Morning all - I'm up far too early to say someone woke me up every couple of hours in the night. Not sure if it's the heat or what but something has unsettled him, poor boy.
It was too hot for him yesterday, we had to spend most of the day inside as he wouldn't settle, even in the shade.
Charlie - glad you had a good night out. Shaking stuff is cute isn't it? Jake's been doing it with him frog rattle for a while, he does it so hard he whacks himself in the head with it, doesn't seem to bother him though, and then chucks it across the room - little monkey!
We're just thinking about going into 3-6 month clothes, some of his 0-3 are just getting a little bit small now.
Claire - glad you're settling into your new flat ok. Ava looks like such a happy little girl in all your pics, although I guess you wouldn't post pics of her crying would you?
We're still doing good with the baby rice, he also tried purree apple last night, he loved it, I couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough! He cried when it was gone!
Oh... he managed to sit up by himself on Friday evening. Not for long, but I kept sitting him up and he kept staying there for a few seconds before falling over. Unfortunately, the only pics we got of him doing it he looks like he's really mad (I don't think he was, he was just talking).
Think it's going to be a bit cooler here today, hopefully that means he'll sleep better tonight. How's everyone else and babies?