Chuck - I think at such a young age all we can do if they get vomiting and diahorria is make sure they dont get dehydrated and just battle through it with calpol
Really feel for you
Sounds like what I had when I was sick the other week its horrible trying to muddle on and look after LO as well
Femme- Glad the extraction went ok
Was it painful? I have wisdom teeth coming through and am petrified that they'll come through wrong and il have to get them out
Glad Molly seems a bit more settled. Growth Spurts are not that nice!Matthew's in the middle of his lol
Lorna - thanks
It was a nice treat having him nap for 45mins in the late afternoon!
Pink - Hope he is ok and it's nothing too serious
Jaydee - Glad you had a nice day yesterday, I think most of our LO's are early teethers!
Elski - Awww that was nice getting your fav breakfast and a framed picture of Esmé. Hope your cold soon clears up!
Claire - Hello
My work just phoned brother applied for a job in MY WORK
think they're gonna give him an interview
If he gets the job and mucks them about I'll kill him!