Charlie - I've made something similar to that pudding before and, I agree, it's brilliant, and really easy if I remember correctly. Sorry you had a rubbish weekend, but France sounds good - will you be taking Dewi?
Faye - Jake just grabs his feet (like in the pic) when you change his nappy which makes it hard. Although he can do either way he tends to roll more from belly to back, only goes half way to reach for stuff on his back.
Sue - 18 months of him working away sounds too long, hope things get sorted soon.
Gave Jake a rusk last night, sooooooo cute watching him try and hold it/eat it/get all messy. He ate about 1/8 of it I think. Ordered his high chair (cosatto noodle baby pop) from amazon so it should come this week, when it does think i'll start giving himbits of food to play with while we eat, see what he does. I don't mind if he doesn't want it yet but it'll be fun to see.....