Hi all - been

been so long since I've been on the thread that I feel like a bit of a newbie here!
Hello to those who have joined recently; in one sense I hate seeing new people here, as I wouldn't wish this on any one - but on the other hand if you have to go through it then you are in the best place possible

I owe a lot to the ladies on this thread, and just reading through the posts really helped me at the start.
Lots has been happening here! I don't really know where to start... I've just spent the last couple of hours catching up (back to the beginning of Oct). Robberies and cycles and donors and clinic troubles... I'm sorry I wasn't here at the time, but though I've not been about I've been thinking of you all and sending out positive vibes.
I had a bit of a hard time in October; my SIL gave birth to a little boy - for a lot of reasons this was hard for me, as I know you can all imagine. This one has been the hardest for me - they broke the news at a big family gathering during the summer, just after our 0 SA. He is DH's younger brother, married under a year at the time and this leaves us as the 'childless couple', all of which was explored in detail by the family for humourous effect on the day. It was pretty awful, and there was no escape. Timing wise this means that they got pregnant in the only month I ever had a scare, I really thought I was pg in Feb '11.... Its not really their fault, none of them knew we were TTC or having problems, but something broke in me that day - I felt as if something had been taken away from me. So the birth of this child was very complicated for me - all very selfish and self-indulgent

but there it is - & to top it off they stole my name - which sounds really stupid, but the night we came home from the BBQ when they announced their BFP, I said to DH when we got home " they're going to have a boy and they're going to call him Josh" - and guess what?
Then there is the whole CF thing too - just weeks before the birth we got the results back showing that DH is a CF carrier ( the cause of his azoospermia) meaning his DB could be too, and potentially if his wife is too they could have had a very sick child. But of course we couldn't tell a mother, weeks before the birth of her child that it might have CF... So we had to guiltily sit on the news and hope to God that the child was healthy (and thankfully he is thriving).
Plus we were waiting to start our first cycle at the time. We started down reg on 8th Nov, I'm taking my trigger shot on Sunday & ER is scheduled for Tuesday. All moving for us now - I'm cautiously optimistic. I realise that the percentages are hard to beat, but I also know that I'm healthy, everything is going well so far, and even at the worst this is just the first cycle - in a way I thinking of it as something that we need to do to get to a BFP on the 2nd or 3rd attempt, but that if it worked 1st time we'd be over the moon - I call it realistic optimism / maybe that should be optimistic realism...
Lastly for us, something that has really helped me turn a corner is that DH has started to show some softness - he has been so strong for me through this all that sometimes it came across as though he was a bit detached, and maybe not that bothered. But recently he's admitted to finding it hard, made a few comments about finding different situations tough, and talking about imagining a LO climbing into bed with us in the mornings and all cuddling up together on the sofa. For some reason that has really helped me, i really needed to know that he was find this tough ( sounds awful when i say that). I think maybe I've been a bit selfish, indulging my own emotions too much and forcing him to be strong for me; maybe I held him back from dealing with it all...
Well - sorry for the waffle - should probably be a journal entry rather than a post here

bet your all glad I don't post more often!! Lots of