Dealing with azoospermia?

Hi Ladies,
Thanks so much for the warm welcome, it is a great source of comfort to have found you all.
MissAma, it sounds like we have had a similar experience & you are so lucky to be a Mum to a beautiful bubba. I wouldn't worry too much about what the scientist told us about sperm. We were dealing with VERY small numbers. We had 3 'straws' frozen, one had 8 sperm in it & the other 2 each had 13 sperm, so we were talking very small numbers. Fingers crossed that you have more success. Are you definitely moving to Perth? I've never been to Perth, but my Hubby tells me it's a beautiful city.

Hi WaitingGinger, nice to meet you. My DH also seems like a different person in a way too, sad hey? Last cycle when I told him we had a BFP he said "I think my ball just tingled" :winkwink:lol. Whilst it was short lived, it was lovely for a while to see him have a spring back in his step again. It's great that you have planning a wedding to distract you!

Hi Step Mummy, you & your poor DH have had such a tough time of it. I have really felt for your guys & all the pain & infection that you had to endure. It is SO hard seeing someone you love in so much pain. Whilst my DH's procedure went without drama, he still gets (as he puts it) 'ball pain' & he had his last procedure in March. I see that you have used donor sperm, I am sending loads of :dust:
your way!

Deb, thanks so much for the welcome. You're right, all the girls on this thread are lovely. Like I said, I've read every single post now, so feel like I know you all. I hope it's okay, I showed my Mum your video journal this morning & she was in tears. We both agreed that it is such a generous thing to share with the world. You sum up this whole experience so well. If I recall you are a Primary Teacher? Your students are lucky kids! Sorry you have been through such a difficult time lately :hugs:. IVF is one draining experience, isn't it?

Thanks for the welcome Wibble Wobble! I hope your counselling appt comes around quickly.

AFM, we had another BT & U/S yesterday & I think everything is coming along ok. I am finding this unmedicated cycle so hard. I keep second guessing everything the nurses tell me each phone call. Basically all I want to know is that everything is on time & right for ovulation & that we can go ahead as planned. I am using my IVF relaxation CDs & am also having acupuncture (as I did last cycle) so am doing all I can, I guess. Other than that all I can do is hope & pray.

Thanks again for the warm welcome, it is an honour to be among so many strong, courageous women :hugs: You girls rock!!
Hi MJ - of course I don't mind you showing your mum the video. It isso hard for people who aren't going through something like this to understand, and the more people who can understand, even just a little bit; the better.

You sound like you're in the same position as us pretty much. We are having an unmedicated FET in January and it does feel a bit scary - my head tells me that medicated has to be better because they can control everything, but my clinic tells me that unmedicated is best if your cycles are normal and that there is no difference between the statistics so I have to go with what they say. They were spot on with everything else - it was out of their control once I had had transfer.

We also only have a tiny amount of sperm frozen, but for some reason they decided to freeze it in 1 vial. We have about 30 I think and I think their reasoning was that they will lose a lot of it when thawing, but I still can't help but think freezing it in several would have been better - ok, they may have had to thaw them all for one attempt, BUT we may have got lucky and they might not have needed to :shrug: Anyway, no point stressing about something we can't do anything about

So when are they aiming transfer for? xx
just out of curiosity my cycles now alternate between 30 and 32 days what day is best for the '21' day progesterone test to show the most accurate result

I have 26-day cycles on average and was told to do my 'day 21' test on day 19. So I believe it's a week before your period would normally be due. I would do it as if you're having a 30-day cycle, so day 23 should be perfect. I could be wrong though - that's just what I was told.

MJ - welcome to the group nobody wants to join (that's soooo true!) I could identify with so much of what you had to say. :cry: I'm hoping your journey to be a parent is soon at its' end.
Hi girls, welcome MJ. Tomorrow we go back to doc for results of second SA and prolactin test among some other blood tests that they did. We aren't hoping for any news really, just expecting him to tell us it will be biopsy next. We are fine, I'm surprised how calm I am and how quickly we have adapted to this idea. Thats if we actually have adapted at all...its hard to know when whats been taken away from you is a wish, not a fact.
Miss Ama:my doc also said he doesn't freeze sperm as the results aren't as good as with fresh sperm. How long between biopsies does anyone know? Cos if they do one and find but don't freeze, there is a waiting period between proceedures right?
Night all, hope tomorrow is a good day for all (including me!!)
Hi girls, welcome MJ. Tomorrow we go back to doc for results of second SA and prolactin test among some other blood tests that they did. We aren't hoping for any news really, just expecting him to tell us it will be biopsy next. We are fine, I'm surprised how calm I am and how quickly we have adapted to this idea. Thats if we actually have adapted at all...its hard to know when whats been taken away from you is a wish, not a fact.
Miss Ama:my doc also said he doesn't freeze sperm as the results aren't as good as with fresh sperm. How long between biopsies does anyone know? Cos if they do one and find but don't freeze, there is a waiting period between proceedures right?
Night all, hope tomorrow is a good day for all (including me!!)

Think they leave it 6 months between each biopsy... even if they find some sperm in the first sample there is no guarantee of finding sperm a 2nd time :growlmad:
Well, here's how it went. The SA results show less than 2million. The doc seems really optimistic about this but could not assure us the lab just isn't being specific and that maybe less than 2million means just 1 or 2. He doesn't think so but I just cannot believe it and don't want to get my hopes up. We are going to email the lab and ask them how they measure, we know they aren't going to put an exact number but maybe between 1 million and 2 million or under 1 million, you get the idea. Anyway we told him about the antidepressives dh had been taking 9 months ago and he basically said 'Say no more'. Basically he feels we really need to explore the possibility that the sperm is on the up. This may take a lot longer than the biopsy route but of course its much better long term. So he has prescribed him 'Androferti'...full of zinc and all such things and we have to go back in 2 months. The motility was 100% immobile.:nope:
For the moment we're not going to count ourselves out of azoospermia but its looking like we may have a few spermies to play with.
Oh by the way, he also mentioned that most of their sperm donors are students and the norm is that during exam time their sperm counts drop to 0. Stress can kill sperm!
So girls, while this is kinda good news (for the next 2 months anyways) we still have to focus on being patient. I feel that this is what will get us through this.
Hey girls! Long time since I have been on... welcome to all the newbies and hope everyone is doing good! :hugs:

So, alot has been going on in my world these past few weeks. Our house got broken into last Tues and my safe with every dime I had saved up for my appt in Jackson yesterday was stolen, not to mention our PS3 and our guns... plus they ransacked our poor house! You talk about one pissed lady! Especially over my "baby" money!!!!! That was the most devistating thing!!! *sigh* But thanks to my wonderful aunt, I was still able to make it to my appt yesterday! Yay!

So, the dr. was super nice and said that everything looked good cycle wise and that I could proceed anytime I got ready. As far as my weight, he had no problems with it, but if I wanted to loose more weight before I did anything, he would be "my biggest cheerleader". He suggested I have a HSG done locally and have the results faxed to him just to be sure my tubes weren't blocked, gave me a script for clomid w/ 3 refills; said when I got ready to proceed, take the clomid the first month, have my progesterone checked one week after ovulation was detected and have the results faxed to him, then the next month be ready to get pg! LOL! I only hope it works out that easily... he did tell me when we got ready to order the sperm, to get the "unwashed" vials b/c they always wash them anyways, and that would shave off about $200 a vial! =) He also suggested ordering 3 vials when I order b/c shipping cost is the same as if I only ordered one, so that would also save me money.... he seemed very positive and my aunt (who is a RN) really liked him as well and said everything sounded very good, so I am extatic! So it is in my hands now... only we are thinking of waiting until May or June to do the first IUI, giving us time to build our funds back up after all the shit last week. But for now I am going to go ahead and book the HSG and get that (and the holidays) outta the way and get my big butt back in the gym. I had lost 4 lbs since last week when he weighed me yesterday and I have no idea how, unless it was all the stress (which made me start spotting on CD24 last week too). So, that's that.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and thinking of all my "sisters" on here! :hugs:
Hi ladies, i hope u dont mind me joining u, iv started reading this post last nigt and will get throught it all eventually :kiss:

well yesterday we had our 2nd fs appointment, following my lap. me & dh have been ttc conceive just coming up for 12 months (not very long i know), iv always had a feeling there was somthing wrong but assumed it was my side, i have very long cycles (between 45-90 days) anyway at our appointmnt were we were expecting to be given clomid, we wer told that dh's 1st SA showed 0 count and 2nd SA showed 2 million. :cry: im absalutly devastated. can anyone shed any light on what our chances of ivf/icsi with dh's sperm would be with these figures? and also is there anything we can do to increase this? as my fs started talking about DS, and its thrown me a little as this wasnt something that had entered my head, i was maybe expecting sa to be a little low but not 0 :cry:

im so scared bacause i know the rollercoaster weve got ahead of us, i have to go to work now and just dont know how im going to function as normal all day :cry:

thanks everyone in advance x
Hi, I've just spent over an hour reading back through the thread.

I am so happy to hear things are moving so quickly for so many people. It is exciting to think that by this time next year, you guys will either be pregnant or have a little baby in your arms!

AFM, there's not much to report at the moment. DH and I are still going for weekly accupuncture and taking chinese herbs. We haven't really talked about when DH might take another test, probably in another few months time. We're going to Fiji for 5 nights on Saturday and I'm really looking forward to getting away from this year!!! I am hoping that it will be the start good things!
hi silverbell - So sorry to hear about your poor house and belongings :( I am so glad to hear your ball is really rolling! I am so excited for you. It is great to hear your weight is not affecting you (i am overweight and worry so much that when the time comes they will refuse us treatment because of this)
Can I ask a question, you order the vials, your doc is not the one ordering the vials? Could they have done this for you? did they give you the option? (the reason I am asking is donor sperm in our country, there are not many donors, however I know there are companies internationally who will deliver but only to a medical centre/doctor)

Mrs D, sending you big hugs, this journey is so heartbreaking. Surely it only takes one little spermy? Have they told you why it went from 0 - 2 million? maybe it will go up again.

An update on ME: we have been told there is only a 10% chance that my OH can be fixed, they think there is too much damage. (my OH has scar tissue in both testes, 10% chance it can be fixed) He has another app in dec for a scan and they will give us their decision on whether it is worthwhile to operate. If not, our next option is donor :( dont get me wrong, if we have to use donor we will, but it will kill me and OH if we cant have 'his' baby :( it is so unfair, but we are not willing to give up, we will do whatever is necessary.
hi silverbell - So sorry to hear about your poor house and belongings :( I am so glad to hear your ball is really rolling! I am so excited for you. It is great to hear your weight is not affecting you (i am overweight and worry so much that when the time comes they will refuse us treatment because of this)
Can I ask a question, you order the vials, your doc is not the one ordering the vials? Could they have done this for you? did they give you the option? (the reason I am asking is donor sperm in our country, there are not many donors, however I know there are companies internationally who will deliver but only to a medical centre/doctor)

Thanks sweetie! It is getting better day by day, I was just really scared to leave home the first few days, but I have an alarm system now, so it made it a little better. As far as the vials, I have to order them myself, but they only ship to the medical clinic. I asked them the same question too. LOL! But no, they said I had to do the ordering and it would ship to them and they would store them for me at a cost of $50 a month. Not too bad... I can feel your every word about wanting "his" baby to the tee. I was the same way, but I have grown to fully understand that it is either this or no baby at all, and there is no way I can live childless after falling to pieces when we found out all this! I am very excited at the thought that I get to pick out my baby daddy "all over again"! haha! Did you ever look at that site I gave you? If not, it is and they have the international site link on there as well! At least give it a look. You'll be suprised... :hugs: and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi ladies, i hope u dont mind me joining u, iv started reading this post last nigt and will get throught it all eventually :kiss:

well yesterday we had our 2nd fs appointment, following my lap. me & dh have been ttc conceive just coming up for 12 months (not very long i know), iv always had a feeling there was somthing wrong but assumed it was my side, i have very long cycles (between 45-90 days) anyway at our appointmnt were we were expecting to be given clomid, we wer told that dh's 1st SA showed 0 count and 2nd SA showed 2 million. :cry: im absalutly devastated. can anyone shed any light on what our chances of ivf/icsi with dh's sperm would be with these figures? and also is there anything we can do to increase this? as my fs started talking about DS, and its thrown me a little as this wasnt something that had entered my head, i was maybe expecting sa to be a little low but not 0 :cry:

Hi there, sorry to see your here, but it really is a great place. The day before yesterday we got 2nd Sa back and results similar to yours (less than 2million) and we were over the moon after the past month thinking that dh had no sperm at all. We still dont know the reason for this or if more will be there next time (or less again). But its positive. Before this we were hoping for some sperm if they had to do biopsy (still not ruling it out) and that finding sperm there we could ICSI. Basically just finding out that he produces sperm at all was great and one less (big) worry. Im thinking the chances with ICSI are pretty good. How was motility etc?
Thanks SND - did i call you silverbell? woops sorry about that,i just noticed. As you know I was talkin to you :)
I will go and check out that website now.
I know if my OH cant be operated on, we are definately going down the donor route, Im sure once we find out, there will be a grieving process (which im sure we will never forget) but then i know it will be onwards and upwards. I never thought of it as finding a new match all over again, haha. I just know my OH would make such beautiful babies :(
I will go and check that out now.
Well, here's how it went. The SA results show less than 2million. The doc seems really optimistic about this but could not assure us the lab just isn't being specific and that maybe less than 2million means just 1 or 2. He doesn't think so but I just cannot believe it and don't want to get my hopes up. We are going to email the lab and ask them how they measure, we know they aren't going to put an exact number but maybe between 1 million and 2 million or under 1 million, you get the idea. Anyway we told him about the antidepressives dh had been taking 9 months ago and he basically said 'Say no more'. Basically he feels we really need to explore the possibility that the sperm is on the up. This may take a lot longer than the biopsy route but of course its much better long term. So he has prescribed him 'Androferti'...full of zinc and all such things and we have to go back in 2 months. The motility was 100% immobile.:nope:
For the moment we're not going to count ourselves out of azoospermia but its looking like we may have a few spermies to play with.
Oh by the way, he also mentioned that most of their sperm donors are students and the norm is that during exam time their sperm counts drop to 0. Stress can kill sperm!
So girls, while this is kinda good news (for the next 2 months anyways) we still have to focus on being patient. I feel that this is what will get us through this.

Corsita - sounds like positive news potentially - will be keeping everything crossed for you both xx
Snd - so sorry about the break-in - how awful for you! :hugs:

MrsD welcome - we had microTESE recently ans they only got 40 ish sperm. They used 8 to fertilise my eggs ans 3 of 8 fertilised and developed brilliantly. Ok, we didn't get the :bfp: we wanted, but that was beyond anyone's control. We had a blastocyst and a 5 day morula transferrred and have a blastocyst on ice! 2 million sounds a huge amount when you consider our situation :thumbup:

Sorry I've been MIA lately ladies. I've really not been in a good place. Things built up and built up and the final straw was getting myself geared up to start weight watchers, having dreadful trouble with the website not letting me save the lists of things I eat and then I dropped a bowl of mango salsa I'd made all over the floor last sunday night. I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor and sobbed for an hour and a half :cry:

Still not feeling great, but I missed you girls and the support on this site, so I'm going to start popping back in - makes me feel less alone :hugs:
Sorry your having a crap time Deb, sending you lots of hugs. You probably needed that cry more than ever. I find that I am ok and can get on with things for a long time, but boy when I want to cry I need to and it lasts for ages and comes out of no-where :(
This rollercoaster really is a test for all of us, I just wish we could get off it from time to time.
What is the next step for you and your OH?
Thanks Wanbmum

Our next stage is FET in January and if that fails, we've got a tiny bit of frozen sperm, but I would have to go through the whole process again and who knows if the sperm would survive the thaw?
Well look - stay positive (as much as you can, i have to keep drilling this into my own head) - we have learned on this journey, once there is hope, there is HOPE!

It will happen for us, how, when or where, we dont know but IT WILL HAPPEN :)
Hi Ladies. Regarding azoospermia...I know it is challenging. However, after dealing with this issue for a handful of years, and reflecting a bit, I think it's important that we try to be strong for our DH. They feel terrible and I know my DH has felt probably worse than I do because they think our sadness is their fault. Make sure to give them a lot of love and affection. They need it! Men don't always show their emotions but it is probably harder on them than us. They blame themselves, feel guilty and ashamed because of the diagnosis. Baby Dust to All of Us!!!!!!! Stay Positive... I know it's not easy, but we're strong, we can do this.
Thanks frolicky, you are truly right! I think that's why we all come on here, to vent. My OH doesn't need constant reminding or constant conversations, that's why I love all these girlies :) who listen, give advice and most importantly know where I am coming from.

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