Wow,i wish I came in here more often!!it just caught up on the last 10 pages or so,so please forgive me if I forget anything!!
Firstly,Hi are you?
Faye,i hope you get a date for your insulin pump.i cant even imagine how difficult it must be

glad you are both ok from yesterday though!!
Nic,your cake (quite a few pages looked so yummy!!wish I had the skills t do something like that.and the space in my kitchen too actually.haha!!how is the jumparoo going for Noah?
Charlie,glad to hear you are getting some control over Dewis sleep.hope the dream feeding works out for you both.and sorry to hear about your be lost without mine

good job you have a 'work' one

Lorna,lovely weather here again too.dont think we are doing much with our day though.probably just some clothes washing
I feel terrible.iv not been to see the HV in weeks.i
know you are supposed to go every 2 weeks but I seem unable to leave the house in good time!!will I get told off for leaving it so long?
Otherwise we are both good.i wont talk about Lana's sleep coz I guess that topic is still banned?

she is getting so big though.i know what you all mean by saying they arent tiny babies anymore!!we wont be ttc for a while yet though.we werent even ttc Lana...she was a happy accident,but we definately want her to have little brothers or sisters eventually!!
Hope everyone has a lovely day today. Sorry iv gone on a bit

Ps-anyone know how Claire is getting on with her move etc?