Hey everyone!!
How are all the LO's and mummies?
Charlie and Nic - hope Noah and Dewi are both better soon!
We're in 6-9 clothes

Though some of them are so lovely I can't wait to dress him each morning
Starting to plan things for holidays eeekkk!! Which does remind me to put sun cream on matthew when going out as its been a lot sunnier last few days!
Planning mass cleaning today lol gonna hunt out all holiday clothes etc and see what fits, what doesn't etc!
Tomorrow going up to my grans and we're going shopping up there so will be holiday clothes shopping in matalan and H+M seen some nice stuff in both! Need milk and nappies as well and this is bills week! Expensive weekend it will be
Matthew has a build the bear and Sophie the giraffe who he loves!!!

And we've just moved onto brekkie and dinner every day. It's going well though he isn't a big fan of fruits think its acidic fruits with his reflux like apple and pear. Though he loves banana!!But nappies are bleh with banana lol
Hope everyone is well!!