Hello Ladies,
Our next step is to discover whether this is genetic (in which case we are advised that we will not be able to have biological babies of uur own) or whether there is a blockage which would mean the chance of IVF/ICCS. The next step is a blood test for O.H.
Hi Pamplemousse, Desperate & KellyMarie, really sorry that you find yourselves here, but hopefully you'll find a few answers, advice & support to help you through - the ladies here really know their stuff & always know the right thing to say (and what not to, which can be just as important).
Pamplemousse I know that Silverbell has already answered you on this but I just want to reassure again that very often genetic causes of azoospermia do not eliminate the possibility of having your own biological children. I've just copied this over from my journal;
Anyway,results in, & it's pretty much as expected: DH is a CF carrier & I'm not (which is great news from ICSI point of view

). The slightly more unsettling news is that in addition to the CF mutation (which should be a ressive gene) on one gene, DH also carries a 'variation' on the other which 'supercharges' the CF mutation & can cause CF symptoms (though not full blown CF).
So basically DH, due to carrying a CF gene, is missing the tube that should deliver the sperm from the testis to the rest of the seman for 'delivery'. This is great news for us at this point as it was the last hurdle before beginning ICSI, & now we're just waiting on an appointment with the fs to talk about scheduling!
Btw, I've not been on the site much recently, sorry - been finding the whole thing a bit overwhelming and my coping mechanism is to bury my head in work.... but with the results in I'm feeling a lot more positive
I've been loving reading upon the posts though - I've everything crossed for all you guys cycling or just about to!