Hi everyone!!
Charlie, I cant believe you can get all that done in one morning...you must be superwoman or something!??
I had a bad night with Lana last night

(well, bad for her)...MIL came over yesterday afternoon and woke Lana from her nap

so when it came to her 7pm feed she was way too tired to eat, but then way to hungry to sleep. We eventually got her off to sleep at about 8.30 and she slept until 11pm when I woke her and tried to give her some food. then she went straight back down, but because she had gone to sleep early it meant she was awake at 4am this morning wanting food...arghh! all because the blooming MIL wanted to "play" ffs...i wish sometimes I could tell her to 'jog on'

She did ok with her jabs this morning though. smiled away throught them both *proud* didnt get weighed or measured so still no idea how long she is
oops, sorry for my rant. i'm tired and grouchy, but the sunshine is cheering me up!!
Hope some of you have got/get some nice weather...Claire, i've told the sun to spread your way. I hope it listens!!