Hi Girls,
So much to catch up on, sorry I haven't been on for a while, I have been keeping up to date reading, just have been soooo tired & busy. So many personals to catch up on, so a long post!
Silverbell &
Cosita Thanks for the welcome, nice to 'meet' you. Silverbell, keeping everything crossed for January; Cosita, sounds like a good result, fingers crossed for you.
Deb, how are you hun? It sounds like you have been having a tough time. I think the constant waiting that comes with IVf is the hardest part. Especially for those of us who's partners have azoos as we know there is NO chnace of that miracle non-ivf bub that many others doing ivf at least can hope for. Will be hanging out for you to do your natural FET in January & keeping everything crossed. That bloody frozen sperm issue was so tough for us, my poor DH actually went into shock & started shaking & passed out when he realised that he had to have his procedure again. He still suffers pain from his last procedure in March, poor love.At least with the FET you don't have to worry about sperm thawing issues.
SND, so, so sorry about the robbery, that's just horrible. It sounds like things are moving along for you, it will be great to follow your journey.
Wanbmum, I love your positive attitude, sometimes hope is all we have to hang on to.
MRSD, as long as they can find some sperm there is hope, look at Deb & I, in our situations they're dealing with less than 50 sperm (not 50000; 50!) and we managed to get some fertilisation, so your situation sounds hopeful to me.
MissAma; a stroke! That sounds terrible you poor thing! And then your boss having a go at you; your boss should keep their nose in their own business. Will be keeing evrything crossed for you for January too; sounds like January is a big month!
Sar187, keeping everything cossed for you, those stim drugs can make you feel so unwell. Rest up & be kind to yourself.
CM, sorry you're having such a tough time, this is truly a devestating time. Take one second, minute, hour, day at a time & hang in there, this is a great, supportive group
Bookworm, it sounds like it's all happening for you, cycle wise! We also have CF issue, my DH has a CF gene mutation & I am a full carrier, so there is a slim chnace that our child (if we get that lucky) could have an A-Typical form of CF, we, however cannot afford PGD, so are just hoping for the best. I love your "realistic optimism /optimistic realism...", that's the stage we're at at the moment. Sounds like a goof haul, egg wise. Each step that you get through is an achievement, so hang in there!
Step Mummy, how you travelling hun? I agree, if we didn't have patience at the beginning of thus then we sure do by the end. Have you chosen a new donor yet or did I miss that?
AFM, well we made it through the 1st hurdle of ovulation (yay) and then had our lovely thawed hatching blastocyst transfered on tues 29/11. We were soo nervous about this after our experience with the sperm thaw, but it all went well. Thank GOD! Our clinic gives defrosted embryos a % score and ours scored 100%
and was re-expanding too. Our beautiful FS (who we love) said "look at it, it's gorgeous; looks just like a fresh one". So currently we are still just waiting. we have the BT on friday. Can I just say that I hate the 2 week wait (although for us it's 10 days). This has to be one of the toughest things I've done in my life. I keep thinking I am getting my period (it's due today). My DH gave me a good talking to this morn, telling me how much he loves & that nothing can change that & that we've done all that we can & the rest is in God's hands... So 2 more sleeps ladies.
You're all such a great source of comfort & kindness.

to us all,
Mel xx