Morning all.
We're doing really well, thanks everyone for asking. Had a really good weekend, Jake decided he would learn to roll from back to front, DH and I both missed it the first time (I was in the other room and DH was looking at the laptop :doh
but he did it again straight after, and actually went all the way back-front then front-back
After that decided I'd best get the play ring thing out so that I can safely leave him sat for a min. Well, he decided he was going to quite happily sit up in that, leaning against the side. We've been sitting him on the sofa for a while but this looked more impressive somehow.
Some of our friends came over on Sunday, we were going to bbq but the weather wasn't great so we had indoor food instead. Jake, and my friend's baby were both really good. They both wanted feeding just as our food was ready but apart from that....
Jake's been sleeping better as well, and has also learnt to put himself to sleep. Really happy about that, I was getting a bit worried that he'd always need feeding to sleep but on Sat night he fell asleep with a hug, and on Sunday and last night he did it by himself. On Sunday night he even woke up, cried and then went back to sleep without me going to him
Your babies have probably done this for a while but it's an achievement for Jake, the way he's been recently.
Anyway, I'm a happy mummy
The injection situation for some of you sounds rubbish, we can just turn up on a Tuesday morning to see the nurse at our doctors. The appointments the central place sent through were way off time wise, the first one was right but they seemed to leave 5 week gaps not 4 between them so they made his 16 wk appointment for next week, he had them last week and he was nearly 17 weeks then!
Going to my mums and shopping today, going to get some swimmer nappies as DH has the day off tomorrow so we're taking Jake swimming for the first time.