Hi girls...not been in here in a while

Hope babes and mums are all doing well. I dont even know who is still in here
Charlie, well done on the job front. I know what it's like when work drag their heels about something which is pretty important to you. I've just gone through a similar thing, however my outcome wasnt as good as I was hoping. Really hope they pull their finger out for you soon! How is Dewi? He is such a handsome little man. Hope he is feeling better
Lorna, we got our first tooth a couple of weeks ago. Think perhaps the second is now on it's way coz Lana has been a little terror the last couple of days. We didnt notice the first one, and I dont think she did either
I'm pretty much up to date with you Faye from your WTT journal

Charlie, I see you are planning on TTC Dewi's brother or sister end of this year. Do you have a WTT journal?
I've not got much to report myself. Lana is sitting up really well now, and can sit herself up (from laying down)...that came as a shock when I went in to her room and she was sat up peering over the cot rail

Not much progress on the 'moving forward' side of things...she kinda just shuffles around, sometimes forwards, mostly backwards. lol!!
I had my returning to work interview yesterday. It was awful. I dont want to go back

My first day is September 6th...too soon for my liking!!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend. I'm gonna try and come in here more often. Bit bored of the rest of the forum at the moment
(PS - what happened to Leanne?
