Deb good luck with this cycle - DH & I both have everything crossed for you, take good care of yourself. Are you planning on choking down the pomegranate juice? I can't even look at walnuts atm
Silverbell - thinking about you today too. I hope all goes well and DH has a good recovery and with a good result too!
Sar - so sorry to hear about the job! I hope the stress isn't taking over too much, good luck with find something else. You have an app today right? Hope that goes well!!
SND - so pleased you've got a target and are doing so well on meeting it! Good luck with everything
Raelynn, Deafgal, Canadian Maple - I hope you're all bearing up
The stage you're at right now is awful; I struggled to cope I have to admit and the uncertainty for the future makes it so much worse - but try not to drive yourselves to crazy focusing on the worst case scenario... I tend to do that, I've lost so much sleep at every stage of this convincing myself that we're going to get the worst news. Of course it's good to educate yourselves and have an idea of whats coming, what tests there are, and to know what to ask the doctors! But I guess what I'm saying is that a lot of this is already decided, there's not very much you can do to change the outcome of the tests so if you can do it try not to drive yourself nuts during the wait.... though that is so much easier said than done and I'm such a hypocrite to give that advice because I've never worked out how to do it myself
even now....
With charting I did chart for a couple of months but luckily enough everything was pretty regular and 'normal' and I'd only started after more than a year of TTC when it was becoming very stressful and clear we had a problem, so I stopped before we even had a diagnosis because it was making (more) obsessed. I did OPK right up to the diagnosis though (ever hopeful) but stopped after that - my cycles were pretty regular and I o'ed everymonth with a stable luteal phase so I didn't really see the point in wasting the money once we knew natural conception wasn't possible. I've always kept a note of my cycles though just so I could plan once we were ready for ICSI.
But I think it depends on the couple, on the cause of the azoo and on the woman's cycles etc