*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

i know the feeling, honestly.

all that matters now is happy mummy and happy baby tho, he will take to FF and you will aswell and it will all become routine, I am complaining to my hospital maybe you should too? get something done about it, they shouldnt be treating us like this, so many Dec mummies have had something happen ... shouldnt be like that.
We're going to write but its not as if they can give anything back to us so its a bit of a fruitless exercise.

I have a referral to a counsellor now and I'll be using the mw birth afterthoughts service to go through my notes and explain everything in there to try and lay some of these demons to rest.

But in all honesty I just want to forget it all.
Chuck, Lots of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:to you

How is everyone?

its snowing here :wacko:
Daddy and his mate are working really hard installing a dishwasher so soon I wont have to stand and do dishes yay!

Dewi has a cold/sniffles so he's all sneezy and keeps coughing its horrible having to listen to him struggle. We took him to the doctors just to be sure he was ok but theres nothing to worry about we just have to get through it. Poor mite, he keeps gagging on his coughs!
Ava just woke up - we went out to tesco and some shops, and she has gunk in her eye!! whats that about??
Could be sleep or could be the beginnings of an eye infection, quite common but could need drops. Just keep your eye on it and take her to the doctor if it gets worse or doesn't clear up.
Im taking emilie to the Dr's tomorrow because she has a gunky eye, I agree keep an eye on it if your worried maybe speak to the HV or Dr
hi all x caleb was unsettled last night wouldnt sleep properly. I have bought some colic relief drops today as caleb sleeps fine through day but at night gets wind realy bad so hv suggested to try him on the drops. Community nurse come to today and he has put on 7ozs so now 8lb 30z.He is still on the 50th percentile line. seems weird he was born5 weeks ago but on the chart he is 2 weeks. Hes starting to fill out in cheeks and definately feels heavier. Bath tonight so should be a setlled night. Let you know how it goes 2moro xx
cool HV here tomorrow so will ask her ill just use a bit of cotton wool and lukewarm water on it,
Matthew had a bit of gunky eye as well it was really really weepy the morning the HV came and i kept going on about it like a mother hen and saying look its all weepy again!! She just told me to keep an eye on it and it wasnt inflamed and red all around it so bathed it a couple of times in lukewarm boiled water and cotton wool and it was fine next morning *phew*

I had a really proud moment today...:blush: Was out all day shopping in town with mum and was in boots and matthew started crying (he'd been feed and changed) had to lift him out of the pram and a member of staff was watching me he immediately stopped crying and was gazing and gazing at me. the woman walked over and was cooing over him and she was trying to get his attention and he was just gazing up at me she then said "that is amazing its so obvious he completely adores you he isnt even breaking his gaze with all the voices around him" i was completely bursting with pride :blush: it was just the way she said it i felt so chuffed lol Even when he decided it was gonna be his grizzly hour and had to carry him all around primark etc i was still happy as larry! :)

Crazy question....what does your LO's poo's look like? Im phoning the HV in the morning coz im a bit worried :( Matthew has been farting like crazy and they sound really watery or something and TMI....his poo's the last few days have turned very liquidy and are now yellowish really stinky slosh with a few mustard seeds ...sorry i hope no one was eating whilst reading that lol is that normal? Was thinking its either ok or to do with him being changed over to cow and gate and its just his system catching up with the change though i changed him a week ago....or is it diahorria? have been checking his temperature and its ok and have been checking his soft spot to make sure he isnt dehydrated... i worry lots :blush: but still want to check for own reasurrance type thing!
ps chuck ...sending massive hugs your way :hugs: :hugs: and your not a failure ! xx
Think those poos are normal m'dear, think its formula. he must be catching up, ava has had poos like that too. kinda awful greeny yellowy sloshy colour,

what do u mean checking the soft spot to see if hes dehydrated??

my hv coming tomorrow got lots of questions,

im also feeling really ill again and doctor called but i missed it, bloods muct be back and they only call if they find something. GREAT.
That's what Molly's look like and that's normal for breastfed babies, not sure about formula.

Try: https://www.babycentre.co.uk/photo_galleries/baby-poo/
Emilie is FF & her poo's looked liked that for a while they dont now though, if your worried theres nothing wrong with asking the HV my HV said it was normal :hugs::hugs:

Dr's went ok she said she thinks its a blocked tear duct but took a swob anyways

How is everyone?
hi all. Wow we gave caleb to dentinox at 8 and he went till 11 then he went till 4 then 8.30. He had a couple of whimpers so put his music on and we never heard a peep. He is sleeping at moment but when he is awake he is so adorable. look like the colic drops helped him. steve winded him and said the smell of it was horrible. I have yet to see what his nappy will look like but i doubt it will effect him. I cant believe he put on 7ozs in a week now a 8lb 3oz. He is slowly getting into hi 0-3 but they are too long for his little legs x hope everyone and babies ok xx
Ewww on the baby poo link :haha: thanks though!!! :) his poo's look almost identical to the formula fed baby poo picture so least that has me feeling a lot better! think it must have been his wee system changing over milks coz on the sma his poo's were soft but solid!

dunno on soft spot...cant remember but supposidly if you touch it and it stays in then its a sign LO is dehydrated whereas if it comes straight back up then theyre fine! lol

oh i hope your ok claire! my health visitor has me taking multi vitamins with iron becauase i suppossidly look anemic!?what kind of questions do u ask ur hv? i always think of questions then forget and remember when she leaves!lol

matthews slowly getting into his 0-3 month clothes with rolling them up lol he was 9pound 10 on monday!! he put on 13 oz in 8 days!thats great about the dentinox though!!

Also got him variflow teats and they are working wonders for his wind!!:) he's burping away really well nowi think the size 1 teats were causing the problem he was sucking then really hard to get the milk out and filling himself full of wind!thats my theory anyway lol tried him on size two but they were too fast and made him throw the milk back at me coz he was drinking it too quickily so variflow it is lol he slept from 11.30 til 3am then 4am til 8.30 then 9am til 12.30 and is just getting fed now!

Hope everyone's doing ok!!
My kidneys are fecking killing me and CRP still shows infection. Great.

Aca wouldnt settle from 5 this morning she only wud sleep in my arms then woke for feed about 9.30 and then we both went back to bed, i feel so ill and shes still snoozing, gonna wake her soon and HV coming at 2.
Purple, sorry your not feeling well :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sweetlullaby, Im glad the link made you feel alittle better :haha::haha:

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