*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Well Matthew finally settled to sleep last night around 1.30am and slept through til 7.30am.....not good i dont think! He's only just turning 3 weeks old! I dont think they're suppossed to sleep 7hours! I forgot to say to health visitor but should i set an alarm tonight when he goes to sleep to wake him for a feed incase he sleeps that long again?

Health Visitor weighed him today.....he's 9pound 10!!!! *shocked* he was 7 pound 15 when born just under 3 weeks ago! his weight is just above average and so is his head circ but its all in proportion and not waay above average so s'all good! He's such a monster! lol

Hows everyone else and their LO's getting on? Has anyone heard from mummytoamber? was thinking hadnt seen any posts in a while!
Sweet lullaby, my mw told me not let hollie sleep over 4 hours without a feed, this was when she was a newborn though... i try not let her sleep to long through night without a feed or through the day tbh, i find she goes over 5hrs, she gets really hungry and cluster feeds and it just puts whole day out of routine.

I aint been on ages again.... Happy New Year Anyways !!! :D Hope all had a lovely time, what ever you did. Amber turned TWO! Cant believe it such a big girl now.... the time goes by soooooooo quickly so remember catch as many pics as you can!! I know before i know it hollie will be crawling then walking.

How is everyone one and there LO's many new arrivals?

hollie 3wks1day. cweird how i was due 4 weeks ago.

shes still a good baby, do have odd crying session because trapped wind buts dealable. shes awake alot during the day, still sleeps good at night, usually 1 feed after 12, till 7/8ish. focusing alot better, she has been trying to roll on her side, managed it once lol. were still in first size clothing, not tried alot newborn yet.
Sweetlullaby my MW told me the 4 hour thing too but again that was when she was newborn

Emilie usually goes to bed with us at 11ish & sleep until 3 -4 am wakes for a feed/nappy change & than sleeps until about 8 shes still a good baby doesnt really cry alot at all

Mummytoamber, Happy new year :D Im glad things are good How are you feeling?

Emilie has started chopping on her hands anyone else have this?
I tried to dreamfeed amber it just never worked. lol

Many early teething, as can start from like 2 weeks, or just discovering her hands. Amber did it alot, because she found her hands.

Am fine thanks, started diet today. Its going to take a long time to lose my goal of 6st.
How are you doing?
I edited my post to take the dream feeding bit out as I really dont know alot about it just heard people mention it :blush:

Im hoping it is just discovery of the hands

Good luck with the diet :D

Im doing good thanks :flower:
OOO - Can I stop in here? I was supposed to be a December Star, but Bun decided to jump the gun and show up in November.
But I am really a Star at heart!!!! :flower:

Hope you ladies are doing well
Hey sun :flower: i always remembered you coz u were originally due the same date as me :haha:

Matthew's been chomping on his hands for ages now! lol yep been having the cluster feeding today coz he slept all night without waking me! Think il set the alarm for 5 hours just in case and then phone the hv tomorrow morning and ask her about it. I knew it for newborns as well but not sure if its ok at 3 weeks old or if still have to wake him up for a feed?!

Most of our LO's are really good sleepers by the sounds of it!:)
I was told not to let her go 5 hours without food, and she is going 5 hourly now, so happy days! just bathed and bottled and now shes prob gonna sleep till 3ish then 7/8ish :D

oh my hv told m that just the other day so id say wake him sweetlullaby!

hello sun and MTA! did amber have a good birthday??
I think 5 hours sounds good see what your HV says though :hugs:
thanks :flower: will set the alarm when he goes to sleep properly. and will phone hv and ask her lol my arm is dead and my bum is numb matthews just lying on me drinking his bottle but he's only drank around 2oz in the last hour nearly! :( this time of night he likes to play with the bottle and drink it in dribs and drabs. Its his grizzly few hours lol then he'll go to sleep properly around 1am and sleep til 5am-6am ish then from 6-7am ish til 10am ish
thats not so bad tho really, u still get a good stretch of sleep,

I get a good stretch of 5 hours then another 4/5 an hour or so later, to me its amazing since the end of pregnancy i got 2 maximum.
Yep he's sound asleep right now woohoo earlier than usual though he only slept 40mins from 6pm til now!he should sleep through til 5am ish then back to sleep around 6ish then up around 9ish which fingers crossed he does coz that would work in nicely for getting him ready to go out in the morning lol eventually got my birth story posted though its so long like possibly the longest one on bnb :haha: and is a bit garbled!
Sun, :hi:

How are you? Hows Bun doing?

Bun is doing great - he is gaining weight like crazy (about 1.5oz per day) and seems happy. Thanks for asking!!!! I am thinking I should get into a routine soon though - so far we are winging it!

Sweet lullaby - I know it is crazy - I can't believe he was a month early and it was only a few weeks ago I was reading about the other december stars having their LOs - hope things are well!!!
Go bun! :D

Molly is gaining roughly 1oz per day, well done you though! 7oz per week for a breastfed baby is apparently amazing so 10.5oz is incredible! You should be proud :D Getting Molly weighed again today so we'll see, last Tues she was 7lb 9oz.

Just getting round to getting online again, good to hear what you've all been up to.
Glad it's not just me who has a baby who doesn't know he's meant to eat every 3-4 hours, even in the hospital first night he went 5 hours i think. I've been keeping a schedule to see if he has a pattern. So far, it looks like he has a few hours during the day when he wants one an hour, but then 5 hour break later on. He seems ok so i'm going with it!
i was told up to 5 hours is fine! but not to let her go more than that.

she was a bit unsettled last night, was out for the count after bath and bottle but woke bout 12 till half 1 ish, then 4.30 then 9. shes pretty good but theres usually an hour thrown in somewhere that she just wont settle, isnt hungry but is upset and stuff, not wind just wants held really. : /
effing hospital...went all the way to the hospital that cheated me out ofmy birth and treated me appaullingly to get Dewi to the tongue tie clinic with a view to gerting back on the boob only for the clinic to be cancelled!!!!

Oh yes I could come back next week...but thats another week being unable to feed him, struggling to express more than a few drops getting angry ad frustrated at the whole situation and things getting worse.

A mw said I could go back into the birth centre for a couple days to try and pump pump pump and have someone at the end of a buzzer to help.

But its a bit late now I dont have the energy, I've hadto give in and Dewi is now FF.

Great, cervix fail and now boob fail.

Thanks Ashford hospital.
chuck dont feel bad its not your fault. all that matters now is he is a happy contented baby and im sure he is! You are the same as me - kinda pushed into choosing something even tho not really happy about it, but i am used to it now and its ok! your body didnt fail! think of the positives, you can get OH to feed while you have a nice long soak in the bath :D
i wish I could have a long soak...my wound healing great but still no go on the soak...huff.

I just feel completely let down by the hospital...all the mw's I've seen at home and the birthing centre have been amazing but the hospital keep letting down, every time my care/Dewi's care has been in their hands things have gone wrong and decisions have been taken from me.

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