Dealing with azoospermia?

That's wonderful news Silverbell, congratulations.

MsRipple, I'm so pleased to hear everything went well with your scan and good luck with your next one. I'm sure your husband will come around soon. I think it's especially difficult for them to process because they can't see or feel anything.

I had my scan last Friday; all looked good. We saw the heartbeat and the baby measured 6mm, which is apparently bang on for 6 weeks. I still can't shake this feeling of apprehension though. My son was 8mm at the same time and I was sick as a dog by now. I know every pregnancy is different so hoping that's it. Luckily, I get to have another scan at 8 weeks because my ovaries are still so enlarged. If everything has progressed as it should have by then, I'll start to relax.

How many weeks are you now Rainbow? When's your next scan?
SB-I am over the moon for you love!!! :cloud9:

My thoughts and prayers are forever with those still struggling and I do still follow along from the sidelines as time permits. Much love to everyone and never give up!!! SB is a perfect example in this! :flower:
That's great news Chickensoup! So happy to hear it went well! It was after my 8 week scan that I started to relax. I am still feeling a bit nervous but minimal compared to before! I'm now 10 weeks (I will be 11 weeks on Friday) so edging ever closer to that 12 week hurdle. I'm just waiting to hear when my next scan will be. I've been to see the midwife at my GP surgery and they've referred me to obstetrics, who I will go and see for my 'booking in' appointment. At this appointment they will give me a date for my next scan which should be at around 12 weeks but can be anywhere up until 15 weeks (so my midwife told me - argh!).
Silverbelle - we've just met (online), but so lovely to hear such a great outcome!

Chicken and Rainbow- glad to hear that everything is going smoothly! What's next for you guys?

I am now 6w 3d (but who's counting? ;) _ Going in for an ultrasound at 7w 1d. I've started to feel more nausea - mostly when I wake up and before bed - and a fair amount of lightheaded/dizziness throughout the day.

I broke down to dh last weekend about how scared I was that something would go wrong. I am mostly staying positive since then but of course I am still anxious. I am so hoping we see or hear a heartbeat next week.
Those first few weeks are so tough with all the worries they bring. Only four more days until your scan!
I will be finding out the date of my next scan on Tuesday, when I go for an appointment at the hospital. Hoping it won't be too long that I have to wait.
Good luck for your scan on Thursday (hope I've worked that out right!).
Thank you all for your lovely words :flower:


Silverbell! That is awesome!! Adoption is a wonderful thing!

If you don't mind me asking- what abnormality do you have? I have a unicornuate uterus. I miscarried 4 times and had 4 chemicals. The drs thought due to the blood supply but all tests were always normal.

Of course I don't mind you asking. I was a bit of an anomoly in that it wasn't precisely one thing or the other but the Gynaecologist described it as a very broad congenital defect across the top of my womb. He said it wasn't something he could pin a name to but was a cross between a broad septum and a bicornate uterus. He said that the abnormality was so broad he did not believe there is anything that can be done but would confer with a fertility colleague. After this discussion he came back to me to say that I have a broad fundus with tubular ostia and he's looked at the literature and I fall between definitions but most seem to fit a possible 'broad type 2a septum'. He said he wanted to scan me again (transvaginal) to see whether surgery was an option.

At this point I declined any further intervention. Enough was enough.

I should also point out that this abnormality wasn't picked up on the HSG I had 1 year into TTC, which surprised my fertility consultant. He felt sure if it was so broad there would have been something visible on the HSG. I wish there had been! Would certainly have saved us a lot of time, money, tears and trouble.

I hope that's helpful and I'm so very sorry to hear about your losses :hugs:
Hi ladies, what's going on?

chicken/rainbow- how are you guys feeling?

deafgal- thinking of you and hoping you are having a great start to your year

Had an ultrasound and saw the baby's heartbeat! Couldn't hear it but it measured at 141 bpm and doctor said everything looked good and released us to the OB. Which then made me realize I had to scramble to find an OB (previously they said I would not be released til 9-10 weeks). 8 weeks tomorrow with my first OB apt next week.
Aww that's lovely MsRipple! Seeing that little heartbeat is so magical!

I'm now 12w5d! I went in to the hospital last Tuesday to 'book in', so really just to take my blood pressure, check my urine and take a bunch of details. As we were chatting I just mentioned to the midwife that my symptoms seemed to be subsiding and was that ok (just looking for reassurance after my last pregnancy ending how it did). She very kindly went and had a word with the ladies in ultrasound and they did my 12 week scan then and there! I didn't actually realise that it was going to be classed as my 12 week scan as DH wasn't there, which was a shame, but I saw our gorgeous little baby which was AMAZING! He/she measured 12w2d which was interesting as I was only 11w4d (which is based on the day I know I ovulated due to having the trigger shot) which makes my due date 30th July. I'm still counting the weeks based on when I had my IUI though! I won't have any appointments now until I'm 16weeks which worries me slightly. I just wish I could have my own ultrasound machine at home so I could check up on my little miracle every day!

Sending you all lots of love.
Hi ladies,

So pleased to hear you've both had good scans! Brilliant news. How are you both feeling?

Rainbow, that's so nice that they scanned you for your peace of mind. You're UK based aren't you? Where about are you?

MsRipple, they must be really happy with how things are going to have released you early! How do you find an OB? Is it not just based on where you live? Things seems to vary so much from country to country.

I had my 8 week scan last week; we saw the heartbeat and even saw the baby wiggling around, which I didn't expect (amazing!). The nurse was happy and discharged me to normal NHS care. I have my first midwife appointment next week.

I said if all went well, I'd feel ok. But typically, I haven't relaxed. Baby was measuring 8w1d at 8w4d, which they said absolutely is not a problem and they weren't worried at all, but of course I am. Also, funny you saying about symptoms subsiding Rainbow, I have started to feel a lot better (nausea wise) this week but I'm only 9 weeks. After reading this is the week it should peak, I can't help but wonder... Anyway, I must find a way to chill out or I'll drive myself mad! What will be will be and I can't do anything to change it.

Totally agree with the idea of an at home ultrasound machine. Surely there should be an app for that by now; it is 2017!
Such fantastic beautiful news on this thread! Congratulations on all the BFPs 😊
Ms Ripple - you're sweet to think of me. So far, I've finished one baby blanket (blue and white one) for my cousin's summer baby boy Lucas this year. I've got a pink and purple one nearly done (just need the edging complete). Now working on a new colorful blanket that might be suited for California climate I think as it's thinner than the other two I made. I think the purple and pink one will go to my classmate in Utah, and the current colorful one for the one in California. Haven't started trying with donor again yet (been on break since last May I believe from that).

Today's honestly going to be bittersweet. Going to a baby shower for my husband's stepsister who is expecting a spring baby. He had the heart to order her baby a special bear and I'm sad that our baby won't be the first one he can order it for, but I love the idea that he demands every baby needs a teddy bear. Not just any teddy bear, but a specific american company - Vermont (I think it's where the company is). Supposedly if anything happens to bear and it needs hospital to be fixed/repaired, there's a lifetime warranty for that. I didn't make her baby a blanket as I know there's several ladies in her family who are capable of making that better than me.

Going to a baby shower (for a family member) is big, considering my circumstances. I haven't done that in years - not since going to my cousin's a few years ago - maybe 3 to 5 years for me. I'm expecting to have some kind of mental good cry out tonite maybe. I don't know. Or I'll just drink some extra wine tonight. We'll see what my mood is like.

At least I'm enjoying the crafting part - I do enjoy and find it relaxing to just knit or crochet when I have time to.
It wasn't so bad. It was a tea party type of baby shower. No games. Just drinking tea and eating light meal and dessert. Then stepsis in law opens her gifts. The gifts were pretty cool to see - some were obviously homemade (I didn't make anything for her, knowing she'd have plenty of ladies in her family to do that). I texted Z to tell him when our gift was being opened. I think it was slightly harder for him than me - he said he actually was tearing up at the photos and my text about her reaction to the bear gift.

Last night my mood was just fine - I saw my family after the party and I got my girl scout cookies that I ordered from my niece, so maybe that helped - I wasn't obsessing or thinking much after that party about anything related to baby so I drank a glass of wine and really enjoyed trying out the new recipe Z found for the spaghetti sauce.

Thanks for checking on me Hopeful Cat.
Deafgal - I'm glad the baby shower wasn't as hard as you were expecting. I had to make so many excuses for avoiding such occasions before I got pregnant, i just couldn't do it. I hope 2017 is your year.

Chickensoup - I live in the Isle of Man. :-)
How lovely that you saw the heartbeat and a wiggly baby! It is so magical seeing them move. Have you got a date for your booking in appointment?
I know exactly what you mean when you say you thought you would feel more relaxed. Since my 12 week scan I have been feeling a little bit more relaxed but not as much as I'd hoped. I've even been convincing myself over the last 24 hours that something might have gone wrong (I'm now 14 weeks so logically I know I should stop worrying).
We had the same with baby measuring smaller than expected at our 9 week scan (which worried me) but then at 12 week scan he/she was measuring bigger (which also worried me!).
Have you had any more pregnancy symptoms? Mine were a bit famine or feast for the whole of the first trimester and I was so relieved when I had them.

MsRipple - How are you doing?

Deafgal, I think you are so strong to be able to attend baby showers and pour your time and energy into making gifts. I have declined several baby showers, even recently. I think about you often and have everything crossed that this is your year.

Rainbow, I had my booking appointment this week. All was fine. I went over my worried with the midwife and she basically said that, yes, something could go wrong but there is no reason to believe that it will and so to stop worrying. Easier said than done! Symptoms come and go; I'm pleased when they are there because it's reassuring.

It's going to be hard to stop worrying, even though you are past the first trimester but, chances are, everything is ok. It's great that baby caught up size wise! Hopefully you'll begin to feel some movement soon and that will be reassuring.

Hope all is well with you, MsRipple!
Deafgal, I'm glad the shower was ok for you. You have a lot of emotional stamina!

Rainbow and Chicken- glad everything is going well with your scans!

I met with the OB affiliated with the hospital where we did fertility treatments. Saw the baby again - measuring on target at 9w1d and could hear the heart beat. First time he measured hb came in at 139 bpm, then measured again at 169bpm. He said it can vary but both are good, not to worry. But yeah, I worried about the 139 bpm. Am going to meet with a second OB with a smaller practice and see what the difference would be between both. Both are good - one would just be a big hospital practice that is well-regarded, but you see whomever you want leading up to delivery and then are delivered by whoever happens to be on call. For better and worse, it's a big university teaching hospital. The smaller practice seems more personal to me.

Chicken I am with you, I have been worried throughout. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
I think my emotional state has come a long way since day one of finding out the issue.

Not to say that I don't have bad days anymore, I still do have them, but they are far and few in between. For example, last Nov. I think, maybe it was Oct. I saw my stepsis in law for the first time since she made her announcement, I was in tears on the way home. So I do have my bad days, just not as often now. The weird thing is I didn't have the same reaction when I finally saw my cousin for the first time as pregnant at Christmas.

I'm excited to have two new babies join the family this year nevertheless. We need babies to spoil and love. I joke that the best part of my job (with the high school teens and the deaf toddlers/babies) is that I get to give the kids back at end of day (or hour) and I don't spend so much money on their necessities. I hear my coworkers tell tales about their children during lunch - what they've done now, etc. Makes me smile in a small way knowing I don't have to deal with that, yet (or ever - not sure which one of the two it will be).

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