Hey everyone

Lorna- Emilie's weight is amazing- so much for weight gain slowing down after 3 months! How often do you take her to be weighed? I've only been going monthly recently but think i might start going fortnightly to give myself a bit of reassurance!
Aly that's so awesome that Lana rolled over- Poppy did it once when i left her in her cot and i went for a wee but hasn't happened since!
Hey Chuck! I also did the test on the 16th, two of them in fact- we were on our way to a friends house party with a bottle of Captain Morgans- it was a good job really
Jaydee- so glad Jake is happier- nothing worse than a grumpy baby! Poppy just screamed her way around Tesco's, which she never normally does so i think she must have had a bit of tummy ache- but i was given some horrific looks from a bunch of old ladies, you'd have thought i was abusing her- silly wenches.
FlowerFairy, I hope Noah's sleeping gets better for you- that's the last thing you need when you have to go back to work! Poppy is waking up at least five times at the moment and i just don't know what's going on- i'm sooo tired ALL the time!
Pink where are you going out in Birmingham? I was there last weekend!
My day has been rather uneventful- we went for a reeeally long walk again because i'm sick of being such a fatty, bought a nice frock- had a delicious butterscotch Shakeaway- mmmm and sat on the Cathedral Green in the sun!
I can't believe Poppy has her last jabs for a while next week already- it comes so quickly!