Hello everyone!
Haven't been on here in YONKS- it's been such a crazy week- Poppy is teething, i can even see her bottom front two starting to break through her gum- poor thing, she just seems too tiny to have teeth! Even more sleepless nights and a fussy baby though
How is everyone? How are the babies and weaning?? We are still yet to give Poppy anything, going to try to hold out until 6 months and she seems really happy with just milk! Oh we bought a high chair and im excited to sit up to the table with her
! We actually bought it from Asda and it is really good despite not being very much money https://direct.asda.com/Red-Kite-Feed-Me-Ultimo-Highchair/002656222,default,pd.html
Jaydee your new Avatar picture of Jake is ridiculously cute
Chuck, my OH and i are normally bickering about something senseless, though it does seem to be getting better recently. He has done one night feed since Poppy was born when i went out with my friends, he normally gets a whole night sleep- cant remember what that was like! And i am constantly cleaning up after him- urgh. I think it's just because he's only 21 and is yet to grow up. Stupid males.
Helloooo Polly :wave:- have had exactly the same problems with Poppy sleeping for the past month- i just live in the hope that it will get better soon!
Poppy's starting wanting absolutely anything that i've got- i can't do my makeup without her grabbing for my mascara- she' such a cutie
Found out yesterday that my OH has got to have open heart surgery at some point in the next four months, we thought he might have to but now we've found out for definite
. I'm absolutely dreading it- it's so scary!
We're meant to be moving to Worcester and i think we might have to go and live with his parents whilst he's recovering and i'm not a big fan of birmingham.