Heeeyyyyy!!! :wave: Im back again lol =]
Completly moved into our flat so will have to get pictures on to show all the decorating off when I get sorted a bit more

Im really proud of our own little home!
Gosh read through the last couple of pages so trying to get on topic lol
Matthew is now crawling everywhere and anywhere, he follows me everywhere like a little sheep

Chuck think it was you lol matthew went through a while of being scared of the hoover but now chases it around the flat and turns it off on me

perfect game for before bed to tire him out some nights lol. The best bit about not living with my mum and brothers is that Matthew is completly settled into his routine now with a proper bedtime at 8pm every night and proper naps two or sometimes 3 every day and it's such a relief lol. And we're now completly BLW no puree's or spoonfeeds it's working so much better for us and Im really enjoying cooking for both of us lol
He's got 4 teeth (two top two bottom) and another 4 (either side on top and bottom) quickly following

He's suffering a bit with nappy rash atm everytime I get it cleared it's back again a couple of days later

This week his communication has really impressed me. He says mama, nana, baba, hiya and babbles etc already and has learnt how to say yummy and mmmmmmmm and licks his lips when he's eating and if I say "ohhhh is your dinner yummy?" he nods his head and says uh hu and if I ask him "all done?" he either nod's and says uh hu or he yells no really loud and laughs at me. He just has such a little cheeky impish personality! He's also started to slowly move holding onto furniute

and will hold a finger of mine in each hand and walk about and im also loving how much easier it is to dress him with him standing himself for me to pull up trousers and pull jumpers/tops over his head etc
Ohhhh love that we're talking christmas!! lol I've already got Matthew a trike for his 1st birthday (i bought it really cheap in the sales lol) and a few other toys for christmas but there are soooo many things to choose from! Im going to hold out and see with the car seat and am thinking of asking my mum to buy him his next stage car seat for christmas because I think we'll easily get to christmas in his rear facing one.
I hope everyone's ok and has been ok the past month or so lol!!
Oh and I start back to work sunday week :sad: not looking forward to it but at the same time I kind of am lol
EDIT- apology's for the poor english grammer and spelling and "all over the place ness" of my post im shattered!lol