Hi Rosie :wave: :wave: Poppy is gorgeous!!!
Gosh.....i can't believe I havn't posted on here in days!!!
Ok trying to keep up.....
I can't believe how clever all our LO's are!! Matthew still hasn't rolled over yet but he goes halfway and wiggles to the top of the cot when he's supossed to be napping like now....little monkey is wide awake
Went to Asda today and stocked up on some more weaning stuff though havn't started yet!Though knowing me I'll have to give it all to a friend because if I can hold him off til 6 months then hopefully will do BLW! Also bought the swivel bath seat for when he he can sit upright
Now nearly two hours in reusable nappies and no leaks

So far so good! And they look so cute ^.^

for those with early mornings and babies waking through the night!!
Claire hope your getting on ok with moving!
Nic- Hows the wedding planning going? Seen the thread about the invitations and people not RSVP'ing! That would bug me!
Charlie - hope Dewi is doing ok in nursery! and you're doing ok with back to work!
Faye - I trust my mum with Matthew but thats about it

I woul flip and go mental if anyone went against my wishes!

Especially when it comes to weaning etc!
Im attempting to gut my room out again put all the wintery clothes away but Matthew is having none of it keeps yelling at me and working it up into a cry

and wont go to sleep little monster

then when you go over to him he looks up at you and laughs and smiles