Matthew really cried at first jabs did I

It was horrible because he doesnt cry cry iykwim.
Arg ok Im going to type out Matthew's general routine atm and see what you ladies think.
8.30am - wake up, Bottle (6-7oz), changed, and bit of play while changing
9.30am - He's Napping
11.30am - He wakes, Gets changed again and dressed for the day and playtime
12pm-12.15pm - Bottle (6-7oz) (Where I come on BnB)
1.30pm - Nap (where I usually frantically run about make a quick dinner and tidy up)
2.15pm - Wakes up again and plays on his own in the cot for a wee bit
2.30pm - Changed and playtime
This is where it usually goes up the left. The next feed which like today was due around 3.45pm he usually starts howling for early by about 30mins-45mins(fair enough if he's hungry give him it) But from that bottle on he will snack on his bottle the whole way through to bed time which atm is between midnight and 1am and if im lucky will maybe go down for another nap (today he hasnt napped since no matter how many times I've tried) And I think his bedtime is sooo late because he wont nap later in the afternoon or will have a 2hour nap after teatime and then is wide awake right through.
I just don't have a clue lol