*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

The imprint i did was an imprint on i dont know what the stuff was.... its the same as the ones done on clay, only it wasnt clay.

Glad amber had a good birthday and your enjoying it all!

I think Avas gonna be about 11lbs when she gets weighed this week.......... i am sure of it. Still in newborn tho.. just.. they have lots of room apart from the legs.. shes too long haha! Quite good when they get bigger they become more 'handleable' not as delicate which makes me feel better when other people are holding her! Shes also pretty darn good at holding her head up already!

hope nobody's pipes burst in the thaw
The imprint i did was an imprint on i dont know what the stuff was.... its the same as the ones done on clay, only it wasnt clay.

Glad amber had a good birthday and your enjoying it all!

I think Avas gonna be about 11lbs when she gets weighed this week.......... i am sure of it. Still in newborn tho.. just.. they have lots of room apart from the legs.. shes too long haha! Quite good when they get bigger they become more 'handleable' not as delicate which makes me feel better when other people are holding her! Shes also pretty darn good at holding her head up already!

hope nobody's pipes burst in the thaw
hi we registered caleb last friday so sent of cb off today, luckily sorted out child tax a couple of weeks ago and only took 2 fridays and it was in last friday so that was a relief as steve is switching jobs so evry bit of money counts.
Is every one working or staying at home. Im at home at moment and then i think in 6 moths i will go part time cos luckily steve will be working nights so i can get something in day so when i do get pregnant again i can get maternity pay.
Caleb gets weighed 2moro see how much he had put on this time. he is slowly filling his clothes but still everything is too long in legs.
Does anyone use a sleep pod ( i think thats what there called)? im thinking of getting one as caleb kicks off sheet in night and wondering if anyone uses them x
We use a sleeping bag

We registered Emilie when she was a week old the CB was alot quicker than I thought it would be
I registered Ava at a week aswell, just when i got out the hospital lol. I sent of for CB just after that.. i cant apply for child tax credits yet without the CB number..

Im at home with Ava, :D

I have sleeping bags but shes not in them just yet.. maybe start next week
I've been following Molly's lead for this past month and she's awake all night feeding and sleeping all day. It's fine but I'm getting about 3 hours of broken sleep and it's during the day. The idea was just to encourage her to be more wakeful in the day and less in the night. Feeding every four hours sounds like a dream, I'm lucky if I get 2 hours. I get 5 minutes to shower every three days. I ming!

I didn't like waking her so we'll just have to carry on as we were.
:hugs: Femme hopefully your LO will settle into day and night soon :( know what you mean bout baths/showers etc I either have to get my mum to watch Matthew in case he wakes up or stick my head over the shower and wash my hair really quickly lol Im paranoid id just get in the bath etc or be shampooing and he'd wake and cry and id end up with shampoo running down my face or catching my death from tending to him with just a towel on soaking wet lol

I reckon Matthew will be near 11 pound tomorrow as well :haha: He was 9pound10 last Monday!! And 53cm long lol just fitting into his newborn clothes still though i have started putting a few 0-3month outfits on with legs and arms rolled up a bit lol
Rough night. Waking Molly was a baaaaad idea, ahaha. She's already the boss it looks like. Waking her when she's tired means she wont feed properly, so gulps air and then gets a belly full of wind which she refuses to burp up... resulting in one hell of a 24h screamathon.

New plan... Molly knows best :rofl:

They're piling on the weight these babies, eh? 11lb sounds so big! I keep thinking what a chub Molly is and she was 8lb9oz at her last weigh in. But she's gained 2lb since birth so, it's big for her! She's very long too... 52.5cm so nearly out of newborn stuff... but 0-3 is baggy on her body! :dohh:
Leanne, Sorry you had a rough night, I hope things are better soon :hugs::hugs:
Well after an settled day...lots of time awake which was nice but lots of time grizzling as he was tired a couple of massive spit ups - unusual for Dewi - a strange lack of poo (its usually a little poop after every feed) he managed to sleep in his carrycot all night!!

I fed him sometime around 11:15...took him up put him down, fed again around 3am did the same and then he woke around 6...just in time to wake Daddy for work!!

He did have a cwtch in bed with me then but that was my choice!
Matthew was well behaved last night lol went out for dinner and he was awake the whole time but as good as gold though i did have to eat with one hand to keep him happy :haha: though it meant when we got home he didnt want to go to sleep! Got him settled around 1ish then up again at 4am then 8.40am and then has tortured me since :haha:

Snows completely gone here though the wind thats howling outside is horrible and giving me the chills lol :( Gonna need to wrap up well warm when leave in just over an hour for baby clinic....wonder how much he'll weigh?? lol
oh no just looked back on the posts purple called Ambersmummy Leanne .. :blush: Cant beleive I got names mixed up :wacko: so you are Leanne? :blush:

Snow is still on the ground here or shall I say Ice
Ahaha, there are lots of us eh? I did wonder... :D

Snow still here too. Away into town for a wander though... braving it!
Lol correct name guess i take it?

:yipee: our snow is melting! i can see GREEN! wooooo

Last night Ava went to bed 11.30/12 till 9am but had a cheeky sneaky little feed at 3.30am! then we kinda chilled in bed till 11.. haha, all showered and dressed now, my friends coming down tonight shes not been able to get here from weather and her cold so shes never met ava yet! :D
I feel guilty staying in bed with her till lunchtime but then i think, shes sleeping anyway why dont i.. she would just sleep in the pram downstairs anyways.. and it wont be long before shes up and awake and ill HAVE to get up at 7/8/9 am.. i should make the most of it eh.

I feel like shes still tiny, i put her in some newborn dungarees today and they fit perfect but then the newborn t-shirt is massive, i think its her length that makes the sleepsuits look snug, :wacko:

How much did mattew weigh then lullaby??
Arrrgggghhh why wont Dewi go off to sleep??!! I have things to do and he's being a fusspot today he wont just sit in his bouncer, lie down and be contect today he wants holding.

If my scar didnt sting like crazy today I would pop him in the baby carrier and try to do some housework but I cant.


I am getting so frustrated at not being able to do the simplest of things easily, I was frustrated for a couple weeks before I had Dewi at my inability to do stuff as i was all bump and its almost as bad now I just weigh less.

I guess cabin fever is setting in well and good, I've been stuck in tis house for too long wihtout anyone to speak to while Hubby is out - Dewi isnt so good for adult conversation lol...bloody snow is making it even worse for visitors.

I say even worse because my so called friends are fecking useless, the ones who despite a years notice couldn't be bothered to come to my wedding - they can never be arsed to do anything.

I'm sick of crying too, it was non stop for days after Dewi was dragged out of me as I tried to comes to terms with the trauma and all the pain and having to stop BF'ing and now its just sheer frustration that since our parents left i had 1 couple pop into the birthing centre to say hello and a half hour visit from a work colleague. I'm so sick of not interacting with anyone all day every day...I'm a teacher I'm used to a lot more stuff going on around me with people!!

There ids alot of us glad I called you by the right name though :haha:

Charlie, Im sorry Dewi is being a fusspot, Im sorry your so furstraed I was the exact same I hate sitting around :blush: & after the section made that furstration worse especially since you cant move or do much :hugs::hugs:

Purple, Dont feel bad about staying in bed why not eh? :flower: Thats great that your friend is coming have fun :D

Im off to get Emilie weighed in a minute so will update when we get back :D
Aw, it's baby clinic day here too but... She was weighed on Friday and she's having a content and settled day so I can't justify my nosiness :p I'll pop into the baby centre soon to sign up for baby massage classes and mum and baby swim classes! So excited about these, they have a hydrotherapy pool and it's all free :D Molly likes the water so, hopefully, she wont scream the place down!

I'd definitely stay in bed, PD... enjoy it while you can! Sounds like a dream!

Chuck, I can't even imagine how frustrating recovering from a C-section is. I was out 7 days after she was born but it would have been sooner if we hadn't been kept in hospital. I was full of energy and good to go by the next day! It'll get better, but your friends clearly aren't worth being upset over. Most people who haven't any children are a bit too selfish to even imagine what it must be like. I remember being the same.

Curious to see how much weight these LOs have put on! Hurry back before I go out :lol:

on my phone so cant read comment on all hopefully get on later. my name is leanne. weve still got plenty snow more due tomorrow. purple another good night. cant remember who put dancin thingy for hollie puttin on weigh but thank u. i dunno of she may be teething got red rashy cheeks like amber did, increase pf drool, random cries screams. did think she may had colic or acid relfux last monday so now even more confused what to do and try next. been giving her colic drops buy wprkin in some ways not others. got griping water but has got be month old.
2 Leannes eh?

Ambersmummy, I have no idea what to suggest :wacko:

Emilie went from 11Ibs 8oz to 12Ibs 2oz

I have my 6 week check up Monday not sure what goes on at it?

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