Dealing with azoospermia?

So DH spoke to urologists..... He has agreed that with the new numbers we can do a few samples frozen and use them for the IVF!! He said the counts seem to flucutate between none and 600,000 per drop of semen. He has to get genetic testing first to make sure everything is okay. If so it looks like I can start meds in late October instead of November!! I pray this all goes well. Obviously this makes me nervous that what is the frozen samples do not have any in them? I am sure the doc will go over all this with us.

Does anyone know why it would be reported in number per drop versus per mL?
my hubby was told when he was joining the forces that he had a swollen testicle tube (this was over 12 years ago) he was told it was nothing to worry about and quite common. When he got dx as having non obstructive azoospermia, the urologist never mentioned the swollen tube even tho it is still the same now. His fsh was raised slighty so that points to NOA. I haven't tried the sperm test and don't really know anything about it what is the whole keeping the legs up high about? Hope the time flies by quickly until your appointment with the specialist[/QUOTE]

Sorry taken so long to reply. Right now i got to try and explain this. Cos the blood flow travels down the body i read somewhere that if a man was to raise hes bottom and tmi squirt cos the blood flood is flowing in other direction the vain wont be blocking the tube.
Welcome Kelly Sorry you are having to join us.

Mobaby that is great news!

We had mock transfer and orientation yesterday. The mock transfer went well other than them keeping me waiting an extra half an hour with a full bladder. We went over all the injections and everything and I got my initial calendar. I start Lupron on the 11th, stop BCP on the 14th and go for a baseline ultrasound the 16th. After that they will tell me when I will be starting the next drug which will either be follistim or gonal-f. Its starting to hit now that this is actually happening.
I had my hydrosonography and trial transfer today. Everything went well. I had some cramping with the hydro catheter but other than that I was fine. All my tests have been good with no red flags (my 2 fibroid friends are not an issue :) ) . So I am finished testing next step for me is the meds and will start those when we get the thumbs up from the urologist... should be around the end of october hopefully. Doc asked me how many embryos to transfer today and I told him 2 which is scary but I think we want to do that..... we will see when it gets closer! :)
kellymarie86 i could have written that myself. My DH & I have been trying for about the same length of time. His sample had no sperm in it either.
So :witch: is here tonight so birth control pill starts tomorrow and I have to ring in to the clinic. Seems like quite a few of us will be cycling at the same time :thumbup: xx
Great news for Sar, Mo and Deb! Keeping everything crossed for all of you :hugs:
I am 25 yr old and my husband and I have been trying to get prenant for 14 months now. My tests came back ok. But he was diagnosis with azoospermia. We have seen urologist and all tests and labs have come back ok. They were baffled and sent us to a fertility specialist that we see for the first time on Sep 30. So nervous and worried. I never knew that there was a forum to talk to other people dealing with this issue. To top it off I work on and ob floor of a hospital.
I am 25 yr old and my husband and I have been trying to get prenant for 14 months now. My tests came back ok. But he was diagnosis with azoospermia. We have seen urologist and all tests and labs have come back ok. They were baffled and sent us to a fertility specialist that we see for the first time on Sep 30. So nervous and worried. I never knew that there was a forum to talk to other people dealing with this issue. To top it off I work on and ob floor of a hospital.

I'm so sorry, desperate :hugs: You've found a safe haven to talk about it here. We're all going through it too.

At your first appointment you will find out much more and what will happen next and just knowing what the next steps may help you both.
OK ladies, just after a bit of knowledge from those of you who've seen Gynaecologists.

I'm due to be seen by Gynae this Thursday after getting referred a few months back following DH's diagnosis. Reason being is that I wanted to ensure that I was functioning OK etc prior to ICSI and IVF (if we're incredibly lucky) or IUI with donor sperm.

I just wondered if any of you knew what sort of things might be discussed or tested for on Thursday? On the letter it does say it's likely a doctor will perform a clinical vaginal exam +/- vaginal ultrasound scan and other investigations. But this looks like a standard letter, so I'm not sure it applies.

Not panicking - just wondering what they might or might not be doing and what I should ask them perhaps. I obviously just want to ensure I'm working fine before going ahead with IUI or IVF and this is to get the ball rolling a bit.

I also don't know if it's my GP or this Gynae that will refer to a Fertility Centre?
Hello Ladies,

I have been a member of Band B for a few months now, but it seems that I now find myself joining this group after receving new from FS.

Yesterday my husband and I were told that he had Azoospermia. We genuinly thought that we would be told low sperm count and were devasted to hear the news.

A few months back I had a false BFP, which I assumed was chemical pregnancy, so now it appears it was just another cruel trick played on us.

Our next step is to discover whether this is genetic (in which case we are advised that we will not be able to have biological babies of uur own) or whether there is a blockage which would mean the chance of IVF/ICCS. The next step is a blood test for O.H.

I would love to hear from Ladies in a similar situation and also some postive stories of happy endings.

I know that this group is full of women who can really relate to the heartbreak that I have right now! Looking forward to sharing out experiences and hopefuly celebrating happy endings!!
Welcome Pamplemousse and Desperate :hugs: There is a wealth of info on this thread so ask away and we will do our best to help :flower:

SB - have you had blood tests yet? If not, they will order blood tests for somewhere between day 1 and day 5 of your cycle. They will also want day 21 progesterone blood test. Also see if they will do an AMH test whilst you're there. Going by my experience, I imagine you will have an internal vaginal scan (aka dildocam!) - if so, ask them if they are able to tell you how many follicles you have. If you end up having IUI, they will want to do some other tests to check your tubes etc - can't remember the names, but not really any point going ahead with those until if you know about hubby's microTESE results as it doesn't matter what your tubes are like if you're having IVF / ICSI xx
OK ladies, just after a bit of knowledge from those of you who've seen Gynaecologists.

I'm due to be seen by Gynae this Thursday after getting referred a few months back following DH's diagnosis. Reason being is that I wanted to ensure that I was functioning OK etc prior to ICSI and IVF (if we're incredibly lucky) or IUI with donor sperm.

I just wondered if any of you knew what sort of things might be discussed or tested for on Thursday? On the letter it does say it's likely a doctor will perform a clinical vaginal exam +/- vaginal ultrasound scan and other investigations. But this looks like a standard letter, so I'm not sure it applies.

Not panicking - just wondering what they might or might not be doing and what I should ask them perhaps. I obviously just want to ensure I'm working fine before going ahead with IUI or IVF and this is to get the ball rolling a bit.

I also don't know if it's my GP or this Gynae that will refer to a Fertility Centre?

Hey Silverbell :hi:

The consultant at Hammersmith booked me in for tests; I had the vaginal ultrasound last week (to check the lining etc) - not painful, but a little odd! And today I had the HSG (check that my tubes were clear), which (thankfully) was not as painful as I feared. It's like a smear test, uncomfortable more than anything, but do take a couple of nurofen an hour before, I think it really helped.

Good luck with the tests and let us know how you get on.

:hi: to everyone else, I really need to catch-up on the thread, looks like a lot of ladies are moving along, that's so good to hear! Hello to the new lasses, too, you've come to the right place, lots of warmth, support and advice here :flower:

As for us, we've had all our tests and next Wednesday (21st) we're back to see the Consultant. Depending on husband's results, I guess we'll have some idea of what the next step is... keeping everything crossed that there is one.

Look after yourselves!

C xx
I am 25 yr old and my husband and I have been trying to get prenant for 14 months now. My tests came back ok. But he was diagnosis with azoospermia. We have seen urologist and all tests and labs have come back ok. They were baffled and sent us to a fertility specialist that we see for the first time on Sep 30. So nervous and worried. I never knew that there was a forum to talk to other people dealing with this issue. To top it off I work on and ob floor of a hospital.

Hi Desperate, you and I are in the same boat.

the only thing i can say about your appointment is not to worry if you can't take everything all in. Take a note book, and afterwards jot down some things you want to ask and then call them back. It is so hard to digest information when you dealing with raw emotions at the same time!!

It seems I am about a month ahead of you in the testing sagas, hope I can help you with some answers!!
SB - have you had blood tests yet? If not, they will order blood tests for somewhere between day 1 and day 5 of your cycle. They will also want day 21 progesterone blood test. Also see if they will do an AMH test whilst you're there. Going by my experience, I imagine you will have an internal vaginal scan (aka dildocam!) - if so, ask them if they are able to tell you how many follicles you have. If you end up having IUI, they will want to do some other tests to check your tubes etc - can't remember the names, but not really any point going ahead with those until if you know about hubby's microTESE results as it doesn't matter what your tubes are like if you're having IVF / ICSI xx

Thanks, Deb! I've had Day 21 blood test, but it kind of got messed up due to falling at a weekend and a Bank Holiday :dohh: The result was OK, but didn't look quite right, though when the GP found out I got my AF 2 days after the test the GP seemed happy with the results. I guess they'll want to repeat it. I've not had the Day 1 to 5 test yet. It'll be good if they do want that, as I should get AF on Saturday.

Thanks for your help :hugs:

Hey Silverbell :hi:

The consultant at Hammersmith booked me in for tests; I had the vaginal ultrasound last week (to check the lining etc) - not painful, but a little odd! And today I had the HSG (check that my tubes were clear), which (thankfully) was not as painful as I feared. It's like a smear test, uncomfortable more than anything, but do take a couple of nurofen an hour before, I think it really helped.

Good luck with the tests and let us know how you get on.

Thank you, tigerlily :hugs:

That's really helpful.
Hello Ladies,

I have been a member of Band B for a few months now, but it seems that I now find myself joining this group after receving new from FS.

Yesterday my husband and I were told that he had Azoospermia. We genuinly thought that we would be told low sperm count and were devasted to hear the news.

A few months back I had a false BFP, which I assumed was chemical pregnancy, so now it appears it was just another cruel trick played on us.

Our next step is to discover whether this is genetic (in which case we are advised that we will not be able to have biological babies of uur own) or whether there is a blockage which would mean the chance of IVF/ICCS. The next step is a blood test for O.H.

I would love to hear from Ladies in a similar situation and also some postive stories of happy endings.

I know that this group is full of women who can really relate to the heartbreak that I have right now! Looking forward to sharing out experiences and hopefuly celebrating happy endings!!

Hi there Pample :hugs: Sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.

I don't think that anybody can be prepared for finding out there is literally no sperm in the SA. You may wonder if it's going to show low count, but nobody ever expects or even wants to think that there might be 0. Thinking of you at what I know will be a very difficult time for you both :hugs:

I just wanted to comment on something you said, as I'm not sure if you realise. If there is a genetic problem with your DH, that doesn't mean that you can't have biological children together. My DH has a genetic problem (Klinefelter's), but if sperm are found on biopsy then we can still go ahead with ICSI and IVF. Only they are likely to do some genetic testing on the sperm prior to the ICSI to ensure the condition won't be passed on. There are other genetic problems that aren't passed on as well, so don't dismiss everything until you know for sure. Also, even if there isn't a blockage there are still successes with men having sperm found on biopsy and ICSI/IVF - there are lots of examples in this thread of very happy endings in this regard with non-obstructive azoospermia.

Hope this helps and good luck to you both on your journey. x
OK ladies, just after a bit of knowledge from those of you who've seen Gynaecologists.

I'm due to be seen by Gynae this Thursday after getting referred a few months back following DH's diagnosis. Reason being is that I wanted to ensure that I was functioning OK etc prior to ICSI and IVF (if we're incredibly lucky) or IUI with donor sperm.

I just wondered if any of you knew what sort of things might be discussed or tested for on Thursday? On the letter it does say it's likely a doctor will perform a clinical vaginal exam +/- vaginal ultrasound scan and other investigations. But this looks like a standard letter, so I'm not sure it applies.

Not panicking - just wondering what they might or might not be doing and what I should ask them perhaps. I obviously just want to ensure I'm working fine before going ahead with IUI or IVF and this is to get the ball rolling a bit.

I also don't know if it's my GP or this Gynae that will refer to a Fertility Centre?

It might be a little bit different here but my GP referred me to a Fertility Centre who in turn referred me to one of their O&Gs for my "work up" which consisted of lots and lots of bloods, a transvagnial ultrasound (ick) and clinical examination (ick ick).
It might be a little bit different here but my GP referred me to a Fertility Centre who in turn referred me to one of their O&Gs for my "work up" which consisted of lots and lots of bloods, a transvagnial ultrasound (ick) and clinical examination (ick ick).

That's great, KB, thank you! I feel I know what to expect now so thanks everybody for all your help :hugs:
Hello Ladies,

I have been a member of Band B for a few months now, but it seems that I now find myself joining this group after receving new from FS.

Yesterday my husband and I were told that he had Azoospermia. We genuinly thought that we would be told low sperm count and were devasted to hear the news.

A few months back I had a false BFP, which I assumed was chemical pregnancy, so now it appears it was just another cruel trick played on us.

Our next step is to discover whether this is genetic (in which case we are advised that we will not be able to have biological babies of uur own) or whether there is a blockage which would mean the chance of IVF/ICCS. The next step is a blood test for O.H.

I would love to hear from Ladies in a similar situation and also some postive stories of happy endings.

I know that this group is full of women who can really relate to the heartbreak that I have right now! Looking forward to sharing out experiences and hopefuly celebrating happy endings!!

Hi there Pample :hugs: Sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.

I don't think that anybody can be prepared for finding out there is literally no sperm in the SA. You may wonder if it's going to show low count, but nobody ever expects or even wants to think that there might be 0. Thinking of you at what I know will be a very difficult time for you both :hugs:

I just wanted to comment on something you said, as I'm not sure if you realise. If there is a genetic problem with your DH, that doesn't mean that you can't have biological children together. My DH has a genetic problem (Klinefelter's), but if sperm are found on biopsy then we can still go ahead with ICSI and IVF. Only they are likely to do some genetic testing on the sperm prior to the ICSI to ensure the condition won't be passed on. There are other genetic problems that aren't passed on as well, so don't dismiss everything until you know for sure. Also, even if there isn't a blockage there are still successes with men having sperm found on biopsy and ICSI/IVF - there are lots of examples in this thread of very happy endings in this regard with non-obstructive azoospermia.

Hope this helps and good luck to you both on your journey. x

Thank you so much for message. It really has helped me feel that all is not lost.
How is eveything going for you?!
Thank you so much for message. It really has helped me feel that all is not lost.
How is eveything going for you?!

I'm very glad :hugs:

I had my gynae appt this week. Had vaginal exam, swabs and dildo-cam :haha:. I have an unusually tiny cervical opening. Right ovary perfect. Left ovary couldn't be visualised due to lots of bubbles covering area. No cysts or tumours. HSG dye scan referral made - could be couple of months wait. Having day 2 to 4 bloods done (tomorrow) and day 19 bloods done (day 21 is too late for me with my shorter 26-day cycles).

Just waiting for DH's appointment with Mr Ramsay now in 1.5 weeks when he'll get put on the list for the mTESE :happydance: The sooner he gets that, the better. It'll be nice to know for sure exactly where we stand instead of just guessing all the time.

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