Morning all. Hope you're well.
Food and alcohol seems to be the theme of the weekend, sounds good. We had my mum and brother round for tea last night, wanted to check Jake would have a bottle from her so I can leave him with her for a couple of hours tomorrow. Of course, he was fine, well he complained that it wasn't boob but he always does, he'll get used to it.
Naughty little monkey broke a toy off his play gym! We've got a happy safari one from mothercare that we've added more rings to so he can reach the toys and he pulled one of them so hard that the toy came off and the loop stayed on the ring. I took it back to mothercare yesterday and they gave me a new one without too much complaining - should think so too, if a 12lb baby can break it, it's not that good is it?
We were also looking at high chairs, didn't pick any of the ones on display... the intenet it is I guess.
Going to take him swimming again today, with my mum, still not brave enough to go by myself.