Chuck - I would second Karvol, we used it when Jake had a cold over Easter. He did still wake up more frequently than he did previously but his breathing sounded a lot better. We just put it on a muslin square hung over the side of the cot, a bit higher up than his head so he couldn't reach it.
We got ours from asda but pretty sure you could get it from most big supermarkets - they do drops or capsuals - think they are both the same just in a different format.
SL - yes, it would be soooo much easier if they could tell us what they want, even just 5 words: hungry, sleepy, nappy, bored and over(stimulated).
Ikwym about not wanting to start solids, have you done the calculation about how much milk Matthew should be having in a day to check he's eating enough? I can't remember what it is but you take his weight and times it by something (3 I think) and that's how much he should have in a day.
If teething gel isn't working have you tried the powder? I got some from boots - Nelsons I think it's called. Only given him it once, not sure if it helped but he didn't hate it.
I'm really tired this morning, Jake decided he didn't want to go back to sleep after his 3am feed, half feeding, half napping, then complaining when I put him in his cot, till 4.15. After that I decided to let him grumble and see what happens - by 4.30 he was asleep but he woke up again at 6ish. DH felt sorry for me and got up with him cos I just couldn't physically pull myself off the bed. I got another hour in bed before he went to work, and feel a bit better now I've had a cup of tea.
Anyone got any plans today? I haven't, would quite like a nap but I guess we'll see what the little man has in mind....