*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Not too bad thanks lorna, just worn out after work and that run last night, still getting over the cold we've all had and seem to have developed a chesty cough this evening hmmm not nice!

how bout you hun?
Esmé's exactly the same, she is quite settled the first portion of the evening, but then after that first wake-up of the night (anything between 11pm-1am) she's really unsettled and fidgety and wakes every couple of hours (sometimes even hourly) :dohh:

Charlie, I don't know how you do it, getting up in the night, working, doing crazy running stuff :winkwink:

Lorna - Emilie's hair's really growing isn't it? She's going to have locks to die for when she's older!
got no choice with the working but the running I need to get out of the house and do something it may as well be something good for me!
Elizabeth, seems every morning its grown again :haha: sorry Esmé is unsettled at night :hugs: How is Esmé otherwise?

Charlie, I dont know how you do it either however Ikwym about sometimes needing to get out of the house :flower: How is Dewi doing?
he's still all snuffly and snotty getting over his cold bless him but doing well, his new fave thing is blowing raspberrys, he was blowing them all around asda today!
Charlie, sorry Dewi is still stuffy & snotty :hugs:

I love raspberries :haha:
caleb does raspberries to its funny. I was waiting for the bus the other day and he was babbling to an old guy x he,s just had a bottle and thinks its play time kicking his legs and making noises.he should fall asleep soon x
Am I the only one with a LO who doesn't go to sleep til like this time?:rofl: Matthew's last nap was 5pm!!! for 20mins and thats been him right through til now he's just going over to sleep!!! :dohh:

Though he has steadied back into a routine albeit a late morning/late night one but better than nothing!

We love raspberries here as well :rofl: cracks me up! We went out with a friend this afternoon was good fun! Matthew was as happy as larry which was good lol

Hope everyone is ok! Think there's a 24 hour bug going about atm few people I know have had it :wacko: fingers crossed we don't get it!!!
Ewww hope you dont get the bug tummy bugs are no fun with a baby to look after!

I'm really tired, had to get up 3 or 4 times in the night to Dewi, he woke before and after his his bottle bless him he's so snotty and chesty it cant be very easy for him.

To top it off had an argument with hubby this morning, he was moaning at me about leaving a bowl in the sink with water in....I eat weetabix for brekkie and its easier to leave the bowl for a few mins with water in then rinse it out rather than srcub the weetabix off but boy did he have a pop oh and there was a knife in the fork bit of the drawer! So off we go a stupid argument with him having a pop at me because he always has to do everything - eh wtf? He chose to pick up that bowl before I had rinsed it because I had funnily enough been busy getting our son out of bed and dressed and making our sandwiches for work - something he said he'd do in the evening to save time in the morning!

So I told him what I thought of his idea that he did everything..he wasnt pleased.

But seriously he always throws some things in my face like the fact I can't drive so he has to, and he mows the lawn and does the allotment. Big whoop I am capable of mowing the lawn but he chooses to do it, I physically cannot drive because of my eyes and he chose to take on the allotment despite everyone telling him he may not have time as he was having a baby!!

I've had his mum on the hone to me crying because she knows I never get any time to myself to do anything and he does what he wants when he wants.

his answer was well fuck it I'll just stop doing anything in the house and see what happens shall we? lol yeah like anything much would change?

I cant believe how petulant he is sometimes.

I did remind him that he still only does a tiny amount for Dewi and isnt doing the jobs he said he would when I got back to work, or even have the decency to clea the table when I'm spending half an hour bathing and putting Dewi to bed.


just one of those mornings...I'm tired, worn out and need to have some time sitting down and relaxing but there's always so much to do but he still finds time to sit on his mac all evening?!

Do other people hubbys/OH do next to nothing for the baby except play with them when they're in a good mood? I can count on 1 hand the number of night feeds he has done and he's put him to bed once with me in the room!!
Oh no, SweetLullaby, I hope you and Matthew don't get the 24hr bug :nope: I HATE things like that, they're my worst nightmare!

Sounds like you've had a crap start to the day, Charlie :hugs: In our house, it's probably the other way round - I get really wound up by the smallest of things these days and snap at other half out of the blue. I sit there stewing about stuff like him getting a good 7hrs sleep a night because he works long days and I let him sleep in the spare room mon-fri and I end up having a dig at him (usually when I'm particularly sleep-deprived after a bad night).

It does sound like he's acting like a big kid about things though "Oh we'll see what happens when I stop doing things in the house shall we"... where does he think silly threats like that are going to get him! :dohh: What is it he said he'd start doing once you went back to work and have you said anything about him not doing them?
Sweetlullaby, How are you? How is Matthew? I hope you dont get the bug :wacko: :hugs:

Charlie, Sorry you were up alot in the night & DH started an argument this morning too :dohh: :hugs:
Esmé's good thanks, Lorna. I saw the pic of you and your bump in the Baby Club thread... Emilie looks just like you! :)
Elizabeth, Im glad Esmé is good :flower: How are you?

Thanks :flower: Everyone says she looks like me but shes very much like Dh
Morning all.

SL - Jake goes to sleep between 9.30 and 10 and wants to get up between 6 and 7 (although this morning DH got up, changed Jake's nappy and brought him back into our bed and he feel asleep again so he was moved back into the cot for another hour without me having to move - bonus) - How long does Matthew sleep for when you do get him to go to sleep? Jake rarely naps for longer than an hour (usually only 30 mins) at a time during the day, I wonder if that has something to do with it?

Poppy - Jake was like that a couple of weeks ago, waking up every couple of hours, I was knackered, had to nap during the day when he did. Luckily he's gone to swapping between waking up a couple of times in the night to only waking once (like last night). He used to sleep a lot better when he was little too, would do 5.5 or 6 hours for the first stint, now it's often more like 4 hours. I'm hoping once he starts weaning he'll sleep for longer.....

Charlie - My DH is very good with Jake, but I knew he would be, and I don't think we'd have ever had him if I hadn't thought he would share the responsibility with me. I curse him in my head sometimes because he leaves pots in the living room for me to clear up, even though he's been downstairs when I'm feeding Jake to put him to bed so could have easily put them in the kitchen at least and little things like that but he's responsible for bathtime, usually does nappies when he's here and will help try and settle Jake when he's grumpy. I actually feel bad cos Jake's most grumpy on an evening when DH is at home. DH does say to me "he seems like hard work tonight" and if he's been like it all day I do say "this is what I've had all day" and that's the end of it but recently he's been happier during the day so I do feel bad that DH takes over when he's hard work. Ah well, when I find a job DH is going part time so it'll be me that only gets the grumpy bit.
We have had the "why do I have to do everything? I go to work and then come home and have to do stuff in the house..." discussion, but I think a combination of him realising that Jake can be hard work sometimes and that I do manage to get more done now I can leave him to play on his mat/in his walker a bit longer means it's gone away, for now at least.
Hope you pointing out that he doesn't do a lot of the stuff he said he would gives him a bit of a wake up call :hugs:
Hmmm I doubt it, he's so stubborn sometimes when he does more it'll be because he has chosen to. I think his Mum had already had words with him about his responsibilities and he has been better recently and will do more with him- well he has to on fridays now when he's off and Dewi isnt in nursery.

I just get so frustrated sometimes.
I'm not surprised, I'm at home all day and get annoyed about having to tidy up after 2 boys not just one sometimes, but you're at work full time too :hugs:
And I'm pretty rubbish at housework but if you lived closer you'd be welcome to borrow the dishwasher!
Hello everyone!

Haven't been on here in YONKS- it's been such a crazy week- Poppy is teething, i can even see her bottom front two starting to break through her gum- poor thing, she just seems too tiny to have teeth! Even more sleepless nights and a fussy baby though :(.

How is everyone? How are the babies and weaning?? We are still yet to give Poppy anything, going to try to hold out until 6 months and she seems really happy with just milk! Oh we bought a high chair and im excited to sit up to the table with her :D! We actually bought it from Asda and it is really good despite not being very much money https://direct.asda.com/Red-Kite-Feed-Me-Ultimo-Highchair/002656222,default,pd.html

Jaydee your new Avatar picture of Jake is ridiculously cute :)!

Chuck, my OH and i are normally bickering about something senseless, though it does seem to be getting better recently. He has done one night feed since Poppy was born when i went out with my friends, he normally gets a whole night sleep- cant remember what that was like! And i am constantly cleaning up after him- urgh. I think it's just because he's only 21 and is yet to grow up. Stupid males.

Helloooo Polly :wave:- have had exactly the same problems with Poppy sleeping for the past month- i just live in the hope that it will get better soon!

Poppy's starting wanting absolutely anything that i've got- i can't do my makeup without her grabbing for my mascara- she' such a cutie :)!

Found out yesterday that my OH has got to have open heart surgery at some point in the next four months, we thought he might have to but now we've found out for definite :(. I'm absolutely dreading it- it's so scary!
We're meant to be moving to Worcester and i think we might have to go and live with his parents whilst he's recovering and i'm not a big fan of birmingham.
Blimey Rosie, how come he has to have that?! :hugs:

Charlie, I hope OH has some sort of mini-epiphany and starts chipping in a bit more with stuff. You're pretty amazing doing eveything on top of a full-time job and hopefully he'll realise how lucky he is sooner rather than later!

I'm a bit of a clean/tidy freak and like things to be 'just so', but I still get annoyed having to pick up after OH. The thing that really pisses me off is when he asks where something is and I tell him if he'd put it away himself, he wouldn't need to ask (I sound like my mum! :wacko:) but he still leaves stuff lying around!
Rosie - sorry Poppy is suffering with teething, hoepfully she'll sleep better once they come through.
Hope your OH is already, heart surgery sounds scary.

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