Hello Ladies,
I have been a member of Band B for a few months now, but it seems that I now find myself joining this group after receving new from FS.
Yesterday my husband and I were told that he had Azoospermia. We genuinly thought that we would be told low sperm count and were devasted to hear the news.
A few months back I had a false BFP, which I assumed was chemical pregnancy, so now it appears it was just another cruel trick played on us.
Our next step is to discover whether this is genetic (in which case we are advised that we will not be able to have biological babies of uur own) or whether there is a blockage which would mean the chance of IVF/ICCS. The next step is a blood test for O.H.
I would love to hear from Ladies in a similar situation and also some postive stories of happy endings.
I know that this group is full of women who can really relate to the heartbreak that I have right now! Looking forward to sharing out experiences and hopefuly celebrating happy endings!!
Hi there Pample

Sorry you find yourself here, but welcome.
I don't think that anybody can be prepared for finding out there is literally no sperm in the SA. You may wonder if it's going to show low count, but nobody ever expects or even wants to think that there might be 0. Thinking of you at what I know will be a very difficult time for you both
I just wanted to comment on something you said, as I'm not sure if you realise. If there is a genetic problem with your DH, that doesn't mean that you can't have biological children together. My DH has a genetic problem (Klinefelter's), but if sperm are found on biopsy then we can still go ahead with ICSI and IVF. Only they are likely to do some genetic testing on the sperm prior to the ICSI to ensure the condition won't be passed on. There are other genetic problems that aren't passed on as well, so don't dismiss everything until you know for sure. Also, even if there isn't a blockage there are still successes with men having sperm found on biopsy and ICSI/IVF - there are lots of examples in this thread of very happy endings in this regard with non-obstructive azoospermia.
Hope this helps and good luck to you both on your journey. x