Weaning scares the hell out of me not entirely sure about baby led weaning need to read up on it more. I got the tesco's baby and toddler club booklet through and there was a section on weaning in it by the woman annabel K. Sounds really good and Tesco's online have her books a good bit cheaper than anywhere else

So gonna buy the right through to toddler guide and the 100 finger food idea's for the fun of it and to get some ideas now and stuff!
Gosh having to baby proof and buy highchair etc that's whats coming next for all of us! I hope I'm moved out before then dont think could get the place baby proofed properly with my brothers and their mess everywhere (im a clean freak)
Matthew has finally went for a nap first nap all afternoon he's been pretty wingy today but the cold seems to be clearing up ok.
Chuck- Final fantasy game

you wont hear a peep from him for a week lol
Jaydee - I find some of the doctors completly useless and they often contradict themselves as well. I can just see it when it comes to weaning...my hv seems to be the type where i'll be left to it and she'll be then go on at me if he piles on weight having milk and food
Faye - Hope the calpol works ok. When he hits 3 months you can use baby nurofen it's suppossed to work better and quicker. Im worried about using it on Matthew though because it contains asprin and there's family allergies there.
Nic- lucky you on getting cleaning done! Every time I manage to get cleaned and tidied my brothers wreak the place again. Their bedroom is disgusting
Femme- Do you find that a lot of people give you grief if you even mention the 6month recommended age for weaning

It drives me insane seeing people's smug faces as they say oh just you wait til he's getting up in the night and you'll be running out and buying baby rice to give him at 4 months or earlier. Really pisses me off. lol
Lorna - your avatar of Emilie is so cute with her eating the teether

Matthew goes mental over his teethers trying to keep them in his mouth and he loves licking his teddy's face