*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Dewi sounds a bit like Jake was. He seems to be over it now but just wanting so much milk in the night it's untrue.

He's also decided that he's a daddy's boy, understandable given I was away for a while, but not ideal.
Hopefully he'll decide he likes me again after holidays when I can spend more time with him.

I feel your pain SL, Jake climbs the one step that isn't on the baby gate as well as the fire guard and who knows what else. We've been baby proofed for a while because he's been opening cupboards for a few months.
Long time no speak!!!! Chuck I heard your PG!!! Massive congratulations. I am TTC and just got BFN on cycle 2. Next month I'm just doing the deed loads snd not using OPK!! Hope all the babies are well xx
Hey Nicola, great to see you :flower: How are you? How is Noah?

I hope this cycle is yours :hugs:


How is everyone?
Hi Lorna :wave: I am good thanks! Just renovating my new house so really busy at the moment.
Noah is great, he is commando crawling now, but sadly still waking once in the night!!
How is Emilie? xx
Nicola, Im glad your good :happydance: on the new house have you moved in yet or are you waiting until the renovating is done? Noah sounds like he is doing great :happydance: on commando crawling, sorry He is still waking in the night though :hugs:

Emilie is doing good thanks :flower:
yoohoo Nic!! Yeah I'm 8 weeks (we think) got a date for my first scan October 26th so will find out whats what then.

Not public knowledge yet though..waiting till the scan.

Dewi finally cut a tooth on Friday!!!! No wonder he's been so off recently not just a virus but teething too.
Charlie, :happydance: on Dewi getting a tooth, How are you feeling? Not long until your scan than how exciting :flower:
yeah getting excited but still not quite believing it just trying not to get too excited just incase.

Still getting a bit of nausea but not too bad.
Charlie, Im sure all is fine but I know what you mean :hugs:


How is everyone?

Emilie had her 9 month check today even though shes 10 months which went well
What is this 9 month check? Is the HV supposed to visit again?

I havent heard form mine since Dewi was tiny!

I'm in a huff as my booking appt got cancelled this week and no one has called to rearrange it yet...boo.

Although I didn manage to get a Summer Infant Snuggle Nest for the bean when it arrives - car boot but brand new £4!!! Even better my mate bought it for us! teehee bargain.
Charlie, we got a letter through about the check we went to the HV, tbh theres not alot to it she weighed/measured Emilie than handed her a few bits like a building block ect to see if she passed it between hands, asked us a few questions about her development & asked us if we had any concerns ect

Sorry your appointment was cancelled I hope you get to rearrange it soon :hugs:

Sounds like you got a bargain :D How are you doing?


How is everyone? its pretty quiet here lately
We don't seem to have a 9 month check - had a 7 month one though, wonder if it's different in different areas....

Back from holiday now, think Jake enjoyed it. Would def recommend Thomson family extra hotels, they are ideal for kids and babies, so much to do.
Jaydee, Maybe it is different in each area

Im glad you all had fun

How are you doing? How is Jake?
:wave: Sorry I keep forgetting to pop in here to post lol

Chuck - hope you get another appointment through for your booking in! And :wohoo: on the £4 bargain!

We don't seem to have any other appointments with the HV til he's 12months personally my HV is a complete waste of space I took Matthew at 8 months and she weighed him and literally shoved us out the door! I don't like her :rofl:

All's well here Matthew had tonsilitus there and took an allergic reaction to penicillon but luckily not a severe one or anything and he's all better now and eating a wee bit better (he had literally stopped eating for ages and ages there!)

Hoe is everyone?
Sweetlullaby, Aw poor Matthew Im glad he is all better sorry he had a reaction to the Penicillin :hugs::hugs:

How are you doing?
Hows Matthew doing now hun? Hope he's getting better?

Our car has died a death this week and it may cost anywhere between £18 and £1000 to fix it just got to wait on a part and see if that fixes it if not the whole brake system needs doing ergh.

So there has been muchos walking around this week picking Dewi up from Nursery hence why I havent been around just been far too busy.

One thing I have learnt is that carrying a 10 month old in a front carry close parent carrier is HEAVY!!!!
Poor Matthew, how he gets better soon.

Chuck - think you need to introduce Dewi to the wonders of a buggy again, I can't quite see how a carrier and a bump are going to work together! Is there somewhere at nursery you could leave the buggy? Hope your car only costs £18 to fix not £1000.

Hi Lorna, we're alright thanks. Jake seems to have got over his jet lag (not sure that's what you call it when there is only an hour time different but...) and is sleeping better, only waking once now for a bottle. We did get him some Hipp bedtime milk though, it's got cereal in it so they feel full longer, it's almost impossible to get out of the teat because it's so thick, that boy must have a strong suck lol.

Hope you are all well x
Charlie, Did you get your booking appointment rearranged? I hope your car doesnt cost 1000 to fix :wacko::hugs:

Jaydee, I have a sachet of that hipp stuff in the cupbaord never tried it though does Jake like it? Im glad your both doing ok :flower:


How is everyone?

I cant beleive in a few months our Lo's are going to be 1 :wacko:
well another garage said they could try something that'd be £20 but it didnt work so we need to change the servo on the brakes so still £££££, will have to wait until tomorrow though to find out. Joy.

We usually leave a stroller a tthe nursery (we wont leave the icandy in the shed at the nursery that doesnt get locked lol) but we werent planning on picking him up on foot so there was no stroller so I had to carry him - I used to carry him lots when he was smell but havent in a long while and no I wont be doing it as the bump grows lol....but it'll be great for the lo when he/she arrives!

Still havent got a booking appt rearranged yet...need to call maternity liason but they close at 3:30pm and I always forget until the end of the day and then it's too late!
Amber meant to have a 9 month check up but they changed it too 11month. I moved in this space of time so she never had one till 14 months.
Then when i moved they did another at new docs at 18months but im sure meant have 1 then, anyways. Then her next was just over 2.

Holllie not getting any letter for any so god knows here. Ive not heard from HV since week 2.
Cant believe shes 1 in 8 weeks, right upsetting in a way because i'll never have a baby again, knowing i wont makes me want another but i so dont want another deep down. Arghh lol.

How is everyone? Ive barely been on here lately.
Im proper stressing in regards to finding a house to buy, we've told should go for one with best school near, which is fair enough. Then thats like most expensive. We could get a cheaper yet larger house but schools are not as good rating.. i havent a clue what to do. Miss out on the good deals, also with market gone down too & wait for new developments to come up, meaning more time spent in rent. Or go with a deal we could get earlier next year.

How is every's LO's? (well probably big now) Anyone preg again?

Hollies alright, still a terrible sleeper. Cant believe how much that has changed. She got 4 teeth. No idea how much she weighs. Says mama & dada some other things. Shes walking too.

Im getting mega stressed with amber & potty trainig.

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