How is everyone?
Hopefully no bug caught so far so good! Fingers crossed!!!
Ohhhh please don't talk about cleaning and tidying

I will go into a full blown rant. Living at home with two teenage brothers is NOT fun when it comes to cleaning.

I really hope I don't have to wait much longer to move out

Otherwise I think i'll go mental and kill everyone over it all
Jaydee - I can't really complain about late night bedtime

He sleeps around 10-11 hours so will sleep from say 12pm to 10am ish

I would much rather he went to sleep say 10pm and was up at 8am I would get so much more done! I think half the problem is my brothers. For example right now the tv is blaring music, my brothers are in their bedroom on the x box and they have a friend in and arn't exactly quiet (they ignore the whole no one is allowed in the house rule) and my mum is at work so they ignore me. It's the whole house is too noisy and "alive" if that makes sense in the evenings so Matthew thinks its fine to be wide awake. I couldn't sleep through it obviously Matthew can't! From 3pm in the afternoon right through to midnight or so our house is the loudest so Matthew doesn't nap properly/ sleep/ go to bed. It's a nightmare!
Matthew is being a monkey with the rolling

He's just rolled onto his tummy there

And Im gonna have to turn him back over soon or he'll start crying (he gets stuck and cant seem to go from tummy to back to easily weird!) And I really need to tidy up here! He keeps coming off the playmat and pulling things (like boxes) out from under the cot

. It's like turn your back for one second and he's moved and pulling at something else!
Does anyone else's LO's try and roll away when your trying to put a clean nappy on them? Matthew has started in the last week or so to be a right wiggler andmover at nappy time!Guess the next thing is gonna be him crawling away