*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

If babbas fontanelles are very depressed that can be a sign of dehydration, along with a dry mouth, and not looking all nice and pink.

Dewi was like this when we were discharged from hospital - no-one had checked him, it was picked up on by the birth centre we went back to...and why we had to start cup feeding him formula.

Well the boy is official now we registered him this morning!

I now have an appointment to see a counsellor about the birth, and have had a call from the infant feeding co-ordinator apologizing for the tongue tie clinic being cancelled - she seemed quite taken aback that I have decided to stop breastfeeding and yes this decision was very much influenced by the care I had received (or NOT received) and no as much as it pains me I don't want to put myself through the pain and stress of trying to re-lactate I have enough to do trying to get over the section and hospital experience!

Oh and adding insult to injury caused by Ashford hospital my midwife wanted to check Dewi's red book....only to find that a whole bunch of stuff hadnt been filled in!!

The only part that has been filled in was his hearing check, the paediatrician hadn't, no-one else had put any details in it or told me I could/should.

Utter madness.
chuck....i would put in one hell of a complaint! Especially over the peadatrician section of his red book not being filled in thats negelance!!! and disgraceful. how would anyone know if the pedatrician had noticed something was amiss etc? eg the dehydtration when discharged! did he even get checked over before you's were allowed home? thats disgraceful! :hugs:

claire hope your ok and feeling a bit better! how'd the hv visit go?
He was checked by the paediatrician before 10am (hubby hadn't arrived yet) we left hours later -late afternoon and no one checked him...or me as I'd had all my tubes/cannulas etc removed during the day and I had dutifully produced 3 wees for them...the last of which was left in the cardboard pan in the toilet for over an hour unemptied as it was still there when I went for another wee later on.

The paediatrician had written in my notes that all was well but nothing in his red book.

They didn't give me any painkillers, I had to ask any wound care advice/c-section recovery advice, all of which was very basic 'dont mess with it/take it easy'.

I/hubby had to ask for my catheter bag to be emptied, before they took it out it turns out I had been sat in urine for a couple hours as a tube had come undone....I was knickerless and still not really with it because of the morphine I had to have in the morning despite not wanting it (I wanted painkillers but not opiates)- I wanted to be awake enough to speak to my hubby during the morning but couldn't have any oral painkillers as I went to theatre at midnight....grrrrrrrrr so I had to spend the first morning with my hubby and son off my face!
I'll be writing to the infant feeding co-ordinator, the Hubby will be writing to the head of the health care trust about the whole thing - he is far more articulate than me.
Hello ladies :)!
Poppy is four days old now and i literally had no idea it was possible to feel so happy or love someone so much! Breastfeeding is going ace, she is amazing at latching on- but oh my god my boobs are MASSIVE, i can barely put my arms down at my sides- it's bizarre!
I'm sorry to hear some of you have had such crappy experiences with the hospitals- it is utterly ridiculous that they can get away with such blatant negligence.
Hope everyone's having a good year so far with all the new babies xxx
I think what makes it worse is that I've had such wonderful treatment from the midwives at the birthing centre I started labouring in and then went back to after I left the hospital.

The care there for me and Hubby was amazing - all the tea/coffee/cereal/toast & jam we wanted, Hubby could stay overnight in a double bed, staff who were caring, supportive and took the time to at least look over my notes before waltzing in and expecting me to go through everything each time.

To be offered the chance to go back to the birthing centre for a couple of days and nights to get breastfeeding support a week after the birth - bearing in mind I didnt even give birth there is outstanding! Such a difference to the hospital.
Im glad they're offering you some kind of support at least! Way better treatment than the hospital! :hugs: Urg im definately having an earlier night posted in birth club but Matthew has not had a good day at all :( from what i posted other ladies saying it sounds like colic :( hoping its maybe just a growth spurt and bad day!
I hope its not colic hun it doesnt sound like vmuch fun. I'm waiting for Dewi to get it...Daddy was a colicky baby, and Dewi already has Daddies tongue tie and wrinkly head so here's betting like father like son.
i thought Ava had colic the other night but i think she just needed a dirty nappy! I use infacol anyways just to be safe but all seems well.

After a ropey night the other night last night she fed at 6pm, then we went to bed at 9 and i expected to feed her at ten but she slept till 12 and so did i!! oops!!anyways then she woke at 4 and then 8 for a feed, it was great! Then we got up at 8 and we're going to baby group today. :S bit scared!

Doctor ringing me later, CRP still shows infection and kidneys still kill me, had to have a day off the painkillers yesterday cos all the pills were making me feel so ill and sore stomach etc, so back on them today but im gonna ask for something else i dont like taking so much brufen and stuff. But gotta get bloods re-done AGAIN!!

Its ridic! whats the problem why cant they find the infection???? why are they not scanning me?? im getting really F*cked off now. its gone on too long!
My HV said boiled cooled water helps both with colic and to get a dirty nappy...

Sorry to hear about your experiences Chunk :hugs: I agree, a strongly worded letter is the right way to go!

Noah is doing well. he now weighs 9lb 7oz from being 8lb 5oz at Birth. He seems to go from 11pm till 2.30am then till 5.30 ish at the moment, which means we do get some sleep.

During the day, he often feeds like a bird every 2 hours then has a big sleep in the afternoon but part of me thinks it's cos we've been in all the time. If we were busy and out in the pram I doubt he would want feeding as regularly.

Hope you're all well ladies:hugs:
Got the dirty nappy last night then last bottle then finally got him to sleep at 12.30pm...he'd only slept in total an hour and half from lunchtime yesterday it was really upsetting! Tried the boiled water lol he hates it but kept persisting with it. Its horrible when LO cries and cries and we cant seem to fix it for them :( I really hope today is a better day and it was just a growth spurt day!

Agree about being in all the time the last two days because of the weather have been stuck in the house all afternoon and usually we're out for at least an hour or so! But gonna take him out later and go to boots to get new bottles and colief to have just in case!

Oh claire i hope you get better soon and they get it sorted out for you! Not nice you being unwell and having to look after LO as well! :hugs: I have wisdom teeth cutting through (took their time!!) atm and have been suffering with toothache off and on and when Matthews crying and unsettled and I have toothache it makes his cries seem louder etc!

I hope the baby group goes well!! My health visitor said she'll give me a list of different ones in the area next week :) I'd be nervous as well! Though on the 20th our community centre is doing a free day of different classes etc and can get nails done, hair done etc and they're running a session of baby massages so gonna pop down the road to that as its free :haha: and would be interesting to learn about the baby massages!

LO's look like little sparrows when their wee mouths are rooting about looking for food its so cute :)
Argh, having a very bad night/morning. Molly wont sleep in her basket and has been up sice 2am feeding or chewing on my nipple. Tiiiired. She's asleep now but... for how long? Have had about 4 hours sleep in 3 days... :(
Dewi's been a bit of a grizzler todquite wakeful which is nice but messing about with his feeds.

I can only presume its down to his having a chesty cough/cold...poor mite.
Baby group was cool! Lady from my NCT class was there, and my friend goes and her me and another lady went for lunch to the little local cafe afterwards, Then i went into the local deli to show off Ava... Was nice to be out and about, then mum picked me up and we went to a few shops in the next village.

Got more anitbiotics, CRP levels have gone down but are still high, Were 319 when i left hospital and are 149 now, but i think they shoudl be 0. Getting there, slowly!

Ava slept thru her last feed, was so funny, i fed her and she barely woke up, its great! she did it last night too. hopefully she will have her awake time this evening again and we will get another good night.

Im kinda glad in a way that i dont have to contend with Ava using my nipples as a dummy :S

i wish the snow would melt so i can get out in the pram and get walking to loose weight.

Anyone actually been out with the prams yet?
Not in this snow... hell no. I'd not be able to get anywhere. OH went out today and fell twice! Too scared!

I don't mind her comfort sucking really, if I actually get to sleep. But on her rough days, it gets a little frustrating. Going to start expressing at some point so that OH can help us cope on those days. He's good but he doesn't lactate. Ahaha.

Hi all, hope everyone is ok:hugs:
Cynon is improving:happydance: he is still coughing but is not holding his breath that much so we can relax a bit!!! His feeding really dipped aswell last week he went from 3oz every 3 hours to 1oz every 3 hours and that is so worrying but over the past few days he has gone up to 4oz. I missed my last hv appoinment as he was in hospital and couldnt make is out to the clinic yesterday so i hope his weight is ok. He was 7oz 6 on 29th dec so he is slow at the mo!! He is also more awake in the day now which is great as he sleeps most of the night. But im just glad he is getting better!!

(I also got back into my size 8 trousers today:happydance:)lol

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