Helloooo...not been in here for a while

i've caught up on the last few pages, but please excuse me if I forget anything

Hope all mummies and babies are doing well?
Charlie, I know you are probably on your way into town by now but hope Dewi is ok with his jabs today

Lana has hers on Wednesday and once again OH reckons he couldnt get the time off work

Oh yeah, bit late, but I made a cake using the recipe you gave me. Made it a lemon cake and it went down a treat...either that or everyone was just being polite, coz I seriously can screw up the simplist of recipes
Leanne, I love Molly's nappys (spyed the photos on FB

) She looks so cute in them all!
Jeni, hope you enjoyed your 'baby' weekend? I know what you mean about it unsettling LO. Lana got all muddled in her routine just from a trip to B&Q...she liked all the colours too much and it kept her awake
Faye, I've only just put Lana into her 3-6 clothes. I put it off for as long as possible coz I dont like how fast she is growing up
Claire, glad your mums party went well. Sorry Ava didnt settle for you though

always the way eh?
erm, sorry if iv forgotten anyone!!

I noticed that you have been talking about weights etc. I thought Lana was scoffing but she got weighed last Thursday and weighed 13lb1. I think she has begun her growth spurt now though. And the dreaded teething, coz she has started to chomp down hard on my knuckle (she hurts herself when she bites on her fist)...might be going out to invest in some teething powder/gel later!
Does anyone know if they get weighed and measured at there second lot of jabs? She was 62cm at her 8 week jabs and would love to know if/how she has grown
What is everyone elses plans for the week? xx