Omg, Molly's gained 1lb in 10 days!!! My little piggy!
Makes her 8lb 8oz now.
Aww, ahaha. Still so little.
Mine was sooo small - I thought I would have longer with him being so tiny (6lbs4oz) but now he is almost 13lbs!!!
My bbs seem to be working overtime!!
Purpledahlia about the Apgar Score, we got a photocopy of all the hospital and mw notes. I made sure all the info was there since I was transferring cities and wanted every detail. Then ofcourse I went through everything!! Is there an issue and thats why you want to know, or is it because you want to know for your own peace of mind? By the way, it is crap the way you and Chuck have been treated at the hospital - I would be so pissed!!