our son!
This time I am 34 (35 this year). I had a medicated cycle again, slightly higher dose and had 3 follicles and got a bfp the first try! I had also been worried about my age but the consultant was never concerned and actually I got pregnant quicker this time despite being older......
I hope that helps, anything else please just ask xxx